Contact The Mount Sinai Hospital
Thank you for your interest in The Mount Sinai Hospital. Specific inquiries can be directed to the numbers below. All other inquiries and general questions can be directed to our main switchboard at 212-241-6500 or 212-590-3300.
Patient Care
- Main Number: 212-241-6500 or 212-590-3300
- Admissions: 212-241-1900
- Emergency Department: 212-241-6639
- International Patients: 212-241-1100
- Language Assistance Program: 212-241-2700
- Mount Sinai Pharmacy on Madison: 212-659-6702
- Pain Management Clinic: 212-241-6372
- Patient Representatives: 212-659-8990
- Patient Rooms: 212-241-6500
- Physician Referral: 800-TO-SINAI (800-867-4624)
- Private Duty Nursing: 212-241-7383
- Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program: 212-423-2140
- Sign Language Interpreters and Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD): 212-241-2700
- Social Services: 212-241-6800
- Spiritual Care: 212-241-7262
- Surgical Patient Registration and Family Waiting Area: 212-241-7778
Business Offices
- Billing: 212-731-3100
- Community Relations: 212-731-7888
- Development Office: 212-659-8500
- Financial Screening: 212-731-3600
- Medical Records: 212-241-7601
- Press Office: 212-241-9200
- Volunteer Services: 212-241-0478