Frequently Asked Questions

Will my parents find out if I go to the clinic?

We respect your privacy. We provide confidential care to young people in accordance with best practice standards of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine and American Academy of Pediatrics. We also encourage our patients to involve a trusted adult in their healthcare whenever possible.

What is the cost?

All of our health education, mental health, and family planning services are available at no cost to you. We accept Medicaid and most other insurance plans. If you don’t have insurance, you can still receive care at the AHC and our Health Care Access Program will assist you in getting coverage. Please bring your insurance card with you to your appointment.

Why do adolescents need their own clinic?

The adolescent and young adult years represent a crucial, but sometimes difficult, phase of life. Young people face unique physical, emotional and social challenges as they grow into adulthood. We know that investing in young people as they grow can lead to lifelong positive health outcomes. 

The Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center bridges the gap between healthcare needs and delivery for young people. In addition to serving this important and diverse community through outreach, prevention, and intervention, the MSAHC aims to be a national leader in education, research, and advocacy on behalf adolescent and young adult health.