Inpatient Services
Our inpatient team includes geriatricians (medical doctors who specialize in the care of older adults), internal or family medicine physicians receiving additional training in the care of older adults, geriatrics nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and social workers.
We provide state-of-the-art care during your hospitalization to ensure that your medical needs are met and that you avoid the hazards of hospitalization itself such as muscle weakness due to lack of exercise or confusion due to disorientation or isolation. Our team also offers expanded discharge planning services, social support for your family, and, assistance with advance care planning.
Our educational outreach efforts to medical students, physicians in training, nursing staff and other team members ensure that the principles of geriatric care expand beyond our existing care teams.
An interdisciplinary team consisting of an attending geriatrician, geriatrics fellow, nurse coordinator, pharmacist, and social worker helps elderly patients while they are hospitalized. This team maintains close contact with their doctors, ensuring safe, seamless continuity of care from hospital to home. The team also offers expanded discharge planning services, social support for patients' families, and, when appropriate, end-of-life planning.
We aim to maintain and maximize the functional capacity of the patient during their course of hospitalization as well as to discharge the patient to their previous living arrangement, if possible. In addition, our team trains medical students, residents, and fellows in geriatric medicine. We also conduct monthly orientation and education sessions for residents and clinical fellows along with ongoing education for nursing staff and other interdisciplinary team members on topics related to the acute care of the elderly.