Nutrition and Wellness Services
Weight Management
We designed our weight management services to address the rising incidence of obesity—a condition that can lead to more serious conditions—in children, teens and young adults. Our goal is to provide young people with the right tools and nutritional information that will allow them to take an active role in managing their health—for today and in the future.
Each young person receives services designed specifically for their own individual needs that includes a complete physical exam and health evaluation; meeting with a registered dietician; goal setting; ongoing health care, nutritional education and supportive counseling.
Eating Disorders
We provide medical, nutritional, and mental health assessment and treatment for those adolescents with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, female athlete triad, binge eating disorder and other types of disordered eating patterns. Our team includes physicians who are adolescent medicine specialists, a registered dietitian, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists.
Each young person is provided:
- A comprehensive medical evaluation (including physical exam and laboratory tests)
- Ongoing medical care by an adolescent medicine specialist
- A nutritional assessment and meal planning
- Individual and group dietary counseling and nutrition education offered by a registered dietitian
- An evaluation of emotional wellbeing and mental health and ongoing help