Research Volunteer Programs
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mount Sinai Research Volunteer. Due to program limitations, we are only able to accept applications from people who already have assignments with a Principal Investigator (PI) at this time. If you have not already secured a placement in a laboratory or as part of a clinical research team, then we are unable to process your application.
Once you have a confirmed placement, please have your PI/Supervisor contact us via VolunteerDept@mountsinai.org to inquire about submitting a request for you to volunteer.
Basic Science Laboratory Research
Students have the opportunity to assist the professional research staff. Training and supervision is provided.
Basic science volunteers at Mount Sinai assist laboratory staff with carrying out research techniques. Clinical research volunteers assist the research staff with a variety of tasks, including data entry and collection and compiling study documents. Both are exceptional year-round opportunities for students interested in exploring a career in science or medicine.
High School Students
Hours will vary depending on researcher’s needs
College Students
- Minimum hours: 15 hours per week for 4 consecutive months during the academic year
- Minimum age: 15 for computer-based research; 16 for wet lab research
- Times to Volunteer: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm; or at the discretion of the supervising researcher
Clinical Research
Clinical research volunteers assist with clinical research projects in a variety of ways, including confirming and scheduling appointments; data collection, entry, and analysis; and compiling and submitting essential documents in accordance with institutional guidelines. 16 and 17 year olds may only assist with data entry. Training and supervision provided.
- Minimum age: 16
- Minimum hours: 15 hours per week for four months during the academic year
- Times to volunteer: Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm