Serving Teens in the Community and Beyond

The Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center is based in New York City’s East Harlem community and supports a diverse population of at-risk children, adolescents, and young adults. In a typical year, we serve more than 12,000 patients, who log more than 50,000 visits. In addition to the kids from the neighboring community, others from throughout the five boroughs travel for up to five hours, round trip, to benefit from the MSAHC's welcoming environment, trust-inspiring staff, and free services.

What we do

We deliver high-quality, comprehensive health care services and wellness and prevention education tailored to the needs of young people and at no cost to our patients. Our expert health care providers and support staff always are mindful of and sensitive to your need for privacy and confidentiality.

MSAHC makes these specialty services available at no cost:

Special Programs

Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center’s Health Squad mobile application, for both Android and Apple devices, lets you stay connected—ask questions, get advice and receive appointment reminders at the Center, or create your own medication or other health care related reminders.

Our youth health education program, S.P.E.E.K., offers participants an opportunity to become peer educators with the goal of empowering other young people to make healthy and informed life choices.

Adolescence is a time of transition that can be filled with questions and challenges. At Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, teens have access to an expert interdisciplinary team to help them deal with issues that may arise during this period of change. Our health and support services are covered by a range of custom programs for substance abuse,  LGBTQ health and supportdomestic violence prevention and treatment and pregnancy and prevention.

Even more specialized help if you need it: