Pediatrics addresses the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents, typically up to age 16 or 18. Children are not ‘little adults’ but have particular health needs because of their anatomical, physiological, developmental, and psychological makeup. Pediatricians often treat the whole family, not just the patient.
Diseases & Conditions
Aarskog syndrome
Aarskog syndrome is a very rare disease that affects a person's height, muscles, skeleton, genitals, and appearance. It can be passed down through families (inherited).
Diseases & Conditions
Aase syndrome
Aase syndrome is a rare disorder that involves anemia and certain joint and skeletal deformities. anemia
Diseases & Conditions
Absence seizure
An absence seizure is the term for a type of seizure involving staring spells. This type of seizure is a brief (usually less than 15 seconds) change in awareness due to abnormal electrical activity in the...
Diseases & Conditions
Absent pulmonary valve
Absent pulmonary valve is a rare defect in which the pulmonary valve is either missing or poorly formed. Oxygen-poor blood flows through this valve from the heart to the lungs, where it picks up fresh oxygen...
Diseases & Conditions
Achondrogenesis is a rare type of growth hormone deficiency in which there is a defect in the development of bone and cartilage. growth hormone deficiency
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Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth that causes the most common type of dwarfism.
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Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or "zits. " Whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches of skin (such as cysts) may develop.
Diseases & Conditions
Acquired platelet function defect
Acquired platelet function defects are conditions that prevent clotting elements in the blood called platelets from working as they should. The term acquired means these conditions are not present at birth...
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Acrodysostosis is an extremely rare disorder that is present at birth (congenital). It leads to problems with the bones of the hands, feet, and nose, and intellectual disability.
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Acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is swelling and inflamed tissue in the bronchi, the main passages that carry air to the lungs. This swelling narrows the airways, which makes it harder to breathe. Other symptoms of bronchitis...
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Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) describes several closely related disorders that disrupt the breakdown of certain fats. These disorders are often passed down (inherited) in families.
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Agammaglobulinemia is an inherited disorder in which a person has very low levels of protective immune system proteins called immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins are a type of antibody. Low levels of these...
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Aicardi syndrome
Aicardi syndrome is a rare disorder. In this condition, the structure that connects the two sides of the brain (called the corpus callosum) is partly or completely missing. Nearly all known cases occur...
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Albinism is a lack of melanin production. Melanin is a natural substance in the body that gives color to your hair, skin, and iris of the eye.
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Alkaptonuria is a rare condition in which a person's urine turns a dark brownish-black color when exposed to air. Alkaptonuria is part of a group of conditions known as an inborn error of metabolism.
Diseases & Conditions
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a diagnosis associated with a group of symptoms affecting the nose. These symptoms occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, animal dander, or pollen. Symptoms...
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An allergy is an immune response or reaction to substances that are usually not harmful. immune response
Diseases & Conditions
Alstrom syndrome
Alström syndrome is a very rare disease. It is passed down through families (inherited). This disease can lead to blindness, deafness, diabetes, and obesity. blindness deafness diabetes obesity
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Amblyopia is the loss of the ability to see clearly through one eye. It is also called "lazy eye. " It is the most common cause of vision problems in children.
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Amebiasis is an infection of the intestines. It is caused by the microscopic parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Entamoeba histolytica
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Amelogenesis imperfecta
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a tooth development disorder. It causes the tooth enamel to be thin and abnormally formed. Enamel is the outer layer of the visible crown portion of the teeth.
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Amniotic band sequence
Amniotic band sequence (ABS) is a group of rare birth defects that are thought to occur when strands of the amniotic sac detach and wrap around parts of the baby in the womb. The defects may affect the...
Diseases & Conditions
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is when a person who has one X and one Y chromosome (typically seen in males) is resistant to hormones that produce a male appearance (called androgens). As a result...
Diseases & Conditions
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. Different types of anemia include: Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiencyAnemia...
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Anemia caused by low iron - children
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types of anemia. Anemia Iron helps make red blood cells...
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Anencephaly is the absence of a large part of the brain and the skull.
Diseases & Conditions
Angelman syndrome
Angelman syndrome (AS) is a genetic condition that causes problems with the way a child's body and brain develop. The syndrome is present from birth (congenital). However, it often isn't diagnosed until...
Diseases & Conditions
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a heart defect. The left coronary artery (LCA), which carries blood to the heart muscle, begins from the pulmonary artery instead of...
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Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes people to weigh less than is considered healthy for their age and height, usually by excessive weight loss. People with this disorder may have an intense fear...
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Anterior knee pain
Anterior knee pain is pain that occurs at the front and center of the knee. It can be caused by many different problems, including: Chondromalacia of the patella -- the softening and breakdown of the tissue...
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Aortopulmonary window
Aortopulmonary window is a rare heart defect in which there is a hole connecting the major artery taking blood from the heart to the body (the aorta) and the one taking blood from the heart to the lungs...
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Apert syndrome
Apert syndrome is a genetic disease in which the seams between the skull bones close earlier than normal. This affects the shape of the head and face. Children with Apert syndrome often have deformities...
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Apnea of prematurity
Apnea means "without breath" and refers to breathing that slows down or stops from any cause. Apnea of prematurity refers to breathing pauses in babies who were born before 37 weeks of pregnancy (premature...
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An arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rate (pulse) or heart rhythm. The heart can beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. heart rate An arrhythmia can be harmless, a sign...
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Ascariasis is an infection with the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Ascaris lumbricoides
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Asthma in children
Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to swell and get narrow. It leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma
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Ataxia - telangiectasia
Ataxia-telangiectasia is a rare childhood disease. It affects the brain and other parts of the body. Ataxia refers to uncoordinated movements, such as walking. Telangiectasias are enlarged blood vessels...
Diseases & Conditions
Athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by fungus. The medical term is tinea pedis or ringworm of the foot.
Diseases & Conditions
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a long-term (chronic) skin disorder that involves scaly and itchy rashes. It is a type of eczema. Other forms of eczema include: Contact dermatitisDyshidrotic eczemaNummular eczemaSeborrheic...
Diseases & Conditions
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a heart defect that is present at birth (congenital). As a baby develops in the womb, a wall (septum) forms that divides the upper chamber into a left and right atrium. When...
Diseases & Conditions
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a problem caused by the presence of one or more of these findings: Not being able to focusBeing overactiveNot being able to control behavior Not being...
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Autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder. It often appears in the first 2 to 3 years of life. ASD affects the brain's ability to develop normal social and communication skills.
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Autism spectrum disorder - Asperger syndrome
Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness. Asperger syndrome is a part of the larger developmental...
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Autism spectrum disorder - childhood disintegrative disorder
Childhood disintegrative disorder is a condition in which children develop normally through about age 3. Then, over a few months, they lose language, motor, social, and other skills that they already learned...
Diseases & Conditions
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome is a rare disease passed down through families. The person is unable to fully absorb dietary fats through their intestines.
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Becker muscular dystrophy
Becker muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder that involves slowly worsening muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis. muscle weakness
Diseases & Conditions
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a growth disorder that causes large body size, large organs, and other symptoms. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present at birth. The signs and symptoms of...
Diseases & Conditions
A bezoar is a ball of swallowed foreign material most often composed of hair or fiber. It collects in the stomach and fails to pass through the intestines.
Diseases & Conditions
Bicuspid aortic valve
A bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is an aortic valve that only has two leaflets, instead of three. The aortic valve regulates blood flow from the heart into the aorta. The aorta is the major blood vessel that...
Diseases & Conditions
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure is a type of seizure that involves the entire body. It is also called grand mal seizure. The terms generalized seizure, convulsion, or epilepsy are most often associated with...
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Biliary atresia
Biliary atresia is a blockage in the tubes (ducts) that carry a liquid called bile from the liver to the gallbladder.
Diseases & Conditions
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Bilirubin encephalopathy is a rare neurological condition that occurs in some newborns with severe jaundice. newborns with severe jaundice
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Bleeding disorders
Bleeding disorders are a group of conditions in which there is a problem with the body's blood clotting process. These disorders can lead to heavy and prolonged bleeding after an injury or surgery. Bleeding...
Diseases & Conditions
Blood clots
Blood clots are clumps that occur when blood hardens from a liquid to a solid. A blood clot that forms inside one of your veins or arteries is called a thrombus. A thrombus may also form in your heart....
Diseases & Conditions
Blount disease
Blount disease is a growth disorder of the shin bone (tibia) in which the lower leg turns inward, making it look like a bowleg.
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Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. The bacteria may enter the body through wounds or by eating improperly canned or preserved food. Clostridium botulinum
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Bowlegs is a condition in which the knees stay wide apart when a person stands with the feet and ankles together. It is considered normal in children under 18 months.
Diseases & Conditions
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
The brachial plexus is a group of nerves around the shoulder. A loss of movement or weakness of the arm may occur if these nerves are damaged. This injury is called neonatal brachial plexus palsy (NBPP...
Diseases & Conditions
Brain tumor - children
A brain tumor is a group (mass) of abnormal cells that grow in the brain. This article focuses on primary brain tumors in children.
Diseases & Conditions
Branchial cleft cyst
A branchial cleft cyst is a birth defect. It is caused when fluid fills a space, or sinus, left in the neck when a baby develops in the womb. After the baby is born, it appears as a lump in the neck or...
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Breath-holding spell
Some children have breath-holding spells. This is an involuntary stop in breathing that is not in the child's control.
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Brief resolved unexplained event - BRUE
A brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE) is when an infant younger than one year stops breathing, has a change in muscle tone, turns pale or blue in color, or is unresponsive. The event occurs suddenly...
Diseases & Conditions
Bronchiolitis is swelling and mucus buildup in the smallest air passages in the lungs (bronchioles). It is usually due to a viral infection.
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Bruxism is when you grind your teeth (slide your teeth back and forth over each other).
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Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person has regular episodes of eating a very large amount of food (bingeing) during which the person feels a loss of control over their eating. The person then uses...
Diseases & Conditions
Canavan disease
Canavan disease is a condition that affects how the body breaks down and uses aspartic acid. aspartic acid
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Canker sore
A canker sore is a painful, open sore in the mouth. Canker sores are white or yellow and surrounded by a bright red area. They are not cancerous. A canker sore is not the same as a fever blister (cold sore...
Diseases & Conditions
Caput succedaneum
Caput succedaneum is swelling of the scalp in a newborn. It is most often brought on by pressure from the uterus or vaginal wall during a head-first (vertex) delivery. swelling
Diseases & Conditions
Celiac disease – sprue
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that damages the lining of the small intestine. This damage comes from a reaction to eating gluten. This is a substance that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and...
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Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that involve the brain. This affects nervous system functions, such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. There are several different types of...
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A chalazion is a small bump in the eyelid caused by a blockage of a tiny oil gland.
Diseases & Conditions
Charley horse
A charley horse is the common name for a muscle spasm or cramp. Muscle spasms can occur in any muscle in the body, but often happen in the leg. When a muscle is in spasm, it contracts without your control...
Diseases & Conditions
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare disease of the immune and nervous systems. It involves pale-colored hair, eyes, and skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Chickenpox is a viral infection in which a person develops very itchy blisters all over the body. It was more common in the past. The illness is rare today because of the chickenpox vaccine. chickenpox...
Diseases & Conditions
Chiggers are tiny, 6-legged wingless organisms (larvae) that mature to become a type of mite. Chiggers are found in tall grass and weeds. Their bite causes severe itching.
Diseases & Conditions
Child neglect and emotional abuse
Neglect and emotional abuse can cause a child a lot of harm. It is often hard to see or prove this kind of abuse, so other people are less likely to help the child. When a child is being physically or sexually...
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Child physical abuse
Child physical abuse is a serious problem. Here are some facts: Most children are abused at home or by someone they know. They often love this person, or are afraid of them, so they do not tell anyone....
Diseases & Conditions
Cleft lip and palate
Cleft lip and palate are birth defects that affect the upper lip and the roof of the mouth.
Diseases & Conditions
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Cleidocranial dysostosis is a disorder involving the abnormal development of bones in the skull and collar (clavicle) area.
Diseases & Conditions
Clubfoot is a condition that involves both the foot and lower leg in which the foot turns inward and downward. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present at birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Common cold
The common cold most often causes a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, cough, headache, or other symptoms.
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Conduct disorder
Conduct disorder is a set of ongoing emotional and behavioral problems that occurs in children and teens. Problems may involve defiant or impulsive behavior, drug use, or criminal activity.
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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is the name given to a group of inherited disorders of the adrenal gland. Inherited means the traits are passed down from parent to child. adrenal gland
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Congenital cytomegalovirus
Congenital cytomegalovirus is a condition that can occur when an infant is infected with a virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) before birth. Congenital means the condition is present at birth.
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Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a problem with the heart's structure and function that is present at birth.
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Congenital platelet function defects
Congenital platelet function defects are conditions that prevent clotting elements in the blood, called platelets, from working as they should. Platelets help the blood clot. Congenital means present from...
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Congenital rubella
Congenital rubella is a condition that occurs in an infant whose mother is infected with the virus that causes German measles. Congenital means the condition is present at birth.
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Congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis is a severe, disabling, and often life-threatening infection seen in infants whose mothers were infected with syphilis and not fully treated. The infection can pass through the placenta...
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Congenital toxoplasmosis
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a group of symptoms that occur when an unborn baby (fetus) is infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii
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Conjunctivitis or pink eye
The conjunctiva is a clear layer of tissue lining the eyelids and covering the white of the eye. Conjunctivitis occurs when the conjunctiva becomes swollen or inflamed. conjunctiva This swelling can be...
Diseases & Conditions
Corneal injury
Corneal injury is a wound to the part of the eye known as the cornea. The cornea is the crystal clear (transparent) tissue that covers the front of the eye. It works with the lens of the eye to focus images...
Diseases & Conditions
Corneal ulcers and infections
The cornea is the clear tissue at the front of the eye. A corneal ulcer is an open sore in the outer layer of the cornea. It is often caused by infection. At first, a corneal ulcer may seem like conjunctivitis...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronary artery fistula
Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal connection between one of the coronary arteries and a heart chamber or another blood vessel. The coronary arteries are blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses. Infection with these viruses generally causes mild to moderate respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. Some coronaviruses cause severe illness that can lead...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that causes fever, coughing, and shortness of breath, but many other symptoms can occur. COVID-19 is caused by a highly infectious virus. Most...
Diseases & Conditions
Cradle cap
Cradle cap is seborrheic dermatitis that affects the scalp of infants. seborrheic dermatitis
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A craniopharyngioma is a noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops at the base of the brain near the pituitary gland. tumor
Diseases & Conditions
Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which one or more sutures on a baby's head closes earlier than usual. The skull of an infant or young child is made up of bony plates that are still growing. The borders...
Diseases & Conditions
Craniotabes is a softening of the skull bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Creeping eruption
Creeping eruption is a human infection with dog or cat hookworm larvae (immature worms). hookworm
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Cri du chat syndrome
Cri du chat syndrome is a group of symptoms that result from missing a piece of chromosome number 5. The syndrome's name is based on the infant's cry, which is high-pitched and sounds like a cat. chromosome
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Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a very rare inherited disorder in which bilirubin cannot be broken down. Bilirubin is a substance made by the liver.
Diseases & Conditions
Crohn disease
Crohn disease is a disease where parts of the digestive tract become inflamed. It most often involves the lower end of the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine.It may also occur in any...
Diseases & Conditions
Croup is an infection of the upper airways that causes breathing difficulty and a barking cough. Croup is due to swelling around the vocal cords. It is common in infants and children. breathing difficulty
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Cyanotic heart disease
Cyanotic heart disease refers to a group of many different heart defects that are present at birth (congenital). They result in a low blood oxygen level. Cyanosis refers to a bluish color of the skin and...
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Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young...
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Cysticercosis is an infection by a parasite called Taenia solium (T solium). It is a pork tapeworm that creates cysts in different areas of the body. Taenia solium T solium cysts
Diseases & Conditions
Dehydration occurs when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it needs. Dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on how much of your body's fluid is lost or not replaced. Severe...
Diseases & Conditions
Delayed puberty in boys
Delayed puberty in boys is when puberty does not begin by 14 years of age.
When puberty is delayed, these changes either don't occur or don't progress normally. Delayed puberty is more common in boys than...
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Delayed puberty in girls
Delayed puberty in girls occurs when breasts don't develop by age 13 or menstrual periods do not begin by age 16. Puberty changes occur when the body starts making sex hormones. These changes normally begin...
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental coordination disorder
Developmental coordination disorder is a childhood disorder. It leads to poor coordination and clumsiness.
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Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Developmental differences of the female reproductive tract affect the reproductive organs of a female infant. They occur while the baby is growing in the mother's womb. Female reproductive organs include...
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Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a dislocation of the hip joint that is present at birth. The condition is found in babies or young children.
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Developmental expressive language disorder
Developmental expressive language disorder is a condition in which a child has lower than normal ability in vocabulary, saying complex sentences, and remembering words. However, a child with this disorder...
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Developmental reading disorder
Developmental reading disorder is a reading disability that occurs when the brain does not properly recognize and process certain symbols. It is also called dyslexia.
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Dextrocardia is a condition in which the heart is pointed toward the right side of the chest. Normally, the heart points toward the left. The condition is present at birth (congenital).
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Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) disease in which the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.
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Diabetes and nerve damage
Nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy. This condition is a complication of diabetes. diabetes
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Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening problem that affects people with diabetes. It occurs when the body starts breaking down fat at a rate that is much too fast. The liver processes the fat...
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Diaper rash
Diaper rash is a skin problem that develops in the area under an infant's diaper.
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Diaphragmatic hernia
A diaphragmatic hernia is a birth defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle between the chest and abdomen that helps you breathe. The abnormal opening allows...
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Diastasis recti
Diastasis recti is a separation between the left and right side of the rectus abdominis muscle. This muscle covers the front surface of the belly area.
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Differences of sex development
Differences of sex development (DSD) is a group of conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the external (outside) genitals (penis, scrotum, vulva, labia) and the internal (inside) genitals (testes...
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Diphtheria is an acute infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. acute Corynebacterium diphtheriae
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Double aortic arch
Double aortic arch is an abnormal formation of the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It is a congenital problem, which means that it is present at birth...
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Double inlet left ventricle
Double inlet left ventricle (DILV) is a heart defect that is present from birth (congenital). It affects the valves and chambers of the heart. Babies born with this condition have only one working pumping...
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Double outlet right ventricle
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) is a heart disease that is present from birth (congenital). The aorta connects to the right ventricle (RV, the chamber of the heart that pumps oxygen-poor blood to the...
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Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. chromosomes
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Dry eye syndrome
You need tears to moisten the eyes and to wash away particles that have gotten into your eyes. A healthy tear film on the eye is necessary for good vision. Dry eyes develop when the eye is unable to maintain...
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Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder. It involves muscle weakness, which quickly gets worse. muscle weakness
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Duodenal atresia
Duodenal atresia is a condition in which the first part of the small bowel (the duodenum) has not developed properly. It is not open and does not allow the passage of stomach contents. duodenum
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E coli enteritis
E coli enteritis is swelling (inflammation) of the small intestine from Escherichia coli (E coli) bacteria. It is the most common cause of travelers' diarrhea. E coli Escherichia coli E coli
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ECHO virus
Enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) viruses are a group of viruses that can lead to infections in different parts of the body, and skin rashes.
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Ear infection - acute
Suspected ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the health care provider. The most common type of ear infection is called otitis media. It is caused by swelling...
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Ear infection - chronic
Chronic ear infection is fluid, swelling, or an infection behind the eardrum that does not go away or keeps coming back. It may cause long-term or permanent damage to the ear. It often involves a hole in...
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Ear wax
The ear canal is lined with hair follicles. The ear canal also has glands that produce a waxy oil called cerumen. The wax will most often make its way to the opening of the ear. There it will fall out or...
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Ebstein anomaly
Ebstein anomaly is a rare heart defect in which parts of the tricuspid valve are abnormal. The tricuspid valve separates the right lower heart chamber (right ventricle) from the right upper heart chamber...
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Echinococcosis is an infection caused by either the Echinococcus granulosus or Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm. The infection is also called hydatid disease. Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis
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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of inherited disorders marked by extremely loose joints, very stretchy (hyperelastic) skin that bruises easily, and easily damaged blood vessels. hyperelastic
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Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial infection transmitted by the bite of a tick.
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Eisenmenger syndrome
Eisenmenger syndrome is a condition that affects blood flow from the heart to the lungs in some people who were born with structural problems of the heart.
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Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects bone growth.
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If a child over 4 years of age has been toilet trained, and still passes stool and soils clothes, it is called encopresis. The child may or may not be doing this on purpose.
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Endocardial cushion defect
Endocardial cushion defect (ECD) is an abnormal heart condition. The walls separating all four chambers of the heart are poorly formed or absent. Also, the valves separating the upper and lower chambers...
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Endocarditis - children
The inner lining of the heart chambers and heart valves is called the endocardium. Endocarditis occurs when this tissue becomes swollen or inflamed, most often due to infection of one of the heart valves...
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Enlarged adenoids
The adenoids are lymph tissues that sit in your upper airway between your nose and the back of your throat. They are similar to the tonsils. Enlarged adenoids means this tissue is swollen.
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Epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis. This is the tissue-lined cartilage that covers the trachea (windpipe) while swallowing. Epiglottitis can be a life-threatening disease.
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Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. Seizures are episodes of uncontrolled and abnormal electrical activity of brain cells that may cause changes in attention...
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Epilepsy in children
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. seizures A seizure is a sudden change in the electrical and chemical activity in the brain. A single seizure that does not...
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Epstein pearls
Epstein pearls are whitish-yellow cysts. These form on the gums and roof of the mouth in a newborn baby. newborn baby Milia are a similar type of skin problem in babies. Milia
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Erythema toxicum
Erythema toxicum is a common skin condition seen in newborns.
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Eustachian tube patency
Eustachian tube patency refers to how much the eustachian tube is open. The eustachian tube runs between the middle ear and the throat. It controls the pressure behind the eardrum in the middle ear space...
Diseases & Conditions
Eyelid bump
Most bumps on the eyelid are styes. A stye is an inflamed oil gland on the edge of your eyelid, where the eyelash meets the lid. It appears as a red, swollen bump that looks like a pimple. It is often tender...
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Eyelid twitch
An eyelid twitch is a general term for spasms of the eyelid muscles. These spasms happen without your control. The eyelid may repeatedly close (or nearly close) and reopen. This article discusses eyelid...
Diseases & Conditions
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is a condition that causes muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue that gets worse over time. muscle weakness
Diseases & Conditions
Factor VII deficiency
Factor VII (seven) deficiency is a disorder caused by a lack of a protein called factor VII in the blood. It leads to problems with blood clotting (coagulation).
Diseases & Conditions
Factor X deficiency
Factor X (ten) deficiency is a disorder caused by a lack of a protein called factor X in the blood. It leads to problems with blood clotting (coagulation).
Diseases & Conditions
Failure to thrive
Failure to thrive refers to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is much lower than that of other children of similar age and sex.
Diseases & Conditions
Familial Mediterranean fever
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a rare disorder that may be passed down through families (inherited). It involves repeated fevers and inflammation that often affects the lining of the abdomen, chest...
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Fanconi syndrome
Fanconi syndrome is a disorder of the kidney tubes in which certain substances normally absorbed into the bloodstream by the kidneys are released into the urine instead.
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Farsightedness is having a harder time seeing objects that are close than things that are far away. The term is often used to describe the need for reading glasses as you get older. However, the correct...
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Febrile seizures
A febrile seizure is a convulsion in a child triggered by a fever. convulsion fever
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Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a collection of growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.
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Fibrous dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia is a bone disease that destroys and replaces normal bone with fibrous bone tissue. One or more bones can be affected.
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Fifth disease
Fifth disease is caused by a virus that leads to a rash on the cheeks, arms, and legs.
Diseases & Conditions
Fish tapeworm infection
Fish tapeworm infection is an intestinal infection with a parasite found in fish.
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Fleas are small insects that feed on the blood of humans, dogs, cats, and other warm-blooded animals.
Diseases & Conditions
The flu (influenza) is a viral respiratory illness that causes fever, chills, runny nose, body aches, and cough. It spreads easily from person to person. The flu can cause moderate to severe symptoms. Most...
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Focal seizure
All seizures are caused by abnormal electrical disturbances in the brain. Focal seizures occur when this electrical activity is in a limited area of the brain. Sometimes the seizures stay only in one part...
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Food allergy
A food allergy is a type of immune response triggered by eggs, peanuts, milk, shellfish or some other specific food.
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Fractured clavicle in the newborn
A fractured clavicle in the newborn is a broken collar bone in a baby that was just delivered.
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Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition involving changes in a gene on the X chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in boys. intellectual disability
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Fungal nail infection
Fungal nail infection is a fungus growing in and around your fingernail or toenail.
Diseases & Conditions
Galactosemia is a condition in which the body is unable to use (metabolize) the simple sugar galactose. metabolize
Diseases & Conditions
Ganglioneuroblastoma is an intermediate tumor that arises from nerve tissues. An intermediate tumor is one that is between benign (slow-growing and unlikely to spread) and malignant (fast-growing, aggressive...
Diseases & Conditions
Gastroesophageal reflux disease - children
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) occurs when the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This is also called reflux. GER can irritate the...
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Gastroesophageal reflux in infants
Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when stomach contents leak backward from the stomach into the esophagus. This causes "spitting up" in infants. spitting up
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Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which an infant's intestines are outside of the body because of a hole in the abdominal wall.
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Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GBA).
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Generalized anxiety disorder in children
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental disorder in which a child is often worried or anxious about many things and finds it hard to control this anxiety.
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Giardia infection
Giardia, or giardiasis, is a parasitic infection of the small intestine. A tiny parasite called Giardia lamblia causes it. Giardia lamblia
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Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Glanzmann thrombasthenia is a rare disorder of blood platelets. Platelets are particles in the blood that aid in blood clotting.
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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a condition in which red blood cells break down when the body is exposed to certain medicines or the stress of infection. It is hereditary, which means...
Diseases & Conditions
Gram-negative meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that may cause meningitis. Gram-negative bacteria...
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Group B streptococcal septicemia of the newborn
Group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia is a severe bacterial infection that affects newborn infants. newborn infants
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Growth hormone deficiency - children
Growth hormone deficiency means the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone.
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H influenzae meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. Haemophilus influenzae...
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H1N1 influenza (Swine flu)
The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. It is caused by the H1N1 influenza virus.
Diseases & Conditions
Hand-foot-mouth disease
Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common viral infection that most often begins in the throat.
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Hartnup disorder
Hartnup disorder is a genetic condition in which there is a defect in the transport of certain amino acids (such as tryptophan and histidine) by the small intestine and kidneys. amino acids tryptophan
Diseases & Conditions
Head lice
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the skin covering the top of your head (scalp). Head lice may also be found in the eyebrows and eyelashes. Lice spread by close contact with other people.
Diseases & Conditions
Hearing loss - infants
Hearing loss is not being able to hear sound in one or both ears. Infants may lose all of their hearing or just part of it.
Diseases & Conditions
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is a blood disorder in a fetus or newborn infant. In some infants, it can be fatal. Normally, red blood cells (RBCs) last for about 120 days in the body. In this disorder...
Diseases & Conditions
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Shiga-like toxin producing E coli hemolytic-uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS) is a disorder that most often occurs when an infection in the digestive system produces toxic substances. These substances destroy...
Diseases & Conditions
Hemophilia refers to a group of bleeding disorders in which blood clotting takes a longer time than normal. There are two forms of hemophilia: Hemophilia A (classic hemophilia, or factor VIII deficiency...
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Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor VIII. Without enough factor VIII, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding. bleeding disorder
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Hemophilia B
Hemophilia B is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor IX. Without enough factor IX, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis is swelling and inflammation of the liver.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the liver from the hepatitis A virus.
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Hepatitis A - children
Hepatitis A in children is swelling and inflamed tissue of the liver due to the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Hepatitis A is the most common type of hepatitis in children.
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Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is irritation and swelling (inflammation) of the liver due to infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Other types of viral hepatitis include hepatitis A, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis...
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Hepatitis B - children
Hepatitis B in children is swelling and inflamed tissue of the liver due to infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Other common hepatitis virus infections include hepatitis A and hepatitis C. hepatitis...
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Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that leads to swelling (inflammation) of the liver. Other types of viral hepatitis include: Hepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis DHepatitis E Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Hepatitis...
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Hepatitis C - children
Hepatitis C in children is inflammation of tissue of the liver. It occurs due to infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Other common hepatitis virus infections include hepatitis A and hepatitis B. hepatitis...
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary fructose intolerance
Hereditary fructose intolerance is a disorder in which a person lacks the protein needed to break down fructose. Fructose is a fruit sugar that naturally occurs in the body. Man-made fructose is used as...
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an inherited disorder of the blood vessels that can cause excessive bleeding.
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Hereditary ovalocytosis
Hereditary ovalocytosis is a rare condition passed down through families (inherited). The blood cells are oval-shaped instead of round. It is a form of hereditary elliptocytosis. hereditary elliptocytosis
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Hereditary spherocytic anemia
Hereditary spherocytic anemia is a rare disorder of the surface layer (membrane) of red blood cells. It leads to red blood cells that are shaped like spheres, and premature breakdown of red blood cells...
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary urea cycle abnormality
Hereditary urea cycle abnormalities are inherited conditions. They can cause problems with the removal of waste from the body in the urine.
Diseases & Conditions
Herpangina is a viral illness that involves ulcers and sores (lesions) inside the mouth, a sore throat, and fever. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a related topic. Hand, foot, and mouth disease
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Herpes - oral
Oral herpes is an infection of the lips, mouth, or gums due to the herpes simplex virus. It causes small, painful blisters commonly called cold sores or fever blisters. Oral herpes is also called herpes...
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Herpetic stomatitis
Herpetic stomatitis is a viral infection of the mouth that causes sores and ulcers. These mouth ulcers are not the same as canker sores, which are not caused by a virus. canker sores
Diseases & Conditions
High arch
High arch is a foot arch that is raised more than normal. The arch runs from the toes to the heel on the bottom of the foot. It is also called pes cavus. High arch is the opposite of flat feet. flat feet
Diseases & Conditions
High blood pressure - children
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force exerted against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood to your body. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in this force. This article...
Diseases & Conditions
High blood pressure in infants
High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in the force of blood against the arteries in the body. This article focuses on high blood pressure in infants.
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High cholesterol - children
Cholesterol is a fat (also called a lipid) that the body needs to work properly. There are many types of cholesterol. The ones talked about most are: Total cholesterol - all the cholesterols combinedHigh...
Diseases & Conditions
Hirschsprung disease
Hirschsprung disease causes a blockage of the large intestine. It occurs due to poor muscle movement in the bowel. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present from birth.
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Hives are raised, often itchy, red bumps (welts) on the surface of the skin. They can be an allergic reaction to food or medicine. They can also appear without cause.
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Homocystinuria is a genetic disorder that affects the metabolism of the amino acid methionine. Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins in the body. metabolism amino acid
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Hookworm infection
Hookworm infection is caused by roundworms. The disease affects the small intestine and lungs.
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Hydrocephalus is a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to the brain pushing against the skull. Hydrocephalus means "water on the brain."
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Hydrops fetalis
Hydrops fetalis is a serious condition. It occurs when abnormal amounts of fluid build up in two or more body areas of a fetus or newborn. It is a symptom of underlying problems.
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Hyperglycemia - infants
Hyperglycemia is abnormally high blood sugar. The medical term for blood sugar is blood glucose. This article discusses hyperglycemia in infants. Hyperglycemia can occur at any age.
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Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome is a rare, genetic disease. It causes problems with the skin, sinuses, lungs, bones, and teeth.
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Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Hypogonadism is a condition in which the male testes or the female ovaries produce little or no sex hormones. Hypogonadism testes Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) is a form of hypogonadism that is due...
Diseases & Conditions
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome occurs when parts of the left side of the heart (mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, and aorta) do not develop completely. The condition is present at birth (congenital...
Diseases & Conditions
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. People with the disease have too few platelets...
Diseases & Conditions
Imperforate anus
Imperforate anus is a defect in which the opening to the anus is missing or blocked. The anus is the opening to the rectum through which stools leave the body. This is present from birth (congenital).
Diseases & Conditions
Impetigo is a common skin infection.
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Infant botulism
Infant botulism is a potentially life-threatening disease caused by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. It grows inside a baby's gastrointestinal tract. Clostridium botulinum
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Infant of diabetic mother
A fetus (baby) of a mother with diabetes may be exposed to high blood sugar (glucose) levels throughout the pregnancy.
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Infectious myringitis
Infectious myringitis is an infection that causes painful blisters on the eardrum (tympanic membrane). blisters
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Ingrown toenail
An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the skin of the toe.
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Intellectual disability
Intellectual disability is a condition diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average intellectual function and a lack of skills necessary for daily living. In the past, the term mental retardation...
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Intraventricular hemorrhage of the newborn
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) of the newborn is bleeding into the fluid-filled areas (ventricles) inside the brain. The condition occurs most often in babies that are born early (premature). born early...
Diseases & Conditions
Intussusception – children
Intussusception is the sliding of one part of the intestine into another. This article focuses on intussusception in children.
Diseases & Conditions
Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types and causes of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia occurs...
Diseases & Conditions
Jaundice and breastfeeding
Jaundice is a condition that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. There are two common problems that may occur in newborns receiving breast milk. If jaundice is seen after the first week...
Diseases & Conditions
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a term used to describe a group of disorders in children that includes arthritis. They are long-term (chronic) diseases that cause joint pain and swelling. The names...
Diseases & Conditions
Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome, also called 47,XXY, is a genetic condition that occurs in males when they have an extra X chromosome. This can cause problems with development and fertility. Some men have no symptoms...
Diseases & Conditions
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare condition that is typically present at birth. The syndrome often involves port wine stains, excess growth of bones and soft tissue, and varicose veins.
Diseases & Conditions
Knock knees
Knock knees are condition in which the knees touch, but the ankles do not touch. The legs turn inward.
Diseases & Conditions
Krabbe disease
Krabbe disease is a rare genetic disorder of the nervous system. It is a type of brain disease called leukodystrophy.
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Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet. malnutrition protein
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Lactose intolerance
Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. An enzyme called lactase is needed by the body to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance develops when the small intestine does not make enough...
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Language disorders in children
Language disorders in children are problems with the development of language skills. Children may have problems with one or both of the following: Getting their meaning or message across to others (expressive...
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Laryngitis is swelling and irritation (inflammation) of the voice box (larynx). The problem is most often associated with hoarseness or loss of voice. hoarseness
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Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease occurs when the ball of the thigh bone in the hip does not get enough blood, causing the bone to die.
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Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a disorder that is passed down through families (inherited). It affects how the body builds and breaks down chemicals called purines. Purines are a normal part of human tissue that...
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Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies include at least 33 different inherited diseases. These disorders first affect the muscles around the shoulder girdle and hips. These diseases get worse over time. Eventually...
Diseases & Conditions
Listeriosis is an infection that can occur when a person eats food that has been contaminated with bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes (L monocytogenes). Listeria monocytogenes L monocytogenes
Diseases & Conditions
Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. This means the heart, brain, and other parts of the body may not get enough blood. Normal blood pressure is mostly between 90/60 mmHg...
Diseases & Conditions
Low blood sugar
Low blood sugar is a condition that occurs when the body's blood sugar (glucose) decreases and is too low. Blood sugar below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) is considered low. Blood sugar at or below this level can...
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Low blood sugar - newborns
A low blood sugar level in newborn babies is also called neonatal hypoglycemia. It refers to low blood sugar (glucose) in the first few days after birth.
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Low calcium level - infants
Calcium is a mineral in the body. It is needed for strong bones and teeth. Calcium also helps the heart, nerves, muscles, and other body systems work well. Calcium A low blood calcium level is called hypocalcemia...
Diseases & Conditions
Lyme disease
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of one of several types of ticks.
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MSG symptom complex
MSG symptom complex is a set of symptoms associated with eating food with the additive monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is the sodium salt of a common amino acid, glutamic acid. MSG is found naturally in...
Diseases & Conditions
Malnutrition is the condition that occurs when your body does not get enough nutrients.
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Malocclusion of teeth
Malocclusion means the teeth are not aligned properly.
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Maple syrup urine disease
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a disorder in which the body cannot break down certain parts of proteins. The urine of people with this condition can smell like maple syrup.
Diseases & Conditions
Mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid bone of the skull. The mastoid bone is located just behind the ear.
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Mathematics disorder
Mathematics disorder is a condition in which a child's math ability is far below normal for their age, intelligence, and education.
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McCune-Albright syndrome
McCune-Albright syndrome is a genetic disease that affects the bones, hormones, and color (pigmentation) of the skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by a virus.
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Meconium aspiration syndrome
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) refers to breathing problems that a newborn baby may have when: There are no other known causes of symptomsThe baby has passed meconium (stool) into the amniotic fluid...
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Medicines for ADHD
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a problem that most often affects children. Adults may be affected as well. People with ADHD may have problems with: ADHD Being able to focusBeing over...
Diseases & Conditions
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges.
Diseases & Conditions
Meningitis - tuberculous
Tuberculous meningitis is an infection of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord (meninges).
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Meningococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. The meningococcal...
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Menkes disease
Menkes disease is a genetic disorder in which the body has a problem absorbing and distributing copper to bodily organs. The disease affects development, both mental and physical.
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Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a genetic disorder that affects nerves, muscles, other organs, and behavior. It slowly gets worse over time.
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Metatarsus adductus
Metatarsus adductus is a foot deformity that occurs in infants. The bones in the front half of the foot bend or turn in toward the side of the big toe.
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Methemoglobinemia - acquired
Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder in which the body cannot reuse hemoglobin because it is damaged. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying molecule found in red blood cells. In some cases of methemoglobinemia...
Diseases & Conditions
A migraine is a type of headache. It may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound. In most people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.
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Milia are tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin. They are almost always seen in newborn babies.
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Mononucleosis, or mono, is a viral infection that causes fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands, most often in the neck.
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Mosaicism is a condition in which cells within the same person have a different genetic makeup. This condition can affect any type of cell, including: Blood cellsEgg and sperm cells Skin cells Blood cells...
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Mouth ulcers
Mouth ulcers are sores or open lesions in the mouth. ulcers
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Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of rare diseases in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
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Mucopolysaccharidosis type I
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules are...
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Mucopolysaccharidosis type II
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
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Mucopolysaccharidosis type III
Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of certain enzymes needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
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Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV (MPS IV) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
Diseases & Conditions
Mumps is a contagious disease that leads to painful swelling of the salivary glands. The salivary glands produce saliva, a liquid that moistens food and helps you chew and swallow. salivary glands
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Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the...
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Muscle disorder
A muscle disorder causes patterns of weakness, loss of muscle tissue, electromyogram (EMG) findings, or biopsy results that suggest a muscle problem. The muscle disorder can be inherited, such as muscular...
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Muscular dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of inherited disorders that cause muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue, which get worse over time. muscle weakness
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Myelomeningocele is a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close fully before birth. The condition is a type of neural tube defect (NTD).
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Myocarditis - pediatric
Pediatric myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle in an infant or young child.
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Myotonia congenita
Myotonia congenita is an inherited condition that affects muscle relaxation. It is congenital, meaning that it is present from birth. It occurs more frequently in northern Scandinavia.
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Nearsightedness is when light entering the eye is focused incorrectly. This makes distant objects appear blurred. Nearsightedness is a type of refractive error of the eye. If you are nearsighted, you have...
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Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum is an uncommon skin condition related to diabetes. It results in reddish brown areas of the skin, most commonly on the lower legs. diabetes
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Necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the death of tissue in the intestine. It occurs most often in premature or sick babies.
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Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a group of problems that can happen when a baby is exposed to opioid drugs or medicine for a length of time while in their mother's womb (uterus).
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Neonatal conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is swelling or infection of the membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis may occur in a newborn child.
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Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a problem often seen in premature babies. The condition makes it hard for the baby to breathe.
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Neonatal sepsis
Neonatal sepsis is a blood infection that occurs in an infant younger than 90 days old. Early-onset sepsis is seen in the first week of life. Late onset sepsis occurs after 1 week through 3 months of age...
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Neuroblastoma is a very rare type of cancerous tumor that develops from nerve tissue. It usually occurs in infants and children. tumor
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Neurofibromatosis 2
Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a disorder in which tumors form on the nerves of the brain and spine (the central nervous system). It may be passed down (inherited) in families. Although it has a similar name...
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Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1) is an inherited disorder in which nerve tissue tumors (neurofibromas) form in the: tumors Upper and lower layers of the skinNerves from the brain (cranial nerves) and spinal cord...
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Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL)
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) refers to a group of rare disorders of the nerve cells. NCL is passed down through families (inherited). These are the three main types of NCL: Adult (Kufs or Parry...
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Neutropenia - infants
Neutropenia is an abnormally low number of white blood cells. These cells are called neutrophils. They help the body fight infection. This article discusses neutropenia in newborns. Neutropenia can occur...
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Newborn jaundice
Newborn jaundice occurs when a baby has a high level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that the body creates when it replaces old red blood cells. The liver helps break down the...
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Niemann-Pick disease
Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) is a group of diseases passed down through families (inherited) in which fatty substances called lipids collect in the cells of the spleen, liver, and brain. There are three common...
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Noma is a type of gangrene that destroys mucous membranes of the mouth and other tissues. It occurs in malnourished children in areas where sanitation and cleanliness are lacking. gangrene
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Noonan syndrome
Noonan syndrome is a disease present from birth (congenital) that causes many parts of the body to develop abnormally. In about 50% of cases, it is passed down through families (inherited).
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Nursemaid's elbow
Nursemaid's elbow is a dislocation of a bone in the elbow called the radius. Dislocation means the bone slips out of its normal position. dislocation The injury is also called radial head dislocation.
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Nut allergies
A nut allergy is a type of immune response triggered by tree nuts and peanuts. Peanuts are legumes, not nuts, but many people who are allergic to peanuts are also allergic to nuts. Nut allergies are a type...
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Obesity in children
Obesity in children means having a weight that is higher than what is healthy for a child’s height. Obesity is a serious, chronic disease. Over time, it can lead to other health problems, including diabetes...
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An omphalocele is a birth defect in which an infant's intestine or other abdominal organs are outside of the body because of a hole in the belly button (navel) area. The intestines are covered only by a...
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Oppositional defiant disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder is a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures.
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Oral mucous cyst
An oral mucous cyst is a painless, thin sac on the inner surface of the mouth. It contains clear fluid. cyst
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Osgood-Schlatter disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a painful swelling of the bump on the upper part of the shinbone, just below the knee. This bump is called the anterior tibial tubercle.
Diseases & Conditions
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a condition causing extremely fragile bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Osteopenia - premature infants
Osteopenia is a decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the bone. This can cause bones to be weak and brittle. It increases the risk for broken bones. calcium phosphorus
Diseases & Conditions
Osteosarcoma is a very rare type of cancerous bone tumor that usually develops in teenagers and young adults. It often occurs when a teen is growing rapidly. bone tumor
Diseases & Conditions
Otitis is a term for infection or inflammation of the ear.
Diseases & Conditions
Otitis media with effusion
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is thick or sticky fluid behind the eardrum in the middle ear. It occurs without an ear infection. ear infection
Diseases & Conditions
Pancreatitis - children
Pancreatitis in children, as in adults, occurs when the pancreas becomes swollen and inflamed.
Diseases & Conditions
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) is when a person who has one X and one Y chromosome (typically seen in males) but is resistant to hormones that produce a male appearance (called androgens...
Diseases & Conditions
Patent ductus arteriosus
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in which the ductus arteriosus does not close. The word "patent" means open. The ductus arteriosus is a blood vessel that allows blood to go around the baby...
Diseases & Conditions
Patent foramen ovale
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a hole between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart. This hole exists in everyone before birth, but most often closes shortly after being born. PFO is what...
Diseases & Conditions
Pediatric sleep apnea
With pediatric sleep apnea, a child's breathing pauses during sleep because the airway has become narrowed or partly blocked.
Diseases & Conditions
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis is an infection of the area around the anus and rectum. The infection is caused by streptococcus bacteria.
Diseases & Conditions
Periorbital cellulitis
Periorbital cellulitis is an infection of the eyelid or skin around the eye.
Diseases & Conditions
Peritonsillar abscess
Peritonsillar abscess is a collection of infected material in the area around the tonsils.
Diseases & Conditions
Periventricular leukomalacia
Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is a type of brain injury that affects premature infants. The condition involves the death of small areas of brain tissue around fluid-filled areas called ventricles....
Diseases & Conditions
Persistent depressive disorder
Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is a chronic (ongoing) type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. chronic Persistent depressive disorder used to be called dysthymia.
Diseases & Conditions
Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the person tries to...
Diseases & Conditions
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a rare disorder in which growths called polyps form in the intestines. A person with PJS has a high risk for developing certain cancers.
Diseases & Conditions
Pharyngitis - sore throat
Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. It often makes it painful to swallow.
Diseases & Conditions
Pharyngitis - viral
Pharyngitis is swelling in the throat at and just below the tonsils that causes discomfort, pain, or scratchiness. It is often called a "sore throat". Pharyngitis
Diseases & Conditions
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare condition in which a baby is born without the ability to properly break down an amino acid called phenylalanine.
Diseases & Conditions
Phonological disorder
Phonological disorder is a type of speech sound disorder. Speech sound disorders are the inability to correctly form the sounds of words. Speech sound disorders also include articulation disorder, disfluency...
Diseases & Conditions
Pierre Robin sequence
Pierre Robin sequence is a condition in which an infant has a smaller than normal lower jaw, a tongue that falls back in the throat, and difficulty breathing. It is present at birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Pinworms are small worms that infect the intestines.
Diseases & Conditions
Pneumococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. The pneumococcal...
Diseases & Conditions
Pneumothorax - infants
Pneumothorax is the collection of air or gas in the space inside the chest around the lungs. This leads to lung collapse. Pneumothorax This article discusses pneumothorax in infants.
Diseases & Conditions
Polio is a viral disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis. The medical name for polio is poliomyelitis. paralysis
Diseases & Conditions
Polycythemia - newborn
Polycythemia can occur when there are too many red blood cells (RBCs) in an infant's blood.
Diseases & Conditions
Potter syndrome
Potter syndrome and Potter phenotype refers to a group of findings associated with a lack of amniotic fluid and kidney failure in an unborn infant. amniotic fluid kidney failure
Diseases & Conditions
Prader-Willi syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome is a disease that is present from birth (congenital). It affects many parts of the body. People with this condition feel hungry all the time and become obese. They also have poor muscle...
Diseases & Conditions
Precocious puberty
Puberty is the time when a person's sexual and physical characteristics mature. Precocious puberty is when these body changes happen earlier than normal.
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Pregnancy and herpes
Newborn infants can become infected with herpes virus during pregnancy, during labor or delivery, or after birth.
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Premature infant
A premature infant is a baby born before 37 full weeks of gestation (more than 3 weeks before the due date). gestation
Diseases & Conditions
Progeria is a rare genetic condition that produces rapid aging in children.
Diseases & Conditions
Prune belly syndrome
Prune belly syndrome is a group of rare birth defects that involves these three main problems: Poor development of the abdominal muscles, causing the skin of the belly area to wrinkle like a pruneUndescended...
Diseases & Conditions
Pulmonary atresia
Pulmonary atresia is a form of heart disease in which the pulmonary valve does not form properly. It is present from birth (congenital heart disease). The pulmonary valve is an opening on the right side...
Diseases & Conditions
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a very rare disease. It leads to high blood pressure in the lung arteries (pulmonary hypertension). pulmonary hypertension
Diseases & Conditions
Pyloric stenosis in infants
Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine. This is called the pylorus. This article describes the condition in infants.
Diseases & Conditions
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Pyruvate kinase deficiency is an inherited lack of the enzyme pyruvate kinase, which is used by red blood cells. Without this enzyme, red blood cells break down too easily, resulting in a low level of these...
Diseases & Conditions
Q fever
Q fever is an infectious disease caused by bacteria spread by domestic and wild animals and ticks. ticks
Diseases & Conditions
Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
Reactive attachment disorder is a problem in which a child is not able to easily form a normal or loving relationship with others. It is considered to be a result of not forming an attachment to any specific...
Diseases & Conditions
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a very common virus that leads to mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older healthy children. It can be more serious in young babies and older adults, especially...
Diseases & Conditions
Retinoblastoma is a rare eye tumor that usually occurs in children. It is a malignant (cancerous) tumor of the part of the eye called the retina.
Diseases & Conditions
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is abnormal blood vessel development in the retina of the eye in infants that are born too early (premature). premature
Diseases & Conditions
Retropharyngeal abscess
Retropharyngeal abscess is a collection of pus in the tissues in the back of the throat. It can be a life-threatening medical condition.
Diseases & Conditions
Reye syndrome
Reye syndrome is characterized by sudden (acute) brain damage and liver function problems. This condition does not have a known cause. This syndrome has occurred in children who were given aspirin when...
Diseases & Conditions
Rh incompatibility
Rh incompatibility is a condition that develops when a pregnant woman has Rh-negative blood and the baby in her womb has Rh-positive blood.
Diseases & Conditions
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever is a disease that may develop after an infection with group A streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever). It can cause severe illness in the heart, joints, skin, and...
Diseases & Conditions
Rickets is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It leads to softening and weakening of the bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Rickettsialpox is a disease spread by a mite. It causes a chickenpox-like rash on the body. rash
Diseases & Conditions
Ringworm of the scalp
Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. It is also called tinea capitis. Related ringworm infections may be found: In a man's beardIn the groin (jock itch)Between the toes (athlete...
Diseases & Conditions
Roseola is a viral infection that commonly affects infants and young children. It involves a pinkish-red skin rash and high fever.
Diseases & Conditions
Rubella, also known as the German measles, is an infection in which there is a rash on the skin. Congenital rubella is when a pregnant woman with rubella passes it to the baby that is still in her womb...
Diseases & Conditions
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) is a genetic disease. It involves broad thumbs and toes, short stature, distinctive facial features, and varying degrees of intellectual disability.
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Russell-Silver syndrome
Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) is a disorder present at birth involving poor growth. One side of the body may also appear to be larger than the other.
Diseases & Conditions
Salmonella enterocolitis
Salmonella enterocolitis is a bacterial infection in the lining of the small intestine that is caused by Salmonella bacteria. It is a type of food poisoning.
Diseases & Conditions
Scabies is an easily-spread skin disease caused by a very small mite.
Diseases & Conditions
Scalded skin syndrome
Scalded skin syndrome (SSS) is a skin infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria in which the skin becomes damaged and sheds.
Diseases & Conditions
Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever is caused by an infection with bacteria called group A streptococcus. This is the same bacteria that cause strep throat. . strep throat
Diseases & Conditions
Scleredema diabeticorum
Scleredema diabeticorum is a skin condition that occurs in some people with diabetes. It causes skin to become thick and hard on the back of the neck, shoulders, arms, and upper back.
Diseases & Conditions
Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine. Your spine is your backbone. It runs straight down your back. Everyone's spine naturally curves a bit. But people with scoliosis have a spine that curves too...
Diseases & Conditions
Selective deficiency of IgA
Selective deficiency of IgA is the most common immune deficiency disorder. People with this disorder have a low or absent level of a blood protein called immunoglobulin A. immune deficiency disorder
Diseases & Conditions
Separation anxiety in children
Separation anxiety in children is a developmental stage in which the child is anxious when separated from their primary caregiver (usually the mother).
Diseases & Conditions
Septic shock
Septic shock is a serious condition that occurs when a body-wide infection leads to dangerously low blood pressure.
Diseases & Conditions
Serum sickness
Serum sickness is a reaction that is similar to an allergy. The immune system reacts to medicines that contain proteins used to treat immune conditions. It can also react to antiserum, the liquid part of...
Diseases & Conditions
Sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease is a disorder passed down through families. The red blood cells that are normally shaped like a disk take on a sickle or crescent shape. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body...
Diseases & Conditions
Sinusitis is present when the tissue lining the sinuses become swollen or inflamed. It occurs as the result of an inflammatory reaction or an infection from a virus, bacteria, or fungus.
Diseases & Conditions
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders are problems with sleeping. These include trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, and abnormal behaviors during sleep.
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Sleepwalking is a disorder that occurs when people walk or do other activity while they are still asleep.
Diseases & Conditions
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
A slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a separation of the ball of the hip joint from the thigh bone (femur) at the upper growing end (growth plate) of the bone.
Diseases & Conditions
Speech disorders - children
A speech disorder is a condition in which a person has problems creating or forming the speech sounds needed to communicate with others. This can make the person's speech difficult to understand. Common...
Diseases & Conditions
Spinal muscular atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a group of disorders of the motor neurons (motor cells). These disorders are passed down through families (inherited) and can appear at any stage of life. The disorder leads...
Diseases & Conditions
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a bone (vertebra) in the spine moves forward out of the proper position onto the bone below it.
Diseases & Conditions
Staphylococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that may cause meningitis. The staphylococcal...
Diseases & Conditions
Stereotypic movement disorder
Stereotypic movement disorder is a condition in which a person makes repetitive, purposeless movements. These can be hand waving, body rocking, or head banging. The movements interfere with normal activity...
Diseases & Conditions
Stork bite
A stork bite is a common type of birthmark seen in a newborn. It is most often temporary. The medical term for a stork bite is nevus simplex. A stork bite is also called a salmon patch.
Diseases & Conditions
Strabismus is a disorder in which both eyes do not line up in the same direction. Therefore, they do not look at the same object at the same time. The most common form of strabismus is known as "crossed...
Diseases & Conditions
Strep throat
Strep throat is a disease that causes a sore throat (pharyngitis). It is an infection with a bacteria called group A streptococcus.
Diseases & Conditions
Strongyloidiasis is an infection with the roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis (S stercoralis). Strongyloides stercoralis (S stercoralis).
Diseases & Conditions
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a rare disorder that is present at birth. A child with this condition will have a port-wine stain birthmark (usually on the face) and may have nervous system problems.
Diseases & Conditions
Stuttering is a speech disorder in which sounds, syllables, or words are repeated or last longer than normal. These problems cause a break in the flow of speech called disfluency. speech disorder
Diseases & Conditions
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red patch appearing in the white of the eye. This condition is one of several disorders called red eye.
Diseases & Conditions
Sudden infant death syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1. An autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death.
Diseases & Conditions
Swimmer's ear
Swimmer's ear is inflammation, irritation, or infection of the outer ear and ear canal. The medical term for swimmer's ear is otitis externa. Swimmer's ear may be sudden and short-term (acute) or long-term...
Diseases & Conditions
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Beef or pork tapeworm infection is an infection with the tapeworm parasite found in beef or pork.
Diseases & Conditions
Tay-Sachs disease
Tay-Sachs disease is a life-threatening disease of the nervous system passed down through families.
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Tenosynovitis is inflammation of the lining of the sheath that surrounds a tendon (the cord that joins muscle to bone).
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Tetanus is an infection of the nervous system with a type of bacteria that is potentially deadly, called Clostridium tetani (C tetani). Clostridium tetani (C tetani)
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Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot is a type of congenital heart defect. Congenital means that it is present at birth.
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Thrombocytopenia means there is an abnormally low amount of platelets. Platelets are parts of the blood that help blood to clot. This condition is sometimes associated with abnormal bleeding.
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Thrombophlebitis is swelling (inflammation) of a vein. A blood clot (thrombus) in the vein is the most common cause of this swelling. blood clot
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Thrush - children and adults
Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and lining of the mouth.
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Thrush in newborns
Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and mouth. This common infection can be passed between a mother and baby during breastfeeding.
Diseases & Conditions
Tick paralysis
Tick paralysis is a loss of muscle function that results from a tick bite. tick bite
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Tongue tie
Tongue tie is when the bottom of the tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth. This may make it hard for the tip of the tongue to move freely.
Diseases & Conditions
Tonsillitis is inflammation (swelling) of the tonsils.
Diseases & Conditions
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) is a heart disease in which the 4 veins that take blood from the lungs to the heart do not attach normally to the left atrium (left upper chamber of the heart...
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheitis is a bacterial infection of the windpipe (trachea).
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheomalacia - acquired
Acquired tracheomalacia is a weakness and floppiness of the walls of the windpipe (trachea, or airway). It develops after birth. Congenital tracheomalacia is a related topic. Congenital tracheomalacia
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheomalacia - congenital
Congenital tracheomalacia is weakness and floppiness of the walls of the windpipe (trachea). Congenital means it is present at birth. Acquired tracheomalacia is a related topic. Acquired tracheomalacia
Diseases & Conditions
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia is a metabolic disorder that is passed down through families. Babies with this disorder are born with severe jaundice. jaundice
Diseases & Conditions
Transient tachypnea - newborn
Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is a breathing disorder seen shortly after delivery, most often in early term or late preterm babies. Transient means it is short-lived (most often less than 48...
Diseases & Conditions
Transposition of the great arteries
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a heart defect that occurs from birth (congenital). The two major arteries that carry blood away from the heart -- the aorta and the pulmonary artery -- are...
Diseases & Conditions
Treacher Collins syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic condition that leads to problems with the structure of the face. Most cases are not passed down through families.
Diseases & Conditions
Trench mouth
Trench mouth is an infection that causes swelling (inflammation) and ulcers in the gums (gingivae). The term trench mouth comes from World War I, when this infection was common among soldiers "in the trenches...
Diseases & Conditions
Trichinosis is an infection with the roundworm Trichinella spiralis. Trichinella spiralis
Diseases & Conditions
Tricuspid atresia
Tricuspid atresia is a type of heart disease that is present at birth (congenital heart disease), in which the tricuspid heart valve is missing or abnormally developed. The defect blocks blood flow from...
Diseases & Conditions
Tricuspid regurgitation
Blood that flows between different chambers of your heart must pass through a heart valve. These valves open up enough so that blood can flow through. They then close, keeping blood from flowing backward...
Diseases & Conditions
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 13 (also called Patau syndrome) is a genetic disorder in which a person has 3 copies of genetic material from chromosome 13, instead of the usual 2 copies. Rarely, the extra material may be attached...
Diseases & Conditions
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 18 is a genetic disorder in which a person has a third copy of material from chromosome 18, instead of the usual 2 copies. Rarely, the extra material may be attached to another chromosome (translocation...
Diseases & Conditions
Truncus arteriosus
Truncus arteriosus is a rare type of heart disease in which a single blood vessel (truncus arteriosus) comes out of the right and left ventricles, instead of the normal 2 vessels (pulmonary artery and aorta...
Diseases & Conditions
Tuberous sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disorder that affects the skin, brain/nervous system, kidneys, heart, and lungs. The condition can also cause tumors to grow in the brain. These tumors have a tuber or root...
Diseases & Conditions
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome is a rare genetic condition in which a female does not have the usual pair of X chromosomes.
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Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins while they are in the womb.
Diseases & Conditions
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. chronic
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Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. chronic
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Type V glycogen storage disease
Type V (five) glycogen storage disease (GSD V) is a rare inherited condition in which the body is not able to break down glycogen. Glycogen is an important source of energy that is stored in all tissues...
Diseases & Conditions
Typhus is a bacterial disease spread by lice or fleas.
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Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a condition in which the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum become inflamed. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn disease is another form of IBD. Crohn...
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Umbilical hernia
An umbilical hernia is an outward bulge in the area around the belly button. It occurs when internal organs or the abdominal lining bulges through the muscles near the belly button.
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Urinary tract infection - children
A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. This article discusses urinary tract infections in children. The infection can affect different parts of the urinary tract, including...
Diseases & Conditions
Vaginal yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infection is an infection of the vagina. It is most often due to the fungus Candida albicans. Candida albicans
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Vascular ring
Vascular ring is an abnormal formation of the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It is a congenital problem, which means it is present at birth.
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Ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect is a hole in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart. Ventricular septal defect is one of the most common congenital (present from birth) heart defects...
Diseases & Conditions
Visceral larva migrans
Visceral larva migrans (VLM) is a human infection with certain parasites found in the intestines of dogs and cats.
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Vitamin K deficiency bleeding of the newborn
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) of the newborn is a bleeding disorder in babies. It most often develops in the first days and weeks of life. Vitamin K
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Vitiligo is a skin condition in which there is a loss of color (pigment) from areas of skin. This results in uneven white patches that have no pigment, but the skin feels normal. patches
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Vulvovaginitis or vaginitis is swelling or infection of the vulva and vagina. Vaginitis is a common problem that can affect women and girls of all ages.
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Waardenburg syndrome
Waardenburg syndrome is a group of conditions passed down through families. The syndrome involves deafness and pale skin, hair, and eye color. deafness
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Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin. Most of the time, they are harmless. They are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 150 types of HPV viruses. Some...
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Whipworm infection
Whipworm infection is an infection of the large intestine with a type of roundworm.
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Williams syndrome
Williams syndrome is a rare disorder that can lead to problems with development.
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Wilson disease
Wilson disease is an inherited disorder in which there is too much copper in the body's tissues. The excess copper damages the liver and nervous system.
Diseases & Conditions
von Gierke disease
Von Gierke disease is a condition in which the body cannot break down glycogen. Glycogen is a form of sugar (glucose) that is stored in the liver and muscles. It is normally broken down into glucose to...
Special Topics
10 ways to cut 500 calories a day
Weight loss - 500 calories; Overweight - 500 calories; Obesity - 500 calories; Diet - 500 calories
Special Topics
12 healthy snacks with 200 calories or less
Nibbles; Appetizers; Healthy eating - healthy snacks; Weight loss - healthy snacks; Healthy diet - healthy snacks; Wellness - healthy snacks
Special Topics
A guide to help children understand cancer
Special Topics
A guide to herbal remedies
Special Topics
Adolescent development
The development of children ages 12 through 18 years old should include expected physical and mental milestones.
Special Topics
Adolescent test or procedure preparation
Preparing for a medical test or procedure can reduce anxiety, encourage cooperation, and help your teen develop coping skills.
Special Topics
Advance care directives
Living will; Power of attorney; DNR - advance directive; Do not resuscitate - advance directive; Do-not-resuscitate - advance directive; Durable power of attorney - advance care directive; POA - advance...
Special Topics
Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth. During this time, the baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. If the baby's gestational age findings after birth match the calendar...
Special Topics
Aspartic acid
Aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. amino acid "Nonessential" means that our bodies produce it, even if we do not get this amino acid from the food we...
Special Topics
Autism - resources
Special Topics
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal dominant is one of many ways that a genetic trait or disorder can be passed down through families. In an autosomal dominant disease, if you get the variant gene from only one parent, you can get...
Special Topics
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a genetic trait, disorder, or disease can be passed down through families. An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present...
Special Topics
Babies and heat rashes
Heat rash occurs in babies when the pores of the sweat glands become blocked. This happens most often when the weather is hot or humid. As your infant sweats, little red bumps and possibly tiny blisters...
Special Topics
Babies and shots
Immunizations (vaccinations) are important to keep your child healthy. This article discusses how to ease the pain of shots for babies.
Special Topics
Bedtime habits for infants and children
Sleep patterns are often learned as children. When these patterns are repeated, they become habits. Helping your child learn good bedtime habits may help make going to bed a pleasant routine for you and...
Special Topics
Enuresis; Nocturnal enuresis
Special Topics
Bili lights
Bili lights are a type of light therapy (phototherapy) that is used to treat newborn jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow coloring of the skin and eyes. It is caused by too much of a yellow substance called bilirubin...
Special Topics
Body mass index
A good way to decide if your weight is healthy for your height is to figure out your body mass index (BMI). You and your health care provider can use your BMI to estimate how much body fat you have.
Special Topics
Body temperature norms
Normal body temperature varies by person, age, activity, and time of day. The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 98. 6°F (37°C). Some studies have shown that the "normal" body temperature...
Special Topics
Bonding with your newborn
Special Topics
Break the bonds of emotional eating
Obesity - emotional eating; Overweight - emotional eating; Diet - emotional eating; Weight loss - emotional meaning
Special Topics
Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding
Special Topics
Bug repellent safety
A bug repellent is a substance that is applied to the skin or clothing to protect you against biting insects. biting insects
Special Topics
Buying and caring for baby bottles and nipples
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines are used to prepare the body's immune system to protect against COVID-19. Everyone ages 6 months and older should get a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who are pregnant...
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older
COVID-19 vaccines are used to prepare the body's immune system to protect against COVID-19.
Special Topics
Calorie count - Alcoholic beverages
Weight loss - calorie count - alcoholic beverages; Overweight - calorie count - alcoholic beverages; Obesity - calorie count - alcoholic beverages
Special Topics
Calorie count - fast food
Weight-loss calorie count fast food; Obesity - calorie count fast food; Overweight - calorie count fast food; Healthy diet - calorie count fast food
Special Topics
Calorie count - sodas and energy drinks
Weight-loss calorie count sodas; Obesity - calorie sodas; Overweight - calorie count sodas; Healthy diet - calorie count sodas
Special Topics
Can you boost your metabolism?
Weight-loss boost metabolism; Obesity - boost metabolism; Overweight - boost metabolism
Special Topics
Central venous line - infants
A central venous line is a long, soft, flexible tube that is put into a large vein in the chest.
Special Topics
Changes in the newborn at birth
Changes in the newborn at birth refer to the changes an infant's body undergoes to adapt to life outside the womb.
Special Topics
Chicken soup and sickness
Special Topics
Children's cancer centers
Pediatric cancer center; Pediatric oncology center; Comprehensive cancer center
Special Topics
Choosing a primary care provider
A primary care provider (PCP) is a health care practitioner who sees people that have common medical problems. This person is most often a doctor. However, a PCP may be a physician assistant or a nurse...
Special Topics
Cleaning supplies and equipment
Special Topics
Colds and flu – antibiotics
Antibiotics DO NOT cure colds and flus.
Special Topics
Consumer rights and protections
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) took effect on September 23, 2010. It includes certain rights and protections for consumers. These rights and protections help make health care coverage more fair and easy...
Special Topics
Cow's milk and children
If your child is under 1 year old, you should not feed your baby cow's milk, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This is because cow's milk doesn't provide enough of certain nutrients...
Special Topics
Cranial sutures
Cranial sutures are fibrous bands of tissue that connect the bones of the skull.
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Creating a family health history
Family health history; Create a family health history; Family medical history
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Crying in childhood
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Crying in infancy
Infants have a cry reflex that is a normal response to stimuli, such as pain or hunger. Premature infants may not have a cry reflex. Therefore, they must be monitored closely for signs of hunger and pain...
Special Topics
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DTaP vaccine information statement (VIS) -- www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/dtap. html. www...
Special Topics
Dance your way to fitness
Exercise - dance; Wellness - dance
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Day care health risks
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Death among children and adolescents
Special Topics
Deciding about treatments that prolong life
Palliative care - treatments that prolong life; Palliative care - life support; End-of-life-treatments that prolong life; Ventilator - treatments that prolong life; Respirator - treatments that prolong...
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Developmental milestones record
Developmental milestones are behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered milestones. The milestones...
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Developmental milestones record - 12 months
The typical 12-month-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
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Developmental milestones record - 18 months
The typical 18-month-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
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Developmental milestones record - 2 months
This article describes the skills and growth targets of 2-month-old infants.
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Developmental milestones record - 2 years
Physical and motor skill markers: Able to turn a door knob.Can look through a book turning one page at a time.Can build a tower of 6 to 7 cubes.Can kick a ball without losing balance.Can pick up objects...
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Developmental milestones record - 3 years
This article describes the skills and growth markers that are relevant to 3-year-olds.
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Developmental milestones record - 4 months
Typical 4-month-old infants are expected to develop certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called milestones.
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Developmental milestones record - 4 years
The typical 4-year-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
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Developmental milestones record - 5 years
This article describes the expected skills and growth markers of most 5-year-old children.
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Developmental milestones record - 6 months
This article describes the skills and growth targets for 6-month-old infants.
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Developmental milestones record - 9 months
At 9 months, a typical infant will have certain skills and reach growth markers called milestones.
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Diabetes - insulin therapy
Diabetes - insulin
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Diabetes myths and facts
Diabetes - common myths and facts; High blood sugar myths and facts
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Diarrhea in infants
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Diarrhea in infants
Diarrhea - babies
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Diet and cancer
Diet can have an impact on your risk of developing many types of cancer. You can reduce your overall risk by following a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
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Diet for rapid weight loss
Very low-calorie diet; VLCD; Low-calorie diet; LCD; Very low energy diet; Weight loss - rapid weight loss; Overweight - rapid weight loss; Obesity - rapid weight loss; Diet - rapid weight loss; Intermittent...
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Diet myths and facts
Obesity - diet myths and facts; Overweight - diet myths and fact; Weight-loss diet myths and facts
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Diet-boosting foods
Obesity - diet-boosting foods; Overweight - diet-boosting foods
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Dietary fat and children
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Discipline in children
All children misbehave sometimes. As a parent, you have to decide how you will respond. Your child needs rules to understand how to behave. Discipline involves both punishment and rewards. When you discipline...
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Distracted driving
Safety - distracted driving
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Do-not-resuscitate order
No code; End-of-life; Do not resuscitate; Do not resuscitate order; DNR; DNR order; Advance care directive - DNR; Health care agent - DNR; Health care proxy - DNR; End-of-life - DNR; Living will - DNR
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Domestic violence
Intimate partner violence; Spousal abuse; Elder abuse; Child abuse; Sexual abuse - domestic violence
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Estimated average glucose (eAG)
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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a treatment that uses a pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung back into the bloodstream of a very ill baby. This system provides heart-lung bypass...
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Feeding tube - infants
A feeding tube is a small, soft, plastic tube placed through the nose (NG) or mouth (OG) into the stomach. These tubes are used to provide feedings and medicines into the stomach until the baby can take...
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Fetal development
Learn how your baby is conceived and how your baby develops inside the mother's womb.
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Fine motor control
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Food guide plate
By following the US Department of Agriculture's food guide, called MyPlate, you can make healthier food choices. The newest guide encourages you to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins...
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Genetics is the study of heredity, the process of a parent passing certain genes to their children. A person's appearance -- height, hair color, skin color, and eye color -- is influenced by genes. Other...
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Gestational age
Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth. During this time, the baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. Gestational age is the common term used during pregnancy to describe...
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Getting a prescription filled
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Glycemic index and diabetes
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Growth chart
Special Topics
HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hpv. html.
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HPV vaccine
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of HPV. HPV can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. vaccine cervical cancer genital warts HPV has also been linked...
Special Topics
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hib. html.
Special Topics
Hand washing; Hand-washing; Washing your hands; Handwashing - COVID-19; Washing your hands - COVID-19
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Head circumference
Head circumference is a measurement of a child's head around its largest area. It measures the distance from above the eyebrows and ears and around the back of the head.
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Health care agents
Durable power of attorney for health care; Health care proxy; End-of-life - health care agent; Life support treatment - health care agent; Respirator - health care agent; Ventilator - health care agent...
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Healthy food trends - Brussels sprouts
Healthy food trends - Brussels cabbage; Healthy snacks - brussels sprouts; Weight loss - brussels sprouts; Healthy diet - brussels sprouts; Wellness - brussels sprouts
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Healthy food trends - beans and legumes
Healthy food trends - pulses; Healthy eating - beans and legumes; Weight loss - beans and legumes; Healthy diet - beans and legumes; Wellness - beans and legumes
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Healthy food trends - chia seeds
Healthy food trends - sage; Healthy food trends - salvia; Healthy snacks - Chia seeds; Weight loss - Chia seeds; Healthy diet - Chia seeds; Wellness - Chia seeds
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Healthy food trends - flaxseeds
Healthy food trends - flax meal; Healthy food trends - flax seeds; Healthy food trends - linseeds; Healthy snacks - flaxseeds; Healthy diet - flaxseeds; Wellness - flaxseeds
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Healthy food trends - kale
Healthy food trends - borecole; Healthy snacks - kale; Weight loss - kale; Healthy diet - kale; Wellness - kale
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Healthy food trends - microgreens
Healthy snacks - microgreens; Weight loss - microgreens; Healthy diet - microgreens; Wellness - microgreens
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Healthy food trends - quinoa
Healthy food trends - goosefoot; Healthy snacks - quinoa; Weight loss - quinoa; Healthy diet - quinoa; Wellness - quinoa
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Healthy habits for weight loss
Obesity - healthy habits; Obesity - healthy eating
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Healthy living
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Help your teen cope with stress
Adolescents - stress; Anxiety - cope with stress
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Helping your child understand a cancer diagnosis
Special Topics
Hemorrhage is the medical term for bleeding. It most often refers to excessive bleeding. Hemorrhagic diseases are caused by bleeding, or they result in bleeding (hemorrhaging). Related topics include: Primary...
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Hepatitis A vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hepatitis A Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hep-a. html.
Special Topics
Hepatitis B vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hepatitis B Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hep-b. html.
Special Topics
Hormonal effects in newborns
Hormonal effects in newborns occur because in the womb, babies are exposed to many chemicals (hormones) that are in the mother's bloodstream. After birth, the infants are no longer exposed to these hormones...
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Hospice care
Palliative care - hospice; End-of-life care - hospice; Dying - hospice; Cancer - hospice
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How childhood cancers are different from adult cancers
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How to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
COVID-19 - Prevention; 2019 Novel Coronavirus - Prevention; SARS CoV 2 - Prevention
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How to save money on infant formula
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How to tell your child that you have cancer
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Humidifiers and health
A home humidifier can increase the humidity (moisture) in your home. This helps eliminate the dry air that can irritate and inflame the airways in your nose and throat.
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Hyperactivity and children
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IQ testing
Intelligence quotient (IQ) testing is a series of exams used to determine your general intelligence in relation to other people of the same age.
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IV treatment at home
Home intravenous antibiotic therapy; Central venous catheter - home; Peripheral venous catheter - home; Port - home; PICC line - home; Infusion therapy - home; Home health care - IV treatment
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Immune response
The immune response is how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.
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Imperforate hymen
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Incidence is the number of new cases of a condition, symptom, death, or injury that develop during a specific time period, such as a year. Incidence shows the likelihood that a person in a certain population...
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Infant - newborn development
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Infant Formula - buying, preparing, storing, and feeding
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Infant of a substance-using mother
Maternal substance use may consist of any combination of drug, chemical, alcohol, and tobacco use during the pregnancy. While in the womb (uterus), a fetus grows and develops due to nourishment from the...
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Infant test procedure preparation
Being prepared before your infant has a medical test can help you know what to expect during the test. It will also help reduce your anxiety so that you can help keep your infant as calm and comfortable...
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Influenza (flu) vaccine (inactivated or recombinant) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flu. html.
Special Topics
Influenza (flu) vaccine (live, intranasal) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Influenza Live, Intranasal Flu Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flulive. html.
Special Topics
An insidious disease is any disease that comes on slowly and does not have obvious symptoms at first. The person is not aware of its development.
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In medical terms, "inspection" means to look at the person or body part. It is the first step in a physical exam.
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Insulin and syringes - storage and safety
Diabetes - insulin storage
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Insulin pumps
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion; CSII; Diabetes - insulin pumps
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Intravenous means "within a vein. " Most often it refers to giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube inserted into a vein. This allows the medicine or fluid to enter your bloodstream right away...
Special Topics
An invasive disease is one that spreads to surrounding tissues. An invasive procedure is one in which the body is "invaded", or entered by a needle, tube, device, or scope.
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Keeping your medicines organized
Pill organizer; Pill dispenser
Special Topics
Kinins are proteins in the blood that cause inflammation and affect blood pressure (especially causing blood pressure to go down). They also: Increase blood flow throughout the bodyMake it easier for fluids...
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Liquid medication administration
Special Topics
Lower-calorie choices for alcoholic drinks
Low-calorie spirits; Low-calorie mixed drinks; Low-calorie alcohol; Low-calorie alcoholic beverages; Weight loss - low-calorie cocktails; Obesity - low-calorie cocktails
Special Topics
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
Macroglossia is a disorder in which the tongue is larger than normal.
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A macrophage is a type of immune cell. It destroys foreign substances to protect the body from infection.
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Macrosomia refers to a very large body size. It is often used to describe an oversized fetus.
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Mechanical ventilator - infants
A mechanical ventilator is a machine that helps with breathing. This article discusses the use of mechanical ventilators in infants.
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Medicine safety - Filling your prescription
Medical errors - medicine; Preventing medicine errors
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Medicine safety and children
Medication safety; Poison control - medicine safety
Special Topics
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
Meningococcal B vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
Midline venous catheters - infants
A midline venous catheter is a long (3 to 8 inches, or 7 to 20 centimeters) thin, soft plastic tube that is put into a small vein. This article addresses midline catheters in infants.
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Mucopolysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules that are found throughout the body, often in mucus and in fluid around the joints. They are more commonly called glycosaminoglycans.
Special Topics
Muscle strain treatment
Question: How do you treat a muscle strain? muscle strain Answer: Rest the strained muscle and apply ice for the first few days after the injury. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen, naproxen...
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NICU consultants and support staff
The NICU is a special unit in the hospital for babies born preterm, very early, or who have some other serious medical condition. Most babies born very early will need special care after birth. This article...
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NICU staff
This article discusses the main team of caregivers in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The staff often includes the following: ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL/ADVANCED PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL This health...
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Nail care for newborns
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Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
Premature babies need to receive good nutrition so they grow at a rate close to that of babies still inside the womb.
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A neonate is a baby who is 4 weeks old or younger.
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Newborn head molding
Newborn head molding is an abnormal head shape that results from pressure on the baby's head during childbirth.
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Nurse practitioner (NP)
A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse with a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing. This type of provider may also be referred to as an ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) or APRN (Advanced...
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Over-the-counter medicines
You can buy many medicines for minor problems at the store without a prescription (over-the-counter). Important tips for using over-the-counter medicines: Always follow the printed directions and warnings...
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Oxygen therapy in infants
Babies with heart or lung problems may need to breathe increased amounts of oxygen to get normal levels of oxygen in their blood. Oxygen therapy provides babies with extra oxygen.
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Palliative care - fear and anxiety
End of life care - fear and anxiety; Hospice care - fear and anxiety
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Palliative care - shortness of breath
Dyspnea - end-of-life; Hospice care - shortness of breath
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Palliative care - what the final days are like
End of life - final days; Hospice - final days
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Penis care (uncircumcised)
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Percutaneously inserted central catheter - infants
A percutaneously inserted central catheter (PICC) is a long, very thin, soft flexible tube that is put into a small blood vessel and reaches deep into a larger blood vessel. This article addresses PICCs...
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Peripheral arterial line - infants
A peripheral arterial line (PAL) is a tiny, short, flexible catheter that is put through the skin into an artery of the arm or leg. Health care providers sometimes call it an "art line" or "a pal. " This...
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Peripheral intravenous line - infants
A peripheral intravenous line (PIV) is a tiny, short, flexible tube, called a catheter. A health care provider puts the PIV through the skin into a vein in the scalp, hand, arm, or foot. The PIV can be...
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Pesticides on fruits and vegetables
Special Topics
Pharmacogenetics is the study of how genes affect the way medicines work in a person. Your health care provider can use the information from pharmacogenetic testing to prescribe medicines that will work...
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Physical exam frequency
Even if you feel fine, you should still see your health care provider for regular checkups. These visits can help you avoid problems in the future. For example, the only way to find out if you have high...
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Physician Assistant profession (PA)
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Plaque and tartar on teeth
Plaque is a sticky film that coats teeth and contains bacteria. If plaque is not removed on a regular basis, it will harden and turn into tartar (calculus).
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Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine - what you need to know
Content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Information Statement (VIS):
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Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): CDC review information for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide VIS:
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Polio vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Polio Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
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Potbellies and toddlers
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Prenatal genetic counseling
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Preschooler development
The normal social and physical development of children ages 3 to 6 years old includes many milestones.
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Preschooler test or procedure preparation
Preparing properly for a test or procedure reduces your child's anxiety, encourages cooperation, and helps your child develop coping skills.
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Preventing food poisoning
To prevent food poisoning, take the following steps when preparing food: food poisoning Carefully wash your hands often, and always before cooking or cleaning. Always wash them again after touching raw...
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Preventive health care
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Puberty in boys
Well child - puberty in boys; Development - puberty in boys
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Puberty in girls
Well child - puberty in girls; Development - puberty in girls; Menstruation - puberty in girls; Breast development - puberty in girls
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Respiratory viruses and face masks
COVID-19 - face coverings; Coronavirus - face masks; Respiratory viruses - face coverings
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Reye syndrome - resources
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Rotavirus vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Rotavirus Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/rotavirus. html.
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SIDS - resources
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Safe driving for teens
Learning to drive is an exciting time for teenagers and their parents. It opens up many options for a young person, but it also carries risks. Young people from ages 15 to 24 have the highest rate of auto...
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School age test or procedure preparation
Preparing properly for a test or procedure may reduce your child's anxiety, encourage cooperation, and help your child develop coping skills.
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School-age children development
School-age child development describes the expected physical, emotional, and mental abilities of children ages 6 to 12 years.
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Scoliosis - resources
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Selective mutism - resources
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Sex-linked dominant
Sex-linked dominant is a rare way that a genetic trait or disorder can be passed down through families. One abnormal gene on the X chromosome can cause a sex-linked dominant disease. Related terms and topics...
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Sex-linked recessive
Sex-linked diseases are passed down through families through one of the X or Y chromosomes. X and Y are sex chromosomes. Dominant inheritance occurs when a variant gene from one parent causes disease, even...
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Sexual abuse in children - what to know
Sexual abuse - children
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Shared decision making
Patient-centered care; SDM
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Skin findings in newborns
A newborn infant's skin goes through many changes both in appearance and texture.
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Sleepwalking and children
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Splinter removal
A splinter is a thin piece of material (such as wood, glass, or metal) that gets embedded just below the top layer of your skin.
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Stem cell research
A stem cell is a generic cell that can make exact copies of itself indefinitely. A stem cell has the ability to make specialized cells for various tissues in the body, such as heart muscle, brain tissue...
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Stress in childhood
Childhood stress can be present in any setting that requires the child to adapt or change. Stress may be caused by positive changes, such as starting a new activity, but it is most commonly linked with...
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Taking iron supplements
Eating iron rich foods is a key part of treating anemia caused by low iron levels. You may also need to take iron supplements as well to rebuild iron stores in your body.
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Taking multiple medicines safely
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Talking to your child about smoking
Nicotine - talking to your child; Tobacco - talking to your children; Cigarettes - talking to your child
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Talking with a child about a parent's terminal illness
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Tay-Sachs - resources
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Td (tetanus, diphtheria) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Td vaccine information statement (VIS) --
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Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Tdap Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
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Teenagers and drugs
As a parent, it is natural to worry about your teenager. And, like many parents, you may be afraid that your teen may try drugs, or worse, become dependent on drugs. While you cannot control everything...
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Teenagers and sleep
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Teething is the growth of teeth through the gums in the mouth of infants and young children.
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Telehealth; Telemedicine; Mobile health (mHealth); Remote patient monitoring; E-health
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Temper tantrums
Temper tantrums are unpleasant and disruptive behaviors or emotional outbursts in children. They often occur in response to unmet needs or desires. Tantrums are more likely to occur in toddlers and preschool...
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Thumb sucking
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Time out
"Time out" is a technique some parents and teachers use when a child misbehaves. It involves the child leaving the environment and activities where the inappropriate behavior occurred, and going to a specific...
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Toddler development
Toddlers are children ages 1 to 3 years. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES Cognitive (thought) development skills typical for toddlers include: Early use of instruments or toolsFollowing visual (then later, invisible...
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Toddler test or procedure preparation
Helping your young child prepare for a medical test or procedure can reduce anxiety, increase cooperation, and help your child develop coping skills.
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Toilet training tips
Potty training
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Total parenteral nutrition - infants
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. Fluids are given into a vein to provide most of the nutrients the body needs. The method is used when a...
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Treatment for childhood cancer - long-term risks
Childhood cancer - late effects
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Types of health care providers
This article describes health care providers involved in primary care, nursing care, and specialty care.
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Umbilical catheters
The placenta is the link between mother and baby during pregnancy. Two arteries and one vein in the umbilical cord carry blood back and forth. If the newborn baby is ill right after birth, a catheter may...
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Umbilical cord care in newborns
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Understanding Medicare
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Urinary catheter - infants
A urinary catheter is a small, soft tube placed in the bladder. This article addresses urinary catheters in babies. A catheter may be inserted and removed right away, or it may be left in place.
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Using over-the-counter medicines safely
OTC - using safely
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Vacation health care
Vacation health care means taking care of your health and medical needs while you travel on a vacation or holidays. This article provides you tips you can use before and while traveling.
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Vaccines - immunizations
Vaccines are used to boost your immune system and prevent the risk of infection and the severity of infections, including those that cause serious, life-threatening diseases.
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Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Chickenpox Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
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Virilization is a condition in which a female develops characteristics associated with male hormones (androgens), or when a newborn has characteristics of male hormone exposure at birth.
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Visiting your baby in the NICU
NICU - visiting baby; Neonatal intensive care - visiting
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Ways to burn more calories every day
Weight loss - burning calories; Overweight - burning calories; Obesity - burning calories; Physical activity - burning calories; Staying active - burning calories
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Weight loss and alcohol
Weight loss - alcohol; Overweight - alcohol; Obesity - alcohol; Diet - alcohol
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Well-child visits
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change. Children have more well-child visits when they are younger. This is because development is faster during these years. Each visit includes a complete physical...
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What is palliative care?
Comfort care; End of life - palliative care; Hospice - palliative care
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When to use the emergency room - child
Emergency room - child; Emergency department - child; Urgent care - child; ER - when to use
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When you feel like changing your medicine
Medication - non-compliance; Medication - nonadherence
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When your child's cancer treatment stops working
End of life care - children; Palliative care - children; Advance care planning - children
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Your baby and the flu
The flu is an easily-spread disease. Children under age 2 have a higher risk of developing complications if they get the flu. flu The information in this article has been put together to help you protect...
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Your child and the flu
The flu is a serious illness. The virus is easily spread, and children are very susceptible to the illness. Knowing the facts about the flu, its symptoms, and when to get vaccinated are all important in...
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Your child's first vaccines - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Your Child's First Vaccines: What You Need to Know vaccine information statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov...
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Anti-reflux surgery is surgery to tighten the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). Problems with these muscles can lead to gastroesophageal...
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. penis
Clubfoot repair
Clubfoot repair is surgery to correct a birth defect of the foot and ankle. Clubfoot
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) repair is surgery to close an opening or space in a baby's diaphragm. This opening is called a hernia. It is a rare type of birth defect. Congenital means the problem...
Exchange transfusion
Exchange transfusion is a potentially life-saving procedure that is done to counteract the effects of serious jaundice or changes in the blood due to diseases such as sickle cell anemia. The procedure involves...
Gastroschisis repair
Gastroschisis repair is a procedure done on an infant to correct a birth defect that causes an opening in the skin and muscles covering the belly (abdominal wall). The opening allows the intestines and...
Leg lengthening and shortening
Leg lengthening and shortening are types of surgery to treat some people who have legs of unequal lengths. These procedures may: Lengthen an abnormally short legShorten an abnormally long legLimit growth...
Meningocele repair
Meningocele repair (also known as myelomeningocele repair) is surgery to repair birth defects of the spine and spinal membranes. Meningocele and myelomeningocele are types of spina bifida. spina bifida
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair is surgery to repair two birth defects in the esophagus and trachea. The defects usually occur together.
Undescended testicle repair
Undescended testicle repair is surgery to correct testicles that have not dropped down into the correct position in the scrotum. Undescended testicle
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
The ureters are the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Ureteral reimplantation is surgery to change the position of these tubes where they enter the bladder wall.
17-OH progesterone
17-OH progesterone is a blood test that measures the amount of 17-OH progesterone in the blood. This is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and sex glands. adrenal glands
24-hour urine copper test
The 24-hour urine copper test measures the amount of copper in a urine sample.
ALP isoenzyme test
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in many body tissues such as liver, bile ducts, bone, and intestine. There are several different structural forms of ALP called isoenzymes. The structure of...
Acid mucopolysaccharides
Acid mucopolysaccharides is a test that measures the amount of mucopolysaccharides released into the urine either during one episode or over a 24-hour period. mucopolysaccharides Mucopolysaccharides are...
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
The alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test measures the level of the enzyme ALT in the blood. enzyme
Albumin blood (serum) test
Albumin is a protein made by the liver. A serum albumin test measures the amount of this protein in the clear liquid portion of the blood. Albumin can also be measured in the urine. urine
Aminoaciduria is an abnormally high amount of amino acids in the urine. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins in the body.
Amylase - blood
Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is made primarily in the pancreas and the glands that make saliva, and can be found at low levels in other parts of the body. When the pancreas is...
Anti-DNase B blood test
Anti-DNase B is a blood test to look for antibodies to a substance (protein) produced by group A streptococcus. This is the bacteria that cause strep throat. . strep throat When used together with the ASO...
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Anti-smooth muscle antibody is a blood test that detects the presence of antibodies against smooth muscle. The antibody is useful in making a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. antibodies
Antibody titer blood test
Antibody titer is a laboratory test that measures the level of antibodies in a blood sample. antibodies
Antimitochondrial antibody
Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) are substances (antibodies) that form against mitochondria. The mitochondria are an important part of cells. They are the energy source inside the cells. These help the...
Antinuclear antibody panel
The antinuclear antibody panel is a blood test that looks at antinuclear antibodies (ANA). antibodies ANA are antibodies produced by the immune system that bind to the body's own tissues.The antinuclear...
Antistreptolysin O titer
Antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer is a blood test to measure antibodies against streptolysin O, a substance produced by group A streptococcus bacteria. Antibodies are proteins our bodies produce when they...
Apgar score
Apgar is a quick test performed on a baby at 1 and 5 minutes after birth. The 1-minute score determines how well the baby tolerated the birthing process. The 5-minute score tells the health care provider...
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test measures the level of the enzyme AST in the blood. enzyme
Basic metabolic panel
The basic metabolic panel is a group of blood tests that provides information about your body's metabolism. metabolism
Bilirubin blood test
The bilirubin blood test measures the level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in bile, a fluid made by the liver. Bilirubin can also be measured with a urine test. urine...
Blood differential test
The blood differential test measures the percentage of each type of white blood cell (WBC) that you have in your blood. It also reveals if there are any abnormal or immature cells.
Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force on the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood through your body. You can measure your blood pressure at home. You can also have it checked at your...
Blood smear
A blood smear is a blood test that gives information about the number and shape of blood cells. It is often done as part of or along with a complete blood count (CBC).
Blood typing
Blood typing is a method to tell what type of blood you have. Blood typing is done so you can safely donate your blood or receive a blood transfusion. It is also done to see if you have a substance called...
Buccal smear
A buccal (pronounced "buckle") smear is the painless removal of a sample of cells from the inside of your mouth (cheek) for study.
C-reactive protein
C-reactive protein (CRP) is produced by the liver. The level of CRP rises when there is inflammation in the body. It is one of a group of proteins, called acute phase reactants that go up in response to...
C1 esterase inhibitor
C1 esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) is a protein found in the fluid part of your blood. It controls a protein called C1, which is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60...
CBC blood test
A complete blood count (CBC) test measures the following: The number of white blood cells (WBC count)The number of red blood cells (RBC count)The number of plateletsThe total amount of hemoglobin in the...
COVID-19 antibody test
This blood test shows if you have antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body in response to harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria. Antibodies...
COVID-19 virus test
Testing for the virus that causes COVID-19 involves taking a mucus sample from your upper respiratory tract. This test is used to diagnose COVID-19. The COVID-19 virus test is not used to test your immunity...
Calcium - ionized
Ionized calcium is calcium in your blood that is not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium. All cells need calcium in order to work. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. It is important...
Calcium blood test
The calcium blood test measures the level of calcium in the blood. This article discusses the test to measure the total amount of calcium in your blood. About one half of the calcium in the blood is attached...
Capillary sample
A capillary sample is a blood sample collected by pricking the skin. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin.
Chloride test - blood
Chloride is a type of electrolyte. It works with other electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and carbon dioxide (CO2). These substances help keep the proper balance of body fluids and maintain the body...
Complement is a blood test that measures the activity of certain proteins in the liquid portion of your blood. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are in blood plasma or on the surface...
Complement component 3 (C3)
Complement C3 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are in blood plasma...
Complement component 4
Complement component 4 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are found...
Complement fixation test to C burnetii
The complement fixation test to Coxiella burnetii (C burnetii) is a blood test that checks for infection due to bacteria called C burnetii, which causes Q fever. Coxiella burnetii C burnetii C burnetii...
Comprehensive metabolic panel
A comprehensive metabolic panel is a group of blood tests. They provide an overall picture of your body's chemical balance and metabolism. Metabolism refers to all the physical and chemical processes in...
Coombs test
The Coombs test looks for antibodies that may stick to your red blood cells and cause red blood cells to die too early. antibodies
Cryoglobulins are antibodies that become solid or gel-like at low temperatures in the laboratory. This article describes the blood test used to check for them. In the laboratory, cryoglobulins come out...
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test to measure the electrical activity of the brain.
ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is commonly called a "sed rate." It is a test that indirectly measures the level of certain proteins in the blood. This measurement correlates with the...
Echocardiogram - children
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart. It is used with children to help diagnose defects of the heart that are present at birth (congenital). The picture is more...
Erythropoietin test
The erythropoietin test measures the amount of a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) in blood. The hormone tells stem cells in the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. EPO is made by cells in the kidney...
Estradiol blood test
An estradiol test measures the amount of a hormone called estradiol in the blood. Estradiol is one of the main types of estrogens.
Extremity x-ray
An extremity x-ray is an image of the hands, wrist, feet, ankle, leg, thigh, forearm humerus or upper arm, hip, shoulder or all of these areas. The term "extremity" often refers to a human limb. x-ray X...
Factor IX assay
The factor IX assay is a blood test that measures the activity of factor IX. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Factor VII assay
The factor VII assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor VII. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Factor VIII assay
The factor VIII assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor VIII. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Factor X assay
The factor X assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor X. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Ferritin blood test
The ferritin blood test measures the level of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein inside your cells that stores iron. It allows your body to use the iron when it needs it. A ferritin test indirectly...
Fetal echocardiography
Fetal echocardiography is a test that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to evaluate the baby's heart for problems before birth. ultrasound
Fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution blood test
The fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution test is used to measure the number of the unborn baby's red blood cells in a pregnant woman's blood.
Fluorescein eye stain
This is a test that uses orange dye (fluorescein) and a blue light to detect foreign bodies in the eye. This test can also detect damage to the cornea. The cornea is the outer surface of the eye.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test
The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test measures the level of FSH in blood. FSH is a hormone released by the pituitary gland, located on the underside of the brain.
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase blood test
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase is a blood test that measures the level of a substance called GALT, which helps break down milk sugars in your body. A low level of this substance causes a condition...
Gastric culture
Gastric culture is a test to check a child's stomach contents for the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB). tuberculosis
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a protein that helps red blood cells work properly. The G6PD test looks at the amount (activity) of this substance in red blood cells.
Growth hormone stimulation test
The growth hormone (GH) stimulation test measures the ability of the body to produce GH.
Growth hormone suppression test
The growth hormone suppression test determines whether growth hormone (GH) production can be suppressed by taking a specific amount of glucose (called a glucose load).
Hematocrit is a blood test that measures how much of a person's blood is made up of red blood cells as opposed to plasma. This measurement depends on the number of and size of the red blood cells. the number...
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The hemoglobin test measures how much hemoglobin is in your blood.
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood. It is present inside the red blood cells. Hemoglobin electrophoresis measures the levels of the different types of this protein in the blood. Hemoglobin
Hepatitis virus panel
The hepatitis virus panel is a series of blood tests used to detect current or past infection by hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C. It can screen blood samples for more than one kind of hepatitis...
Immunoelectrophoresis – blood
Serum immunoelectrophoresis is a lab test that measures proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins that function as antibodies, which fight infection. There are many types...
Immunofixation blood test
The immunofixation blood test is used to identify proteins called immunoglobulins in blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins that function as antibodies, which fight infection. There are many types of immunoglobulins...
Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells. This test can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease.
Ketones blood test
A ketone blood test measures the amount of ketones in the blood. Ketones can also be measured with a urine test. urine test
LDH isoenzyme blood test
The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme test checks how much of the different types of LDH, called isoenzymes, are present in the blood. lactate dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase test
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a protein that helps produce energy in the body. An LDH test measures the amount of LDH in the blood.
Lipase test
Lipase is a protein (enzyme) released by the pancreas into the small intestine. It helps the body absorb fat. This test is used to measure the amount of lipase in the blood. enzyme
Lyme disease blood test
The Lyme disease blood test looks for antibodies in the blood to the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. The test is used to help diagnose Lyme disease. Lyme disease
Magnesium blood test
A serum magnesium test measures the level of magnesium in the blood.
Methylene blue test
The methylene blue test is a test to determine the type or to treat methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder. methemoglobinemia
Microalbuminuria test
This test looks for a protein called albumin in a urine sample. Albumin can also be measured using a blood test or another urine test, called the urine protein test. blood test urine protein test
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening is a blood test that screens newborns for cystic fibrosis (CF). cystic fibrosis
Newborn screening tests
Newborn screening tests look for developmental, genetic, and metabolic disorders in the newborn baby. This allows steps to be taken before symptoms develop. Most of these illnesses are very rare, but can...
Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of the back part of the eye (fundus), which includes the retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels. retina choroid
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is a blood test that looks at how long it takes for blood to clot. It can help tell if you have a bleeding problem or if your blood does not clot properly. This test measures...
Pharmacogenetic testing
Pharmacogenetic testing provides information about your genes and how they control your response to certain medicines. Your genes can affect the desired result of a drug. Your provider can use the information...
Phosphorus blood test
The phosphorus blood test measures the amount of phosphate in the blood.
Pinworm test
A pinworm test is a method used to identify a pinworm infection. Pinworms are small, thin worms that commonly infect young children, although anyone can be infected. pinworm
Plasma amino acids
Plasma amino acids is a screening test, usually done on infants that looks at the amounts of amino acids in the blood. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins in the body. amino acids
Platelet aggregation test
The platelet aggregation blood test checks how well platelets, a part of blood, clump together and cause blood to clot.
Platelet antibodies blood test
This blood test shows if you have antibodies against platelets in your blood. Platelets are particles in the blood that help the blood clot. Sometimes the body may produce antibodies that affect its own...
Platelet count
A platelet count is a lab test to measure how many platelets you have in your blood. Platelets are particles in the blood that help the blood clot. They are smaller than red or white blood cells.
Potassium test
This test measures the amount of potassium in the fluid portion (serum) of the blood. Potassium (K+) helps nerves and muscles communicate. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out...
Protein electrophoresis - serum
This lab test measures the types of protein in the fluid (serum) part of a blood sample. This fluid is called serum.
Prothrombin time (PT)
Prothrombin time (PT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes for the liquid portion (plasma) of your blood to clot. It measures the function of a part of the clotting system. A related blood test...
The pulse is the number of heartbeats per minute.
Quantitative immunoglobulins
The quantitative immunoglobulins test measures the levels of proteins called gamma globulins in the fluid part of a blood sample. This fluid is called serum.
Quantitative nephelometry test
Quantitative nephelometry is a lab test to quickly and accurately measure levels of certain proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are antibodies that help fight infection. antibodies...
RBC count
An RBC count is a blood test that measures how many red blood cells (RBCs) you have. RBCs contain hemoglobin, a protein which carries oxygen. How much oxygen your body tissues get depends on how many RBCs...
RBC indices
Red blood cell (RBC) indices are part of the complete blood count (CBC) test. They are usually used to help diagnose the cause of anemia, a condition in which there are too few red blood cells. complete...
Radionuclide cisternogram
A radionuclide cisternogram is a nuclear scan test. It is used to diagnose problems with the flow of spinal fluid.
Reticulocyte count
Reticulocytes are slightly immature red blood cells. A reticulocyte count is a blood test that measures the amount of these cells in the blood.
Rotavirus antigen test
The rotavirus antigen test detects rotavirus in the feces. This is the most common cause of infectious diarrhea in children. diarrhea
Schilling test
The Schilling test can determine whether the body absorbs vitamin B12 normally. It helps assess the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency. This test is rarely, if ever, done today. vitamin B12
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis determines the effectiveness of antibiotics against microorganisms (germs) such as bacteria that have been isolated from cultures. Sensitivity analysis may be done along with: Blood...
Serum iron test
A serum iron test measures how much iron is in your blood.
Serum phenylalanine screening
Serum phenylalanine screening is a blood test to look for signs of the disease phenylketonuria (PKU). The test detects abnormally high levels of an amino acid called phenylalanine. phenylketonuria
Sickle cell test
The sickle cell test looks for the abnormal hemoglobin in the blood that causes the disorder sickle cell disease. hemoglobin sickle cell disease
Sodium blood test
The sodium blood test measures the concentration of sodium in the blood. Sodium can also be measured using a urine test. urine test
Streptococcal screen
A streptococcal screen is a test to detect group A streptococcus. This type of bacteria is the most common cause of strep throat. strep throat
Sweat electrolytes test
Sweat electrolytes is a test that measures the level of chloride in sweat. Sweat chloride test is the standard test used to diagnose cystic fibrosis (CF).
TORCH screen
The TORCH screen is a group of blood tests. These tests check for several different infections in a newborn. The full form of TORCH is toxoplasmosis, rubella cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and HIV. However...
A testosterone test measures the amount of the male hormone, testosterone, in the blood. Both men and women produce this hormone. The test described in this article measures the total amount of testosterone...
Throat swab culture
A throat swab culture is a laboratory test that is done to identify germs that may cause infection in the throat. It is most often used to diagnose strep throat. strep throat
Total iron binding capacity
Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) is a blood test to see if you have too much or too little iron in your blood. Iron moves through the blood attached to a protein called transferrin. This test helps your...
Total protein
The total protein test measures the total amount of two classes of proteins found in the fluid portion of your blood. These are albumin and globulin. Proteins are important parts of all cells and tissues...
Transillumination is the shining of a light through a body area or organ to check for abnormalities.
Tympanometry is a test used to detect problems in the ear drum and middle ear.
Urine collection - infants
It is sometimes necessary to get a urine sample from a baby to do testing. Most of the time, urine is collected in the health care provider's office. A sample can also be collected at home. urine sample
Venipuncture is the collection of blood from a vein. It is most often done for laboratory testing.
Visual acuity test
The visual acuity test is used to determine the smallest letters you can read on a standardized chart (Snellen chart) or a card held 20 feet (6 meters) away. Special charts are used when testing at distances...
WBC count
A WBC count is a blood test to measure the number of white blood cells (WBCs) in the blood. It is a part of a complete blood count (CBC). WBCs are also called leukocytes. They help fight infections. There...
Special Topics
10 ways to cut 500 calories a day
Weight loss - 500 calories; Overweight - 500 calories; Obesity - 500 calories; Diet - 500 calories
Special Topics
12 healthy snacks with 200 calories or less
Nibbles; Appetizers; Healthy eating - healthy snacks; Weight loss - healthy snacks; Healthy diet - healthy snacks; Wellness - healthy snacks
17-OH progesterone
17-OH progesterone is a blood test that measures the amount of 17-OH progesterone in the blood. This is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and sex glands. adrenal glands
24-hour urine copper test
The 24-hour urine copper test measures the amount of copper in a urine sample.
Special Topics
A guide to help children understand cancer
Special Topics
A guide to herbal remedies
ALP isoenzyme test
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in many body tissues such as liver, bile ducts, bone, and intestine. There are several different structural forms of ALP called isoenzymes. The structure of...
Diseases & Conditions
Aarskog syndrome
Aarskog syndrome is a very rare disease that affects a person's height, muscles, skeleton, genitals, and appearance. It can be passed down through families (inherited).
Diseases & Conditions
Aase syndrome
Aase syndrome is a rare disorder that involves anemia and certain joint and skeletal deformities. anemia
Abdominal mass
An abdominal mass is swelling in one part of the belly area (abdomen).
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is pain that you feel anywhere between your chest and groin. This is often referred to as the stomach region or belly.
Abdominal pain - children under age 12
Almost all children have abdominal pain at one time or another. Abdominal pain is pain in the stomach or belly area. It can be anywhere between the chest and groin. Most of the time, it is not caused by...
Diseases & Conditions
Absence seizure
An absence seizure is the term for a type of seizure involving staring spells. This type of seizure is a brief (usually less than 15 seconds) change in awareness due to abnormal electrical activity in the...
Diseases & Conditions
Absent pulmonary valve
Absent pulmonary valve is a rare defect in which the pulmonary valve is either missing or poorly formed. Oxygen-poor blood flows through this valve from the heart to the lungs, where it picks up fresh oxygen...
Self-Care Instructions
Acetaminophen dosing for children
Diseases & Conditions
Achondrogenesis is a rare type of growth hormone deficiency in which there is a defect in the development of bone and cartilage. growth hormone deficiency
Diseases & Conditions
Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth that causes the most common type of dwarfism.
Acid mucopolysaccharides
Acid mucopolysaccharides is a test that measures the amount of mucopolysaccharides released into the urine either during one episode or over a 24-hour period. mucopolysaccharides Mucopolysaccharides are...
Diseases & Conditions
Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or "zits. " Whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches of skin (such as cysts) may develop.
Diseases & Conditions
Acquired platelet function defect
Acquired platelet function defects are conditions that prevent clotting elements in the blood called platelets from working as they should. The term acquired means these conditions are not present at birth...
Diseases & Conditions
Acrodysostosis is an extremely rare disorder that is present at birth (congenital). It leads to problems with the bones of the hands, feet, and nose, and intellectual disability.
Diseases & Conditions
Acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is swelling and inflamed tissue in the bronchi, the main passages that carry air to the lungs. This swelling narrows the airways, which makes it harder to breathe. Other symptoms of bronchitis...
Special Topics
Adolescent development
The development of children ages 12 through 18 years old should include expected physical and mental milestones.
Special Topics
Adolescent test or procedure preparation
Preparing for a medical test or procedure can reduce anxiety, encourage cooperation, and help your teen develop coping skills.
Diseases & Conditions
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) describes several closely related disorders that disrupt the breakdown of certain fats. These disorders are often passed down (inherited) in families.
Special Topics
Advance care directives
Living will; Power of attorney; DNR - advance directive; Do not resuscitate - advance directive; Do-not-resuscitate - advance directive; Durable power of attorney - advance care directive; POA - advance...
Diseases & Conditions
Agammaglobulinemia is an inherited disorder in which a person has very low levels of protective immune system proteins called immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins are a type of antibody. Low levels of these...
Diseases & Conditions
Aicardi syndrome
Aicardi syndrome is a rare disorder. In this condition, the structure that connects the two sides of the brain (called the corpus callosum) is partly or completely missing. Nearly all known cases occur...
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
The alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test measures the level of the enzyme ALT in the blood. enzyme
Diseases & Conditions
Albinism is a lack of melanin production. Melanin is a natural substance in the body that gives color to your hair, skin, and iris of the eye.
Albumin blood (serum) test
Albumin is a protein made by the liver. A serum albumin test measures the amount of this protein in the clear liquid portion of the blood. Albumin can also be measured in the urine. urine
Diseases & Conditions
Alkaptonuria is a rare condition in which a person's urine turns a dark brownish-black color when exposed to air. Alkaptonuria is part of a group of conditions known as an inborn error of metabolism.
Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions are sensitivities to substances called allergens that come into contact with the skin, nose, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. They can be breathed into the lungs,...
Diseases & Conditions
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a diagnosis associated with a group of symptoms affecting the nose. These symptoms occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, animal dander, or pollen. Symptoms...
In-depth Report
Allergic rhinitis - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common nasal allergies. Nasal allergies can be associated with sinus inflammation and congestion; so the term 'allergic rhinosinusitis...
Self-Care Instructions
Allergic rhinitis - self-care
Hay fever - self-care; Seasonal rhinitis - self-care; Allergies - allergic rhinitis - self-care
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - adult
What to ask your doctor about allergic rhinitis - adult; Hay fever - what to ask your doctor - adult; Allergies - what to ask your doctor - adult; Allergic conjunctivitis - what to ask your doctor
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Allergic rhinitis - what to ask your doctor - child
What to ask your doctor about allergic rhinitis - child; Hay fever - what to ask your doctor - child; Allergies - what to ask your doctor - child
Diseases & Conditions
An allergy is an immune response or reaction to substances that are usually not harmful. immune response
Self-Care Instructions
Allergies, asthma, and dust
Reactive airway disease - dust; Bronchial asthma - dust; Triggers - dust
Self-Care Instructions
Allergies, asthma, and molds
Reactive airway - mold; Bronchial asthma - mold; Triggers - mold; Allergic rhinitis - pollen
Self-Care Instructions
Allergies, asthma, and pollen
Reactive airway - pollen; Bronchial asthma - pollen; Triggers - pollen; Allergic rhinitis - pollen
Discharge Instructions
Allergy shots
Allergy injections; Allergen immunotherapy
Diseases & Conditions
Alstrom syndrome
Alström syndrome is a very rare disease. It is passed down through families (inherited). This disease can lead to blindness, deafness, diabetes, and obesity. blindness deafness diabetes obesity
Ambiguous genitalia
Ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition where a child is born with outer genitals that do not clearly look either male or female. They may have features of both sexes or not be fully developed. The characteristics...
Diseases & Conditions
Amblyopia is the loss of the ability to see clearly through one eye. It is also called "lazy eye. " It is the most common cause of vision problems in children.
Diseases & Conditions
Amebiasis is an infection of the intestines. It is caused by the microscopic parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Entamoeba histolytica
Diseases & Conditions
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a tooth development disorder. It causes the tooth enamel to be thin and abnormally formed. Enamel is the outer layer of the visible crown portion of the teeth.
Aminoaciduria is an abnormally high amount of amino acids in the urine. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins in the body.
Diseases & Conditions
Amniotic band sequence
Amniotic band sequence (ABS) is a group of rare birth defects that are thought to occur when strands of the amniotic sac detach and wrap around parts of the baby in the womb. The defects may affect the...
Amylase - blood
Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is made primarily in the pancreas and the glands that make saliva, and can be found at low levels in other parts of the body. When the pancreas is...
Diseases & Conditions
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is when a person who has one X and one Y chromosome (typically seen in males) is resistant to hormones that produce a male appearance (called androgens). As a result...
Diseases & Conditions
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. Different types of anemia include: Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiencyAnemia...
In-depth Report
Anemia - InDepth
An in-depth report on the types, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of anemia.
Diseases & Conditions
Anemia caused by low iron - children
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types of anemia. Anemia Iron helps make red blood cells...
Diseases & Conditions
Anencephaly is the absence of a large part of the brain and the skull.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Anesthesia - what to ask your doctor - child
What to ask your doctor about anesthesia - child
Diseases & Conditions
Angelman syndrome
Angelman syndrome (AS) is a genetic condition that causes problems with the way a child's body and brain develop. The syndrome is present from birth (congenital). However, it often isn't diagnosed until...
Ankle pain
Ankle pain involves any discomfort in one or both ankles.
Self-Care Instructions
Ankle sprain - aftercare
Lateral ankle sprain - aftercare; Medial ankle sprain - aftercare; Medial ankle injury - aftercare; Ankle syndesmosis sprain - aftercare; Syndesmosis injury - aftercare; ATFL injury - aftercare; CFL injury...
Diseases & Conditions
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a heart defect. The left coronary artery (LCA), which carries blood to the heart muscle, begins from the pulmonary artery instead of...
Diseases & Conditions
Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes people to weigh less than is considered healthy for their age and height, usually by excessive weight loss. People with this disorder may have an intense fear...
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury
An anterior cruciate ligament injury is the over-stretching or tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. A tear may be partial or complete.
Diseases & Conditions
Anterior knee pain
Anterior knee pain is pain that occurs at the front and center of the knee. It can be caused by many different problems, including: Chondromalacia of the patella -- the softening and breakdown of the tissue...
Anti-DNase B blood test
Anti-DNase B is a blood test to look for antibodies to a substance (protein) produced by group A streptococcus. This is the bacteria that cause strep throat. . strep throat When used together with the ASO...
Anti-reflux surgery - children
Anti-reflux surgery is surgery to tighten the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). Problems with these muscles can lead to gastroesophageal...
Discharge Instructions
Anti-reflux surgery - children - discharge
Fundoplication - children - discharge; Nissen fundoplication - children - discharge; Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - children - discharge; Toupet fundoplication - children - discharge; Thal fundoplication...
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Anti-smooth muscle antibody is a blood test that detects the presence of antibodies against smooth muscle. The antibody is useful in making a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. antibodies
Antibody titer blood test
Antibody titer is a laboratory test that measures the level of antibodies in a blood sample. antibodies
Self-Care Instructions
Antihistamines for allergies
Allergic rhinitis - antihistamine; Hives - antihistamine; Allergic conjunctivitis - antihistamine; Urticaria - antihistamine; Dermatitis - antihistamine; Eczema - antihistamine
Antimitochondrial antibody
Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) are substances (antibodies) that form against mitochondria. The mitochondria are an important part of cells. They are the energy source inside the cells. These help the...
Antinuclear antibody panel
The antinuclear antibody panel is a blood test that looks at antinuclear antibodies (ANA). antibodies ANA are antibodies produced by the immune system that bind to the body's own tissues.The antinuclear...
Antistreptolysin O titer
Antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer is a blood test to measure antibodies against streptolysin O, a substance produced by group A streptococcus bacteria. Antibodies are proteins our bodies produce when they...
Diseases & Conditions
Aortopulmonary window
Aortopulmonary window is a rare heart defect in which there is a hole connecting the major artery taking blood from the heart to the body (the aorta) and the one taking blood from the heart to the lungs...
Diseases & Conditions
Apert syndrome
Apert syndrome is a genetic disease in which the seams between the skull bones close earlier than normal. This affects the shape of the head and face. Children with Apert syndrome often have deformities...
Apgar score
Apgar is a quick test performed on a baby at 1 and 5 minutes after birth. The 1-minute score determines how well the baby tolerated the birthing process. The 5-minute score tells the health care provider...
Diseases & Conditions
Apnea of prematurity
Apnea means "without breath" and refers to breathing that slows down or stops from any cause. Apnea of prematurity refers to breathing pauses in babies who were born before 37 weeks of pregnancy (premature...
Appetite - decreased
A decreased appetite is when your desire to eat is reduced. The medical term for a loss of appetite is anorexia.
Appetite - increased
Increased appetite means you have an excess desire for food.
Special Topics
Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth. During this time, the baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. If the baby's gestational age findings after birth match the calendar...
Arachnodactyly is a condition in which the fingers are long, slender, and curved. They look like the legs of a spider (arachnid).
Diseases & Conditions
An arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rate (pulse) or heart rhythm. The heart can beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. heart rate An arrhythmia can be harmless, a sign...
Diseases & Conditions
Ascariasis is an infection with the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Ascaris lumbricoides
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test measures the level of the enzyme AST in the blood. enzyme
Special Topics
Aspartic acid
Aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. amino acid "Nonessential" means that our bodies produce it, even if we do not get this amino acid from the food we...
Discharge Instructions
Asthma - child - discharge
Pediatric asthma - discharge; Wheezing - discharge; Reactive airway disease - discharge
Self-Care Instructions
Asthma - control drugs
Asthma - inhaled corticosteroids; Asthma - long-acting beta-agonists; Asthma - leukotriene modifiers; Asthma - cromolyn; Bronchial asthma - control drugs; Wheezing - control drugs; Reactive airway disease...
Self-Care Instructions
Asthma - quick-relief drugs
Asthma - quick-relief drugs - short-acting beta-agonists; Asthma - quick-relief drugs - bronchodilators; Asthma - quick-relief drugs - oral steroids; Asthma - rescue drugs; Bronchial asthma - quick relief...
Self-Care Instructions
Asthma and school
Asthma action plan - school; Wheezing - school; Reactive airway disease - school; Bronchial asthma - school
Diseases & Conditions
Asthma in children
Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to swell and get narrow. It leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Asthma in children - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about asthma - child
In-depth Report
Asthma in children and adolescents - InDepth
An in-depth report on how asthma is diagnosed, treated, and managed in children and adolescents.
Diseases & Conditions
Ataxia - telangiectasia
Ataxia-telangiectasia is a rare childhood disease. It affects the brain and other parts of the body. Ataxia refers to uncoordinated movements, such as walking. Telangiectasias are enlarged blood vessels...
Diseases & Conditions
Athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by fungus. The medical term is tinea pedis or ringworm of the foot.
Diseases & Conditions
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a long-term (chronic) skin disorder that involves scaly and itchy rashes. It is a type of eczema. Other forms of eczema include: Contact dermatitisDyshidrotic eczemaNummular eczemaSeborrheic...
Self-Care Instructions
Atopic dermatitis - children - homecare
Infantile eczema; Dermatitis - atopic children; Eczema - atopic - children
Self-Care Instructions
Atopic dermatitis - self-care
Eczema - self-care
Diseases & Conditions
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a heart defect that is present at birth (congenital). As a baby develops in the womb, a wall (septum) forms that divides the upper chamber into a left and right atrium. When...
Diseases & Conditions
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a problem caused by the presence of one or more of these findings: Not being able to focusBeing overactiveNot being able to control behavior Not being...
In-depth Report
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ADHD.
Special Topics
Autism - resources
Diseases & Conditions
Autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder. It often appears in the first 2 to 3 years of life. ASD affects the brain's ability to develop normal social and communication skills.
Diseases & Conditions
Autism spectrum disorder - Asperger syndrome
Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness. Asperger syndrome is a part of the larger developmental...
Diseases & Conditions
Autism spectrum disorder - childhood disintegrative disorder
Childhood disintegrative disorder is a condition in which children develop normally through about age 3. Then, over a few months, they lose language, motor, social, and other skills that they already learned...
Special Topics
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal dominant is one of many ways that a genetic trait or disorder can be passed down through families. In an autosomal dominant disease, if you get the variant gene from only one parent, you can get...
Special Topics
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a genetic trait, disorder, or disease can be passed down through families. An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present...
Special Topics
Babies and heat rashes
Heat rash occurs in babies when the pores of the sweat glands become blocked. This happens most often when the weather is hot or humid. As your infant sweats, little red bumps and possibly tiny blisters...
Special Topics
Babies and shots
Immunizations (vaccinations) are important to keep your child healthy. This article discusses how to ease the pain of shots for babies.
Self-Care Instructions
Baby supplies you need
Newborn care - baby supplies
Basic metabolic panel
The basic metabolic panel is a group of blood tests that provides information about your body's metabolism. metabolism
Diseases & Conditions
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome is a rare disease passed down through families. The person is unable to fully absorb dietary fats through their intestines.
Self-Care Instructions
Bathing an infant
Bathing safety tips; Infant bathing; Newborn bathing; Bathing your newborn baby
Self-Care Instructions
Bathroom safety - children
Well child - bathroom safety
Diseases & Conditions
Becker muscular dystrophy
Becker muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder that involves slowly worsening muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis. muscle weakness
Diseases & Conditions
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a growth disorder that causes large body size, large organs, and other symptoms. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present at birth. The signs and symptoms of...
Special Topics
Bedtime habits for infants and children
Sleep patterns are often learned as children. When these patterns are repeated, they become habits. Helping your child learn good bedtime habits may help make going to bed a pleasant routine for you and...
Special Topics
Enuresis; Nocturnal enuresis
Self-Care Instructions
Benefits of breastfeeding
Nursing your baby; Lactation; Deciding to breastfeed
Diseases & Conditions
A bezoar is a ball of swallowed foreign material most often composed of hair or fiber. It collects in the stomach and fails to pass through the intestines.
Diseases & Conditions
Bicuspid aortic valve
A bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is an aortic valve that only has two leaflets, instead of three. The aortic valve regulates blood flow from the heart into the aorta. The aorta is the major blood vessel that...
Self-Care Instructions
Bicycle safety
Diseases & Conditions
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
Bilateral tonic-clonic seizure is a type of seizure that involves the entire body. It is also called grand mal seizure. The terms generalized seizure, convulsion, or epilepsy are most often associated with...
Special Topics
Bili lights
Bili lights are a type of light therapy (phototherapy) that is used to treat newborn jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow coloring of the skin and eyes. It is caused by too much of a yellow substance called bilirubin...
Diseases & Conditions
Biliary atresia
Biliary atresia is a blockage in the tubes (ducts) that carry a liquid called bile from the liver to the gallbladder.
Bilirubin blood test
The bilirubin blood test measures the level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in bile, a fluid made by the liver. Bilirubin can also be measured with a urine test. urine...
Diseases & Conditions
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Bilirubin encephalopathy is a rare neurological condition that occurs in some newborns with severe jaundice. newborns with severe jaundice
Binge eating disorder
Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder in which a person regularly eats unusually large amounts of food. During binge eating, the person also feels a loss of control and is not able to stop eating...
Diseases & Conditions
Bleeding disorders
Bleeding disorders are a group of conditions in which there is a problem with the body's blood clotting process. These disorders can lead to heavy and prolonged bleeding after an injury or surgery. Bleeding...
Bleeding into the skin
Bleeding into the skin can occur from broken blood vessels that form tiny red dots (called petechiae). Blood also can collect under the tissue in larger flat areas (called purpura), or in a very large bruised...
Diseases & Conditions
Blood clots
Blood clots are clumps that occur when blood hardens from a liquid to a solid. A blood clot that forms inside one of your veins or arteries is called a thrombus. A thrombus may also form in your heart....
Blood differential test
The blood differential test measures the percentage of each type of white blood cell (WBC) that you have in your blood. It also reveals if there are any abnormal or immature cells.
Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force on the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood through your body. You can measure your blood pressure at home. You can also have it checked at your...
Blood smear
A blood smear is a blood test that gives information about the number and shape of blood cells. It is often done as part of or along with a complete blood count (CBC).
Self-Care Instructions
Blood transfusions
Blood typing
Blood typing is a method to tell what type of blood you have. Blood typing is done so you can safely donate your blood or receive a blood transfusion. It is also done to see if you have a substance called...
Diseases & Conditions
Blount disease
Blount disease is a growth disorder of the shin bone (tibia) in which the lower leg turns inward, making it look like a bowleg.
Special Topics
Body mass index
A good way to decide if your weight is healthy for your height is to figure out your body mass index (BMI). You and your health care provider can use your BMI to estimate how much body fat you have.
Special Topics
Body temperature norms
Normal body temperature varies by person, age, activity, and time of day. The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 98. 6°F (37°C). Some studies have shown that the "normal" body temperature...
Special Topics
Bonding with your newborn
Discharge Instructions
Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge
Transplant - bone marrow - children - discharge; Stem cell transplant - children - discharge; Hematopoietic stem cell transplant - children - discharge; Reduced intensity, non-myeloablative transplant ...
Bone pain or tenderness
Bone pain or tenderness is aching or other discomfort in one or more bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. The bacteria may enter the body through wounds or by eating improperly canned or preserved food. Clostridium botulinum
Diseases & Conditions
Bowlegs is a condition in which the knees stay wide apart when a person stands with the feet and ankles together. It is considered normal in children under 18 months.
Diseases & Conditions
Brachial plexus injury in newborns
The brachial plexus is a group of nerves around the shoulder. A loss of movement or weakness of the arm may occur if these nerves are damaged. This injury is called neonatal brachial plexus palsy (NBPP...
Diseases & Conditions
Brain tumor - children
A brain tumor is a group (mass) of abnormal cells that grow in the brain. This article focuses on primary brain tumors in children.
Diseases & Conditions
Branchial cleft cyst
A branchial cleft cyst is a birth defect. It is caused when fluid fills a space, or sinus, left in the neck when a baby develops in the womb. After the baby is born, it appears as a lump in the neck or...
Special Topics
Break the bonds of emotional eating
Obesity - emotional eating; Overweight - emotional eating; Diet - emotional eating; Weight loss - emotional meaning
Self-Care Instructions
Breast milk - pumping and storing
Milk - human; Human milk; Milk - breast; Breast pump information; Breastfeeding - pump
Self-Care Instructions
Breastfeeding - self-care
Nursing mothers - self-care; Breast feeding - self-care
Self-Care Instructions
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Inverted nipple; Nipple discharge; Breast feeding - nipple changes; Breastfeeding - nipple changes
Special Topics
Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding
Breath odor
Breath odor is the scent of the air you breathe out of your mouth. Unpleasant breath odor is commonly called bad breath.
Breath sounds
Breath sounds are the noises produced by the structures of the lungs during breathing.
Diseases & Conditions
Breath-holding spell
Some children have breath-holding spells. This is an involuntary stop in breathing that is not in the child's control.
Diseases & Conditions
Brief resolved unexplained event - BRUE
A brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE) is when an infant younger than one year stops breathing, has a change in muscle tone, turns pale or blue in color, or is unresponsive. The event occurs suddenly...
Self-Care Instructions
Bringing your child to visit a very ill sibling
Broad nasal bridge
Broad nasal bridge is a widening of the top part of the nose.
Broken bone
If more pressure is put on a bone than it can stand, it will split or break. A break of any size is called a fracture. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open fracture (compound fracture...
Diseases & Conditions
Bronchiolitis is swelling and mucus buildup in the smallest air passages in the lungs (bronchioles). It is usually due to a viral infection.
Discharge Instructions
Bronchiolitis - discharge
RSV bronchiolitis - discharge; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis - discharge
Diseases & Conditions
Bruxism is when you grind your teeth (slide your teeth back and forth over each other).
Buccal smear
A buccal (pronounced "buckle") smear is the painless removal of a sample of cells from the inside of your mouth (cheek) for study.
Special Topics
Bug repellent safety
A bug repellent is a substance that is applied to the skin or clothing to protect you against biting insects. biting insects
Diseases & Conditions
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person has regular episodes of eating a very large amount of food (bingeing) during which the person feels a loss of control over their eating. The person then uses...
Special Topics
Buying and caring for baby bottles and nipples
C-reactive protein
C-reactive protein (CRP) is produced by the liver. The level of CRP rises when there is inflammation in the body. It is one of a group of proteins, called acute phase reactants that go up in response to...
C1 esterase inhibitor
C1 esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) is a protein found in the fluid part of your blood. It controls a protein called C1, which is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60...
CBC blood test
A complete blood count (CBC) test measures the following: The number of white blood cells (WBC count)The number of red blood cells (RBC count)The number of plateletsThe total amount of hemoglobin in the...
COVID-19 antibody test
This blood test shows if you have antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body in response to harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria. Antibodies...
COVID-19 symptoms
COVID-19 is a highly infectious respiratory illness caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include: FeverChillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty...
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines are used to prepare the body's immune system to protect against COVID-19. Everyone ages 6 months and older should get a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who are pregnant...
Self-Care Instructions
COVID-19 vaccines - what to expect
Special Topics
COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older
COVID-19 vaccines are used to prepare the body's immune system to protect against COVID-19.
COVID-19 virus test
Testing for the virus that causes COVID-19 involves taking a mucus sample from your upper respiratory tract. This test is used to diagnose COVID-19. The COVID-19 virus test is not used to test your immunity...
Calcium - ionized
Ionized calcium is calcium in your blood that is not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium. All cells need calcium in order to work. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. It is important...
Calcium blood test
The calcium blood test measures the level of calcium in the blood. This article discusses the test to measure the total amount of calcium in your blood. About one half of the calcium in the blood is attached...
Calcium in diet
Calcium is the most plentiful mineral found in the human body. The teeth and bones contain the most calcium. Nerve cells, body tissues, blood, and other body fluids contain the rest of the calcium.
Special Topics
Calorie count - Alcoholic beverages
Weight loss - calorie count - alcoholic beverages; Overweight - calorie count - alcoholic beverages; Obesity - calorie count - alcoholic beverages
Special Topics
Calorie count - fast food
Weight-loss calorie count fast food; Obesity - calorie count fast food; Overweight - calorie count fast food; Healthy diet - calorie count fast food
Special Topics
Calorie count - sodas and energy drinks
Weight-loss calorie count sodas; Obesity - calorie sodas; Overweight - calorie count sodas; Healthy diet - calorie count sodas
Special Topics
Can you boost your metabolism?
Weight-loss boost metabolism; Obesity - boost metabolism; Overweight - boost metabolism
Diseases & Conditions
Canavan disease
Canavan disease is a condition that affects how the body breaks down and uses aspartic acid. aspartic acid
Diseases & Conditions
Canker sore
A canker sore is a painful, open sore in the mouth. Canker sores are white or yellow and surrounded by a bright red area. They are not cancerous. A canker sore is not the same as a fever blister (cold sore...
Capillary sample
A capillary sample is a blood sample collected by pricking the skin. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Caput succedaneum
Caput succedaneum is swelling of the scalp in a newborn. It is most often brought on by pressure from the uterus or vaginal wall during a head-first (vertex) delivery. swelling
Self-Care Instructions
Causes and risks for obesity in children
Overweight in children - causes and risks
Celiac disease - nutritional considerations
Celiac disease is an immune disorder passed down through families. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, or rye. It may also be found in some medicines. When a person with celiac disease eats or drinks...
Diseases & Conditions
Celiac disease – sprue
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that damages the lining of the small intestine. This damage comes from a reaction to eating gluten. This is a substance that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and...
Special Topics
Central venous line - infants
A central venous line is a long, soft, flexible tube that is put into a large vein in the chest.
Diseases & Conditions
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that involve the brain. This affects nervous system functions, such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. There are several different types of...
Diseases & Conditions
A chalazion is a small bump in the eyelid caused by a blockage of a tiny oil gland.
Special Topics
Changes in the newborn at birth
Changes in the newborn at birth refer to the changes an infant's body undergoes to adapt to life outside the womb.
Diseases & Conditions
Charley horse
A charley horse is the common name for a muscle spasm or cramp. Muscle spasms can occur in any muscle in the body, but often happen in the leg. When a muscle is in spasm, it contracts without your control...
Diseases & Conditions
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare disease of the immune and nervous systems. It involves pale-colored hair, eyes, and skin.
Special Topics
Chicken soup and sickness
Diseases & Conditions
Chickenpox is a viral infection in which a person develops very itchy blisters all over the body. It was more common in the past. The illness is rare today because of the chickenpox vaccine. chickenpox...
Diseases & Conditions
Chiggers are tiny, 6-legged wingless organisms (larvae) that mature to become a type of mite. Chiggers are found in tall grass and weeds. Their bite causes severe itching.
Diseases & Conditions
Child neglect and emotional abuse
Neglect and emotional abuse can cause a child a lot of harm. It is often hard to see or prove this kind of abuse, so other people are less likely to help the child. When a child is being physically or sexually...
Diseases & Conditions
Child physical abuse
Child physical abuse is a serious problem. Here are some facts: Most children are abused at home or by someone they know. They often love this person, or are afraid of them, so they do not tell anyone....
Self-Care Instructions
Child safety seats
Child car seats; Infant car seats; Car seats; Car safety seats
Self-Care Instructions
Children and grief
Special Topics
Children's cancer centers
Pediatric cancer center; Pediatric oncology center; Comprehensive cancer center
Chills refers to feeling cold after being in a cold environment. The word can also refer to an episode of shivering along with paleness and feeling cold.
Chloride in diet
Chloride is found in many chemicals and other substances in the body. It is one of the components of salt used in cooking and in some foods.
Chloride test - blood
Chloride is a type of electrolyte. It works with other electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and carbon dioxide (CO2). These substances help keep the proper balance of body fluids and maintain the body...
In-depth Report
Cholesterol - InDepth
An in-depth report on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of unhealthy cholesterol levels.
Special Topics
Choosing a primary care provider
A primary care provider (PCP) is a health care practitioner who sees people that have common medical problems. This person is most often a doctor. However, a PCP may be a physician assistant or a nurse...
Chromium in diet
Chromium is an essential element that is not made by the body. It must be obtained from the diet.
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. penis
Claw foot
Claw foot is a deformity of the foot. The joint of the toe that is closest to the ankle is bent upward, and the other joints are bent downward. The toe looks like a claw.
Special Topics
Cleaning supplies and equipment
Self-Care Instructions
Clear liquid diet
Surgery - clear liquid diet; Medical test - clear liquid diet
Diseases & Conditions
Cleft lip and palate
Cleft lip and palate are birth defects that affect the upper lip and the roof of the mouth.
Discharge Instructions
Cleft lip and palate repair - discharge
Orofacial cleft - discharge; Craniofacial birth defect repair - discharge; Cheiloplasty - discharge; Cleft rhinoplasty - discharge; Palatoplasty - discharge; Tip rhinoplasty - discharge
Diseases & Conditions
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Cleidocranial dysostosis is a disorder involving the abnormal development of bones in the skull and collar (clavicle) area.
Diseases & Conditions
Clubfoot is a condition that involves both the foot and lower leg in which the foot turns inward and downward. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present at birth.
Clubfoot repair
Clubfoot repair is surgery to correct a birth defect of the foot and ankle. Clubfoot
Self-Care Instructions
Cold medicines and children
OTC children; Acetaminophen - children; Cold and cough - children; Decongestants - children; Expectorants - children; Antitussive - children; Cough suppressant - children
Special Topics
Colds and flu – antibiotics
Antibiotics DO NOT cure colds and flus.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - adult
What to ask your doctor about colds and the flu - adult; Influenza - what to ask your doctor - adult; Upper respiratory infection - what to ask your doctor - adult; URI - what to ask your doctor - adult...
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Colds and the flu - what to ask your doctor - child
What to ask your doctor about colds and the flu - child; Influenza - what to ask your doctor - child; Upper respiratory infection - what to ask your doctor - child; URI - what to ask your doctor - child...
Self-Care Instructions
Colic and crying - self-care
Infantile colic - self-care; Fussy baby - colic - self-care
Diseases & Conditions
Common cold
The common cold most often causes a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, cough, headache, or other symptoms.
Self-Care Instructions
Communicating with someone with dysarthria
Speech and language disorder - dysarthria care; Slurred speech - dysarthria; Articulation disorder - dysarthria
Complement is a blood test that measures the activity of certain proteins in the liquid portion of your blood. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are in blood plasma or on the surface...
Complement component 3 (C3)
Complement C3 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are in blood plasma...
Complement component 4
Complement component 4 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are found...
Complement fixation test to C burnetii
The complement fixation test to Coxiella burnetii (C burnetii) is a blood test that checks for infection due to bacteria called C burnetii, which causes Q fever. Coxiella burnetii C burnetii C burnetii...
Comprehensive metabolic panel
A comprehensive metabolic panel is a group of blood tests. They provide an overall picture of your body's chemical balance and metabolism. Metabolism refers to all the physical and chemical processes in...
Discharge Instructions
Concussion in children - discharge
Mild brain injury in children - discharge; Brain injury in children - discharge; Mild traumatic brain injury in children - discharge; Closed head injury in children - discharge; TBI in children - discharge
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Concussion in children - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about concussion - child; Mild brain injury - what to ask your doctor - child
Diseases & Conditions
Conduct disorder
Conduct disorder is a set of ongoing emotional and behavioral problems that occurs in children and teens. Problems may involve defiant or impulsive behavior, drug use, or criminal activity.
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is the name given to a group of inherited disorders of the adrenal gland. Inherited means the traits are passed down from parent to child. adrenal gland
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital cytomegalovirus
Congenital cytomegalovirus is a condition that can occur when an infant is infected with a virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) before birth. Congenital means the condition is present at birth.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) repair is surgery to close an opening or space in a baby's diaphragm. This opening is called a hernia. It is a rare type of birth defect. Congenital means the problem...
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a problem with the heart's structure and function that is present at birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital platelet function defects
Congenital platelet function defects are conditions that prevent clotting elements in the blood, called platelets, from working as they should. Platelets help the blood clot. Congenital means present from...
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital rubella
Congenital rubella is a condition that occurs in an infant whose mother is infected with the virus that causes German measles. Congenital means the condition is present at birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis is a severe, disabling, and often life-threatening infection seen in infants whose mothers were infected with syphilis and not fully treated. The infection can pass through the placenta...
Diseases & Conditions
Congenital toxoplasmosis
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a group of symptoms that occur when an unborn baby (fetus) is infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii
Diseases & Conditions
Conjunctivitis or pink eye
The conjunctiva is a clear layer of tissue lining the eyelids and covering the white of the eye. Conjunctivitis occurs when the conjunctiva becomes swollen or inflamed. conjunctiva This swelling can be...
Self-Care Instructions
Constipation - self-care
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Constipation - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about constipation
Constipation in infants and children
Constipation in infants and children means they have hard stools or have problems passing stools. A child may have pain while passing stools or may be unable to have a bowel movement after straining or...
Special Topics
Consumer rights and protections
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) took effect on September 23, 2010. It includes certain rights and protections for consumers. These rights and protections help make health care coverage more fair and easy...
Coombs test
The Coombs test looks for antibodies that may stick to your red blood cells and cause red blood cells to die too early. antibodies
Copper in diet
Copper is an essential trace element present in all body tissues. A small amount is needed for the body to function, but the body cannot make its own copper. You must get it from food.
Diseases & Conditions
Corneal injury
Corneal injury is a wound to the part of the eye known as the cornea. The cornea is the crystal clear (transparent) tissue that covers the front of the eye. It works with the lens of the eye to focus images...
Diseases & Conditions
Corneal ulcers and infections
The cornea is the clear tissue at the front of the eye. A corneal ulcer is an open sore in the outer layer of the cornea. It is often caused by infection. At first, a corneal ulcer may seem like conjunctivitis...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronary artery fistula
Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal connection between one of the coronary arteries and a heart chamber or another blood vessel. The coronary arteries are blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses. Infection with these viruses generally causes mild to moderate respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. Some coronaviruses cause severe illness that can lead...
Diseases & Conditions
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that causes fever, coughing, and shortness of breath, but many other symptoms can occur. COVID-19 is caused by a highly infectious virus. Most...
Coughing is an important way to keep your throat and airways clear. But too much coughing may mean you have a disease or disorder. Some coughs are dry. Others are productive. A productive cough is one...
Self-Care Instructions
Counting carbohydrates
Carb counting; Carbohydrate-controlled diet; Diabetic diet; Diabetes-counting carbohydrate
Cow's milk - infants
If your child is under 1 year old, you should not feed your baby cow's milk, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Cow's milk does not provide enough: Vitamin EIronEssential fatty acids...
Special Topics
Cow's milk and children
If your child is under 1 year old, you should not feed your baby cow's milk, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This is because cow's milk doesn't provide enough of certain nutrients...
Diseases & Conditions
Cradle cap
Cradle cap is seborrheic dermatitis that affects the scalp of infants. seborrheic dermatitis
Special Topics
Cranial sutures
Cranial sutures are fibrous bands of tissue that connect the bones of the skull.
Diseases & Conditions
A craniopharyngioma is a noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops at the base of the brain near the pituitary gland. tumor
Diseases & Conditions
Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which one or more sutures on a baby's head closes earlier than usual. The skull of an infant or young child is made up of bony plates that are still growing. The borders...
Discharge Instructions
Craniosynostosis repair - discharge
Craniectomy - child - discharge; Synostectomy - discharge; Strip craniectomy - discharge; Endoscopy-assisted craniectomy - discharge; Sagittal craniectomy - discharge; Frontal-orbital advancement - discharge...
Diseases & Conditions
Craniotabes is a softening of the skull bones.
Special Topics
Creating a family health history
Family health history; Create a family health history; Family medical history
Diseases & Conditions
Creeping eruption
Creeping eruption is a human infection with dog or cat hookworm larvae (immature worms). hookworm
Diseases & Conditions
Cri du chat syndrome
Cri du chat syndrome is a group of symptoms that result from missing a piece of chromosome number 5. The syndrome's name is based on the infant's cry, which is high-pitched and sounds like a cat. chromosome
Self-Care Instructions
Cribs and crib safety
Diseases & Conditions
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a very rare inherited disorder in which bilirubin cannot be broken down. Bilirubin is a substance made by the liver.
Diseases & Conditions
Crohn disease
Crohn disease is a disease where parts of the digestive tract become inflamed. It most often involves the lower end of the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine.It may also occur in any...
In-depth Report
Crohn disease - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Crohn disease.
Discharge Instructions
Crohn disease - discharge
Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn disease - discharge; Regional enteritis - discharge; Ileitis - discharge; Granulomatous ileocolitis - discharge; Colitis - discharge
Diseases & Conditions
Croup is an infection of the upper airways that causes breathing difficulty and a barking cough. Croup is due to swelling around the vocal cords. It is common in infants and children. breathing difficulty
Discharge Instructions
Crutches and children - proper fit and safety tips
Discharge Instructions
Crutches and children - sitting and getting up from a chair
Discharge Instructions
Crutches and children - stairs
Discharge Instructions
Crutches and children - standing and walking
Special Topics
Crying in childhood
Special Topics
Crying in infancy
Infants have a cry reflex that is a normal response to stimuli, such as pain or hunger. Premature infants may not have a cry reflex. Therefore, they must be monitored closely for signs of hunger and pain...
Cryoglobulins are antibodies that become solid or gel-like at low temperatures in the laboratory. This article describes the blood test used to check for them. In the laboratory, cryoglobulins come out...
Diseases & Conditions
Cyanotic heart disease
Cyanotic heart disease refers to a group of many different heart defects that are present at birth (congenital). They result in a low blood oxygen level. Cyanosis refers to a bluish color of the skin and...
Diseases & Conditions
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young...
Diseases & Conditions
Cysticercosis is an infection by a parasite called Taenia solium (T solium). It is a pork tapeworm that creates cysts in different areas of the body. Taenia solium T solium cysts
Special Topics
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DTaP vaccine information statement (VIS) -- www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/dtap. html. www...
Self-Care Instructions
Daily bowel care program
Incontinence - care; Dysfunctional bowel - care; Neurogenic bowel - care
Special Topics
Dance your way to fitness
Exercise - dance; Wellness - dance
Special Topics
Day care health risks
Special Topics
Death among children and adolescents
Special Topics
Deciding about treatments that prolong life
Palliative care - treatments that prolong life; Palliative care - life support; End-of-life-treatments that prolong life; Ventilator - treatments that prolong life; Respirator - treatments that prolong...
Self-Care Instructions
Defining overweight and obesity in children
Diseases & Conditions
Dehydration occurs when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it needs. Dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on how much of your body's fluid is lost or not replaced. Severe...
Delayed growth
Delayed growth is poor or abnormally slow height or weight gains in a child younger than age 5. This may just be normal, and the child may outgrow it.
Diseases & Conditions
Delayed puberty in boys
Delayed puberty in boys is when puberty does not begin by 14 years of age.
When puberty is delayed, these changes either don't occur or don't progress normally. Delayed puberty is more common in boys than...
Diseases & Conditions
Delayed puberty in girls
Delayed puberty in girls occurs when breasts don't develop by age 13 or menstrual periods do not begin by age 16. Puberty changes occur when the body starts making sex hormones. These changes normally begin...
Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. Clinical depression is a mood disorder in which...
In-depth Report
Depression - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of depression.
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental coordination disorder
Developmental coordination disorder is a childhood disorder. It leads to poor coordination and clumsiness.
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental differences of the female genital tract
Developmental differences of the female reproductive tract affect the reproductive organs of a female infant. They occur while the baby is growing in the mother's womb. Female reproductive organs include...
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a dislocation of the hip joint that is present at birth. The condition is found in babies or young children.
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental expressive language disorder
Developmental expressive language disorder is a condition in which a child has lower than normal ability in vocabulary, saying complex sentences, and remembering words. However, a child with this disorder...
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record
Developmental milestones are behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered milestones. The milestones...
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 12 months
The typical 12-month-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 18 months
The typical 18-month-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 2 months
This article describes the skills and growth targets of 2-month-old infants.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 2 years
Physical and motor skill markers: Able to turn a door knob.Can look through a book turning one page at a time.Can build a tower of 6 to 7 cubes.Can kick a ball without losing balance.Can pick up objects...
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 3 years
This article describes the skills and growth markers that are relevant to 3-year-olds.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 4 months
Typical 4-month-old infants are expected to develop certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called milestones.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 4 years
The typical 4-year-old child will demonstrate certain physical and mental skills. These skills are called developmental milestones.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 5 years
This article describes the expected skills and growth markers of most 5-year-old children.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 6 months
This article describes the skills and growth targets for 6-month-old infants.
Special Topics
Developmental milestones record - 9 months
At 9 months, a typical infant will have certain skills and reach growth markers called milestones.
Diseases & Conditions
Developmental reading disorder
Developmental reading disorder is a reading disability that occurs when the brain does not properly recognize and process certain symbols. It is also called dyslexia.
Diseases & Conditions
Dextrocardia is a condition in which the heart is pointed toward the right side of the chest. Normally, the heart points toward the left. The condition is present at birth (congenital).
Diseases & Conditions
Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) disease in which the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.
Special Topics
Diabetes - insulin therapy
Diabetes - insulin
In-depth Report
Diabetes - type 1 - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of type 1 diabetes.
In-depth Report
Diabetes - type 2 - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Self-Care Instructions
Diabetes - when you are sick
Sick-day management - diabetes; Diabetes - sick day management; Insulin resistance - sick day management; Ketoacidosis - sick day management; Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome - sick day management
Self-Care Instructions
Diabetes and alcohol
Alcohol - diabetes; Diabetes - alcohol use
Diseases & Conditions
Diabetes and nerve damage
Nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy. This condition is a complication of diabetes. diabetes
Self-Care Instructions
Diabetes eye exams
Diabetic retinopathy - eye exams; Diabetes - eye exams; Glaucoma - diabetic eye exam; Macular edema - diabetic eye exam
Special Topics
Diabetes myths and facts
Diabetes - common myths and facts; High blood sugar myths and facts
Self-Care Instructions
Diabetes tests and checkups
Routine diabetes tests; Diabetes - prevention
Diseases & Conditions
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening problem that affects people with diabetes. It occurs when the body starts breaking down fat at a rate that is much too fast. The liver processes the fat...
Diseases & Conditions
Diaper rash
Diaper rash is a skin problem that develops in the area under an infant's diaper.
Diseases & Conditions
Diaphragmatic hernia
A diaphragmatic hernia is a birth defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle between the chest and abdomen that helps you breathe. The abnormal opening allows...
Diarrhea is when you pass loose or watery stool.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Diarrhea - what to ask your doctor - child
What to ask your doctor about diarrhea - child; Loose stools - what to ask your doctor - child
Special Topics
Diarrhea in infants
Special Topics
Diarrhea in infants
Diarrhea - babies
Diseases & Conditions
Diastasis recti
Diastasis recti is a separation between the left and right side of the rectus abdominis muscle. This muscle covers the front surface of the belly area.
Special Topics
Diet and cancer
Diet can have an impact on your risk of developing many types of cancer. You can reduce your overall risk by following a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Special Topics
Diet for rapid weight loss
Very low-calorie diet; VLCD; Low-calorie diet; LCD; Very low energy diet; Weight loss - rapid weight loss; Overweight - rapid weight loss; Obesity - rapid weight loss; Diet - rapid weight loss; Intermittent...
Special Topics
Diet myths and facts
Obesity - diet myths and facts; Overweight - diet myths and fact; Weight-loss diet myths and facts
Special Topics
Diet-boosting foods
Obesity - diet-boosting foods; Overweight - diet-boosting foods
Self-Care Instructions
Diet-busting foods
Obesity - diet-busting foods; Overweight - diet-busting foods; Weight loss - diet busting foods
Special Topics
Dietary fat and children
Diseases & Conditions
Differences of sex development
Differences of sex development (DSD) is a group of conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the external (outside) genitals (penis, scrotum, vulva, labia) and the internal (inside) genitals (testes...
Diseases & Conditions
Diphtheria is an acute infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. acute Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Special Topics
Discipline in children
All children misbehave sometimes. As a parent, you have to decide how you will respond. Your child needs rules to understand how to behave. Discipline involves both punishment and rewards. When you discipline...
A dislocation is a disruption of the normal position of the ends of two or more bones where they meet at a joint. A joint is the place where two bones connect, which allows movement. A dislocated joint...
Special Topics
Distracted driving
Safety - distracted driving
Dizziness is a term that is often used to describe 2 different symptoms: lightheadedness and vertigo. Lightheadedness is a feeling that you might faint. Vertigo is a feeling that you are spinning or moving...
Special Topics
Do-not-resuscitate order
No code; End-of-life; Do not resuscitate; Do not resuscitate order; DNR; DNR order; Advance care directive - DNR; Health care agent - DNR; Health care proxy - DNR; End-of-life - DNR; Living will - DNR
Special Topics
Domestic violence
Intimate partner violence; Spousal abuse; Elder abuse; Child abuse; Sexual abuse - domestic violence
Diseases & Conditions
Double aortic arch
Double aortic arch is an abnormal formation of the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It is a congenital problem, which means that it is present at birth...
Diseases & Conditions
Double inlet left ventricle
Double inlet left ventricle (DILV) is a heart defect that is present from birth (congenital). It affects the valves and chambers of the heart. Babies born with this condition have only one working pumping...
Diseases & Conditions
Double outlet right ventricle
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) is a heart disease that is present from birth (congenital). The aorta connects to the right ventricle (RV, the chamber of the heart that pumps oxygen-poor blood to the...
Diseases & Conditions
Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. chromosomes
Self-Care Instructions
Drawing medicine out of a vial
Administering injections; Giving a needle; Giving insulin
Drooling is saliva flowing outside the mouth.
Diseases & Conditions
Dry eye syndrome
You need tears to moisten the eyes and to wash away particles that have gotten into your eyes. A healthy tear film on the eye is necessary for good vision. Dry eyes develop when the eye is unable to maintain...
Self-Care Instructions
Dry mouth during cancer treatment
Chemotherapy - dry mouth; Radiation therapy - dry mouth; Transplant - dry mouth; Transplantation - dry mouth
Diseases & Conditions
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder. It involves muscle weakness, which quickly gets worse. muscle weakness
Diseases & Conditions
Duodenal atresia
Duodenal atresia is a condition in which the first part of the small bowel (the duodenum) has not developed properly. It is not open and does not allow the passage of stomach contents. duodenum
Diseases & Conditions
E coli enteritis
E coli enteritis is swelling (inflammation) of the small intestine from Escherichia coli (E coli) bacteria. It is the most common cause of travelers' diarrhea. E coli Escherichia coli E coli
Diseases & Conditions
ECHO virus
Enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) viruses are a group of viruses that can lead to infections in different parts of the body, and skin rashes.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test to measure the electrical activity of the brain.
ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is commonly called a "sed rate." It is a test that indirectly measures the level of certain proteins in the blood. This measurement correlates with the...
Ear discharge
Ear discharge is drainage of blood, ear wax, pus, or fluid from the ear. ear wax
Diseases & Conditions
Ear infection - acute
Suspected ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the health care provider. The most common type of ear infection is called otitis media. It is caused by swelling...
Diseases & Conditions
Ear infection - chronic
Chronic ear infection is fluid, swelling, or an infection behind the eardrum that does not go away or keeps coming back. It may cause long-term or permanent damage to the ear. It often involves a hole in...
In-depth Report
Ear infections - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ear infections.
Ear tag
An ear tag is a small skin tag or pit in front of the outside part of the ear.
Diseases & Conditions
Ear wax
The ear canal is lined with hair follicles. The ear canal also has glands that produce a waxy oil called cerumen. The wax will most often make its way to the opening of the ear. There it will fall out or...
An earache is a sharp, dull, or burning pain in one or both ears. The pain may last a short time or be ongoing. Related conditions include: Otitis mediaSwimmer's earMalignant otitis externa Otitis media...
Earlobe creases
Earlobe creases are lines in the surface of the earlobe of a child or young adult. The surface is otherwise smooth.
In-depth Report
Eating disorders - InDepth
An in-depth report on the treatment and prevention of eating disorders.
Self-Care Instructions
Eating habits and behaviors
Self-Care Instructions
Eating out
Weight-loss - eating out; Healthy diet - eating out; Obesity - eating out
Diseases & Conditions
Ebstein anomaly
Ebstein anomaly is a rare heart defect in which parts of the tricuspid valve are abnormal. The tricuspid valve separates the right lower heart chamber (right ventricle) from the right upper heart chamber...
Diseases & Conditions
Echinococcosis is an infection caused by either the Echinococcus granulosus or Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm. The infection is also called hydatid disease. Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis
Echocardiogram - children
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart. It is used with children to help diagnose defects of the heart that are present at birth (congenital). The picture is more...
Diseases & Conditions
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of inherited disorders marked by extremely loose joints, very stretchy (hyperelastic) skin that bruises easily, and easily damaged blood vessels. hyperelastic
Diseases & Conditions
Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial infection transmitted by the bite of a tick.
Diseases & Conditions
Eisenmenger syndrome
Eisenmenger syndrome is a condition that affects blood flow from the heart to the lungs in some people who were born with structural problems of the heart.
Elbow pain
This article describes pain or other discomfort in the elbow that is not related to direct injury.
Diseases & Conditions
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects bone growth.
Diseases & Conditions
If a child over 4 years of age has been toilet trained, and still passes stool and soils clothes, it is called encopresis. The child may or may not be doing this on purpose.
Diseases & Conditions
Endocardial cushion defect
Endocardial cushion defect (ECD) is an abnormal heart condition. The walls separating all four chambers of the heart are poorly formed or absent. Also, the valves separating the upper and lower chambers...
Diseases & Conditions
Endocarditis - children
The inner lining of the heart chambers and heart valves is called the endocardium. Endocarditis occurs when this tissue becomes swollen or inflamed, most often due to infection of one of the heart valves...
Diseases & Conditions
Enlarged adenoids
The adenoids are lymph tissues that sit in your upper airway between your nose and the back of your throat. They are similar to the tonsils. Enlarged adenoids means this tissue is swollen.
Self-Care Instructions
Enteral nutrition - child - managing problems
Discharge Instructions
Enterovirus D68
Non-polio enterovirus
Epicanthal folds
An epicanthal fold is skin of the upper eyelid that covers the inner corner of the eye. The fold runs from nose to the inner side of the eyebrow.
Diseases & Conditions
Epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis. This is the tissue-lined cartilage that covers the trachea (windpipe) while swallowing. Epiglottitis can be a life-threatening disease.
Diseases & Conditions
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. Seizures are episodes of uncontrolled and abnormal electrical activity of brain cells that may cause changes in attention...
In-depth Report
Epilepsy - InDepth
An in-depth report on the types, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy.
Diseases & Conditions
Epilepsy in children
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. seizures A seizure is a sudden change in the electrical and chemical activity in the brain. A single seizure that does not...
Discharge Instructions
Epilepsy in children - discharge
Seizure disorder in children - discharge
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Epilepsy in children - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about epilepsy - child; Seizures - what to ask your doctor - child
Discharge Instructions
Epilepsy or seizures - discharge
Focal seizure - discharge; Jacksonian seizure - discharge; Seizure - partial (focal) - discharge; TLE - discharge; Seizure - temporal lobe - discharge; Seizure - tonic-clonic - discharge; Seizure - grand...
Diseases & Conditions
Epstein pearls
Epstein pearls are whitish-yellow cysts. These form on the gums and roof of the mouth in a newborn baby. newborn baby Milia are a similar type of skin problem in babies. Milia
Diseases & Conditions
Erythema toxicum
Erythema toxicum is a common skin condition seen in newborns.
Erythropoietin test
The erythropoietin test measures the amount of a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) in blood. The hormone tells stem cells in the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. EPO is made by cells in the kidney...
Special Topics
Estimated average glucose (eAG)
Estradiol blood test
An estradiol test measures the amount of a hormone called estradiol in the blood. Estradiol is one of the main types of estrogens.
Diseases & Conditions
Eustachian tube patency
Eustachian tube patency refers to how much the eustachian tube is open. The eustachian tube runs between the middle ear and the throat. It controls the pressure behind the eardrum in the middle ear space...
Excessive crying in infants
Crying is an important way for infants to communicate. But, when a baby cries a lot, it may be a sign of something that needs treatment.
Exchange transfusion
Exchange transfusion is a potentially life-saving procedure that is done to counteract the effects of serious jaundice or changes in the blood due to diseases such as sickle cell anemia. The procedure involves...
Self-Care Instructions
Exercise and activity - children
Self-Care Instructions
Exercise and activity for weight loss
Weight loss - activity; Weight loss - exercise; Obesity - activity
Self-Care Instructions
Exercise-induced asthma
Wheezing - exercise-induced; Reactive airway disease - exercise; Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
Self-Care Instructions
Exercising and asthma at school
Asthma - exercise school; Exercise - induced asthma - school
Special Topics
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a treatment that uses a pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung back into the bloodstream of a very ill baby. This system provides heart-lung bypass...
Extremity x-ray
An extremity x-ray is an image of the hands, wrist, feet, ankle, leg, thigh, forearm humerus or upper arm, hip, shoulder or all of these areas. The term "extremity" often refers to a human limb. x-ray X...
Eye burning - itching and discharge
Eye burning with discharge is burning, itching, or drainage from the eye of any substance other than tears.
Discharge Instructions
Eye muscle repair - discharge
Repair of cross-eye - discharge; Resection and recession - discharge; Lazy eye repair - discharge; Strabismus repair - discharge; Extraocular muscle surgery - discharge
Eye pain
Pain in the eye may be described as a burning, throbbing, aching, or stabbing sensation in or around the eye. It may also feel like you have a foreign object in your eye. This article discusses eye pain...
Diseases & Conditions
Eyelid bump
Most bumps on the eyelid are styes. A stye is an inflamed oil gland on the edge of your eyelid, where the eyelash meets the lid. It appears as a red, swollen bump that looks like a pimple. It is often tender...
Diseases & Conditions
Eyelid twitch
An eyelid twitch is a general term for spasms of the eyelid muscles. These spasms happen without your control. The eyelid may repeatedly close (or nearly close) and reopen. This article discusses eyelid...
Face pain
Face pain may be dull and throbbing or an intense, stabbing discomfort in the face or forehead. It can occur in one or both sides.
Facial swelling
Facial swelling is the buildup of fluid in the tissues of the face. Swelling may also affect the neck and upper arms.
Diseases & Conditions
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is a condition that causes muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue that gets worse over time. muscle weakness
Factor IX assay
The factor IX assay is a blood test that measures the activity of factor IX. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Factor VII assay
The factor VII assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor VII. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Diseases & Conditions
Factor VII deficiency
Factor VII (seven) deficiency is a disorder caused by a lack of a protein called factor VII in the blood. It leads to problems with blood clotting (coagulation).
Factor VIII assay
The factor VIII assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor VIII. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Factor X assay
The factor X assay is a blood test to measure the activity of factor X. This is one of the proteins in the body that helps the blood clot.
Diseases & Conditions
Factor X deficiency
Factor X (ten) deficiency is a disorder caused by a lack of a protein called factor X in the blood. It leads to problems with blood clotting (coagulation).
Diseases & Conditions
Failure to thrive
Failure to thrive refers to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is much lower than that of other children of similar age and sex.
Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. The episode most often lasts less than a couple of minutes and you usually recover from it quickly. The medical name for...
Diseases & Conditions
Familial Mediterranean fever
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a rare disorder that may be passed down through families (inherited). It involves repeated fevers and inflammation that often affects the lining of the abdomen, chest...
Diseases & Conditions
Fanconi syndrome
Fanconi syndrome is a disorder of the kidney tubes in which certain substances normally absorbed into the bloodstream by the kidneys are released into the urine instead.
Diseases & Conditions
Farsightedness is having a harder time seeing objects that are close than things that are far away. The term is often used to describe the need for reading glasses as you get older. However, the correct...
Diseases & Conditions
Febrile seizures
A febrile seizure is a convulsion in a child triggered by a fever. convulsion fever
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Febrile seizures - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about febrile seizures
Self-Care Instructions
Feeding patterns and diet - babies and infants
Babies and infants - feeding; Diet - age appropriate - babies and infants; Breastfeeding - babies and infants; Formula feeding - babies and infants
Self-Care Instructions
Feeding patterns and diet - children 6 months to 2 years
Feeding children 6 months to 2 years; Diet - age appropriate - children 6 months to 2 years; Babies - feeding solid food
Special Topics
Feeding tube - infants
A feeding tube is a small, soft, plastic tube placed through the nose (NG) or mouth (OG) into the stomach. These tubes are used to provide feedings and medicines into the stomach until the baby can take...
Ferritin blood test
The ferritin blood test measures the level of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein inside your cells that stores iron. It allows your body to use the iron when it needs it. A ferritin test indirectly...
Diseases & Conditions
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a collection of growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.
Special Topics
Fetal development
Learn how your baby is conceived and how your baby develops inside the mother's womb.
Fetal echocardiography
Fetal echocardiography is a test that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to evaluate the baby's heart for problems before birth. ultrasound
Fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution blood test
The fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution test is used to measure the number of the unborn baby's red blood cells in a pregnant woman's blood.
Fever is the temporary increase in the body's temperature in response to a disease or illness. A child has a fever when the temperature is at or above one of these levels: 100.4°F (38°C) measured in the...
Diseases & Conditions
Fibrous dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia is a bone disease that destroys and replaces normal bone with fibrous bone tissue. One or more bones can be affected.
Diseases & Conditions
Fifth disease
Fifth disease is caused by a virus that leads to a rash on the cheeks, arms, and legs.
Special Topics
Fine motor control
Self-Care Instructions
Fire safety at home
Diseases & Conditions
Fish tapeworm infection
Fish tapeworm infection is an intestinal infection with a parasite found in fish.
Diseases & Conditions
Fleas are small insects that feed on the blood of humans, dogs, cats, and other warm-blooded animals.
Diseases & Conditions
The flu (influenza) is a viral respiratory illness that causes fever, chills, runny nose, body aches, and cough. It spreads easily from person to person. The flu can cause moderate to severe symptoms. Most...
Fluorescein eye stain
This is a test that uses orange dye (fluorescein) and a blue light to detect foreign bodies in the eye. This test can also detect damage to the cornea. The cornea is the outer surface of the eye.
Fluoride in diet
Fluoride occurs naturally in the body as calcium fluoride. Calcium fluoride is mostly found in the bones and teeth.
Diseases & Conditions
Focal seizure
All seizures are caused by abnormal electrical disturbances in the brain. Focal seizures occur when this electrical activity is in a limited area of the brain. Sometimes the seizures stay only in one part...
Folic acid in diet
Folic acid and folate are both terms for a type of B vitamin (vitamin B9). Folate is a B vitamin that occurs naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, and beans. Folic acid is man...
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test
The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test measures the level of FSH in blood. FSH is a hormone released by the pituitary gland, located on the underside of the brain.
Fontanelles - bulging
A bulging fontanelle is an outward curving of an infant's soft spot (fontanelle).
Fontanelles - enlarged
Enlarged fontanelles are larger than expected soft spots in the head for the age of a baby. The skull of an infant or young child is made up of bony plates that allow for growth of the skull. The borders...
Fontanelles - sunken
Sunken fontanelles are an obvious curving inward of the "soft spot" in an infant's head.
Diseases & Conditions
Food allergy
A food allergy is a type of immune response triggered by eggs, peanuts, milk, shellfish or some other specific food.
Special Topics
Food guide plate
By following the US Department of Agriculture's food guide, called MyPlate, you can make healthier food choices. The newest guide encourages you to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins...
Food jags
A food jag is when a child will only eat one food item, or a very small group of food items, meal after meal. Some other common childhood eating behaviors that can concern parents include fear of new foods...
Food safety
Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that preserve the quality of food. These practices prevent contamination and foodborne illnesses. foodborne
Foot pain
Pain or discomfort can be felt anywhere in the foot. You may have pain in the heel, toes, arch, instep, or the bottom of the foot (sole). heel
In-depth Report
Foot pain - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot pain.
Foot, leg, and ankle swelling
Painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, especially among older people. Abnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs can cause swelling. This fluid buildup and swelling is...
Diseases & Conditions
Fractured clavicle in the newborn
A fractured clavicle in the newborn is a broken collar bone in a baby that was just delivered.
Diseases & Conditions
Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition involving changes in a gene on the X chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in boys. intellectual disability
Frontal bossing
Frontal bossing is an unusually prominent forehead. It is sometimes associated with a heavier than normal brow ridge.
Self-Care Instructions
Full liquid diet
Surgery - full liquid diet; Medical test - full liquid diet
Diseases & Conditions
Fungal nail infection
Fungal nail infection is a fungus growing in and around your fingernail or toenail.
Fussy or irritable child
Young children who cannot talk yet will let you know when something is wrong by acting fussy or irritable. If your child is fussier than usual, it could be a sign that something is wrong.
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase blood test
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase is a blood test that measures the level of a substance called GALT, which helps break down milk sugars in your body. A low level of this substance causes a condition...
Diseases & Conditions
Galactosemia is a condition in which the body is unable to use (metabolize) the simple sugar galactose. metabolize
Diseases & Conditions
Ganglioneuroblastoma is an intermediate tumor that arises from nerve tissues. An intermediate tumor is one that is between benign (slow-growing and unlikely to spread) and malignant (fast-growing, aggressive...
Gas – flatulence
Gas is air in the intestine that is passed through the rectum. Air that moves from the digestive tract through the mouth is called belching. belching Gas is also called flatus or flatulence.
Gastric culture
Gastric culture is a test to check a child's stomach contents for the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB). tuberculosis
Diseases & Conditions
Gastroesophageal reflux disease - children
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) occurs when the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This is also called reflux. GER can irritate the...
Diseases & Conditions
Gastroesophageal reflux in infants
Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when stomach contents leak backward from the stomach into the esophagus. This causes "spitting up" in infants. spitting up
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding refers to any bleeding that starts in the gastrointestinal tract. Bleeding may come from any site along the GI tract, but is often divided into: Upper GI bleeding: The upper...
Diseases & Conditions
Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which an infant's intestines are outside of the body because of a hole in the abdominal wall.
Gastroschisis repair
Gastroschisis repair is a procedure done on an infant to correct a birth defect that causes an opening in the skin and muscles covering the belly (abdominal wall). The opening allows the intestines and...
Discharge Instructions
Gastrostomy feeding tube - pump - child
PEG tube feeding; PEG tube care; Feeding - gastrostomy tube - pump; G-tube - pump; Gastrostomy button - pump; Bard Button - pump; MIC-KEY - pump
Diseases & Conditions
Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GBA).
Diseases & Conditions
Generalized anxiety disorder in children
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental disorder in which a child is often worried or anxious about many things and finds it hard to control this anxiety.
Genetically modified organisms - GMOs
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants, animals, or microbes that have had their DNA changed using genetic engineering techniques. Another term for this is bioengineered foods.
Special Topics
Genetics is the study of heredity, the process of a parent passing certain genes to their children. A person's appearance -- height, hair color, skin color, and eye color -- is influenced by genes. Other...
Special Topics
Gestational age
Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth. During this time, the baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. Gestational age is the common term used during pregnancy to describe...
Special Topics
Getting a prescription filled
Diseases & Conditions
Giardia infection
Giardia, or giardiasis, is a parasitic infection of the small intestine. A tiny parasite called Giardia lamblia causes it. Giardia lamblia
Self-Care Instructions
Giving an insulin injection
Diabetes - insulin injection; Diabetic - insulin shot
Diseases & Conditions
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Glanzmann thrombasthenia is a rare disorder of blood platelets. Platelets are particles in the blood that aid in blood clotting.
Diseases & Conditions
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a condition in which red blood cells break down when the body is exposed to certain medicines or the stress of infection. It is hereditary, which means...
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a protein that helps red blood cells work properly. The G6PD test looks at the amount (activity) of this substance in red blood cells.
Special Topics
Glycemic index and diabetes
Diseases & Conditions
Gram-negative meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that may cause meningitis. Gram-negative bacteria...
Groin lump
A groin lump is swelling in the groin area. This is where the upper leg meets the lower abdomen.
Groin pain
Groin pain refers to discomfort in the area where the abdomen ends and the legs begin. This article focuses on groin pain in men. The terms "groin" and "testicle" are sometimes used interchangeably. But...
Diseases & Conditions
Group B streptococcal septicemia of the newborn
Group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia is a severe bacterial infection that affects newborn infants. newborn infants
Special Topics
Growth chart
Diseases & Conditions
Growth hormone deficiency - children
Growth hormone deficiency means the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone.
Growth hormone stimulation test
The growth hormone (GH) stimulation test measures the ability of the body to produce GH.
Growth hormone suppression test
The growth hormone suppression test determines whether growth hormone (GH) production can be suppressed by taking a specific amount of glucose (called a glucose load).
Diseases & Conditions
H influenzae meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. Haemophilus influenzae...
Diseases & Conditions
H1N1 influenza (Swine flu)
The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. It is caused by the H1N1 influenza virus.
Special Topics
HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hpv. html.
Special Topics
HPV vaccine
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of HPV. HPV can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. vaccine cervical cancer genital warts HPV has also been linked...
Special Topics
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hib. html.
Self-Care Instructions
Hand fracture - aftercare
Boxer's fracture - aftercare; Metacarpal fracture - aftercare
Diseases & Conditions
Hand-foot-mouth disease
Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common viral infection that most often begins in the throat.
Special Topics
Hand washing; Hand-washing; Washing your hands; Handwashing - COVID-19; Washing your hands - COVID-19
Diseases & Conditions
Hartnup disorder
Hartnup disorder is a genetic condition in which there is a defect in the transport of certain amino acids (such as tryptophan and histidine) by the small intestine and kidneys. amino acids tryptophan
Special Topics
Head circumference
Head circumference is a measurement of a child's head around its largest area. It measures the distance from above the eyebrows and ears and around the back of the head.
Head injury - first aid
A head injury is any trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain. Head injury can be either closed or open (penetrating). A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object...
Diseases & Conditions
Head lice
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the skin covering the top of your head (scalp). Head lice may also be found in the eyebrows and eyelashes. Lice spread by close contact with other people.
A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Serious causes of headaches are rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better by making lifestyle changes, learning ways to relax, and...
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Headache - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about headaches; Migraine - what to ask your doctor; Tension-type headache - what to ask your doctor; Cluster headache - what to ask your doctor
Self-Care Instructions
Headaches - danger signs
Migraine headache - danger signs; Tension headache - danger signs; Cluster headache - danger signs; Vascular headache - danger signs
Special Topics
Health care agents
Durable power of attorney for health care; Health care proxy; End-of-life - health care agent; Life support treatment - health care agent; Respirator - health care agent; Ventilator - health care agent...
Self-Care Instructions
Health risks of obesity
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - Brussels sprouts
Healthy food trends - Brussels cabbage; Healthy snacks - brussels sprouts; Weight loss - brussels sprouts; Healthy diet - brussels sprouts; Wellness - brussels sprouts
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - beans and legumes
Healthy food trends - pulses; Healthy eating - beans and legumes; Weight loss - beans and legumes; Healthy diet - beans and legumes; Wellness - beans and legumes
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - chia seeds
Healthy food trends - sage; Healthy food trends - salvia; Healthy snacks - Chia seeds; Weight loss - Chia seeds; Healthy diet - Chia seeds; Wellness - Chia seeds
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - flaxseeds
Healthy food trends - flax meal; Healthy food trends - flax seeds; Healthy food trends - linseeds; Healthy snacks - flaxseeds; Healthy diet - flaxseeds; Wellness - flaxseeds
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - kale
Healthy food trends - borecole; Healthy snacks - kale; Weight loss - kale; Healthy diet - kale; Wellness - kale
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - microgreens
Healthy snacks - microgreens; Weight loss - microgreens; Healthy diet - microgreens; Wellness - microgreens
Special Topics
Healthy food trends - quinoa
Healthy food trends - goosefoot; Healthy snacks - quinoa; Weight loss - quinoa; Healthy diet - quinoa; Wellness - quinoa
Special Topics
Healthy habits for weight loss
Obesity - healthy habits; Obesity - healthy eating
Special Topics
Healthy living
Diseases & Conditions
Hearing loss - infants
Hearing loss is not being able to hear sound in one or both ears. Infants may lose all of their hearing or just part of it.
Heart murmurs
A heart murmur is a blowing, whooshing, or rasping sound heard during a heartbeat. The sound is caused by turbulent (rough) blood flow through the heart valves or near the heart.
Heel pain
Special Topics
Help your teen cope with stress
Adolescents - stress; Anxiety - cope with stress
Special Topics
Helping your child understand a cancer diagnosis
Hematocrit is a blood test that measures how much of a person's blood is made up of red blood cells as opposed to plasma. This measurement depends on the number of and size of the red blood cells. the number...
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The hemoglobin test measures how much hemoglobin is in your blood.
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood. It is present inside the red blood cells. Hemoglobin electrophoresis measures the levels of the different types of this protein in the blood. Hemoglobin
Diseases & Conditions
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is a blood disorder in a fetus or newborn infant. In some infants, it can be fatal. Normally, red blood cells (RBCs) last for about 120 days in the body. In this disorder...
Diseases & Conditions
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Shiga-like toxin producing E coli hemolytic-uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS) is a disorder that most often occurs when an infection in the digestive system produces toxic substances. These substances destroy...
Diseases & Conditions
Hemophilia refers to a group of bleeding disorders in which blood clotting takes a longer time than normal. There are two forms of hemophilia: Hemophilia A (classic hemophilia, or factor VIII deficiency...
Diseases & Conditions
Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor VIII. Without enough factor VIII, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding. bleeding disorder
Diseases & Conditions
Hemophilia B
Hemophilia B is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor IX. Without enough factor IX, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding.
Special Topics
Hemorrhage is the medical term for bleeding. It most often refers to excessive bleeding. Hemorrhagic diseases are caused by bleeding, or they result in bleeding (hemorrhaging). Related topics include: Primary...
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis is swelling and inflammation of the liver.
In-depth Report
Hepatitis - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of viral hepatitis.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the liver from the hepatitis A virus.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis A - children
Hepatitis A in children is swelling and inflamed tissue of the liver due to the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Hepatitis A is the most common type of hepatitis in children.
Special Topics
Hepatitis A vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hepatitis A Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hep-a. html.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is irritation and swelling (inflammation) of the liver due to infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Other types of viral hepatitis include hepatitis A, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis...
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis B - children
Hepatitis B in children is swelling and inflamed tissue of the liver due to infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Other common hepatitis virus infections include hepatitis A and hepatitis C. hepatitis...
Special Topics
Hepatitis B vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Hepatitis B Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hep-b. html.
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that leads to swelling (inflammation) of the liver. Other types of viral hepatitis include: Hepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis DHepatitis E Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Hepatitis...
Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis C - children
Hepatitis C in children is inflammation of tissue of the liver. It occurs due to infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Other common hepatitis virus infections include hepatitis A and hepatitis B. hepatitis...
Hepatitis virus panel
The hepatitis virus panel is a series of blood tests used to detect current or past infection by hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C. It can screen blood samples for more than one kind of hepatitis...
Self-Care Instructions
Herbal remedies and supplements for weight loss
Weight loss - herbal remedies and supplements; Obesity - herbal remedies; Overweight - herbal remedies
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary fructose intolerance
Hereditary fructose intolerance is a disorder in which a person lacks the protein needed to break down fructose. Fructose is a fruit sugar that naturally occurs in the body. Man-made fructose is used as...
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an inherited disorder of the blood vessels that can cause excessive bleeding.
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary ovalocytosis
Hereditary ovalocytosis is a rare condition passed down through families (inherited). The blood cells are oval-shaped instead of round. It is a form of hereditary elliptocytosis. hereditary elliptocytosis
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary spherocytic anemia
Hereditary spherocytic anemia is a rare disorder of the surface layer (membrane) of red blood cells. It leads to red blood cells that are shaped like spheres, and premature breakdown of red blood cells...
Diseases & Conditions
Hereditary urea cycle abnormality
Hereditary urea cycle abnormalities are inherited conditions. They can cause problems with the removal of waste from the body in the urine.
Diseases & Conditions
Herpangina is a viral illness that involves ulcers and sores (lesions) inside the mouth, a sore throat, and fever. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a related topic. Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Diseases & Conditions
Herpes - oral
Oral herpes is an infection of the lips, mouth, or gums due to the herpes simplex virus. It causes small, painful blisters commonly called cold sores or fever blisters. Oral herpes is also called herpes...
In-depth Report
Herpes simplex - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of herpes simplex.
Diseases & Conditions
Herpetic stomatitis
Herpetic stomatitis is a viral infection of the mouth that causes sores and ulcers. These mouth ulcers are not the same as canker sores, which are not caused by a virus. canker sores
Heterochromia is different colored eyes in the same person.
A hiccup is an unintentional movement (spasm) of the diaphragm, the muscle at the base of the lungs. The spasm is followed by quick closing of the vocal cords. This closing of vocal cords produces a distinctive...
Diseases & Conditions
High arch
High arch is a foot arch that is raised more than normal. The arch runs from the toes to the heel on the bottom of the foot. It is also called pes cavus. High arch is the opposite of flat feet. flat feet
In-depth Report
High blood pressure - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of high blood pressure.
Diseases & Conditions
High blood pressure - children
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force exerted against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood to your body. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in this force. This article...
Diseases & Conditions
High blood pressure in infants
High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in the force of blood against the arteries in the body. This article focuses on high blood pressure in infants.
Self-Care Instructions
High blood sugar - self-care
Hyperglycemia - self care; High blood glucose - self care; Diabetes - high blood sugar
Diseases & Conditions
High cholesterol - children
Cholesterol is a fat (also called a lipid) that the body needs to work properly. There are many types of cholesterol. The ones talked about most are: Total cholesterol - all the cholesterols combinedHigh...
Self-Care Instructions
High-fiber foods
Dietary fiber - self-care; Constipation - fiber
Hip pain
Hip pain involves any pain in or around the hip joint. You may not feel pain from your hip directly over the hip area. You may feel it in your groin or pain in your thigh or knee.
Diseases & Conditions
Hirschsprung disease
Hirschsprung disease causes a blockage of the large intestine. It occurs due to poor muscle movement in the bowel. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present from birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Hives are raised, often itchy, red bumps (welts) on the surface of the skin. They can be an allergic reaction to food or medicine. They can also appear without cause.
Self-Care Instructions
Home apnea monitor use - infants
Self-Care Instructions
Home blood sugar testing
Diabetes - home glucose testing; Diabetes - home blood sugar testing
Self-Care Instructions
Home safety - children
Diseases & Conditions
Homocystinuria is a genetic disorder that affects the metabolism of the amino acid methionine. Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins in the body. metabolism amino acid
Diseases & Conditions
Hookworm infection
Hookworm infection is caused by roundworms. The disease affects the small intestine and lungs.
Special Topics
Hormonal effects in newborns
Hormonal effects in newborns occur because in the womb, babies are exposed to many chemicals (hormones) that are in the mother's bloodstream. After birth, the infants are no longer exposed to these hormones...
Special Topics
Hospice care
Palliative care - hospice; End-of-life care - hospice; Dying - hospice; Cancer - hospice
Self-Care Instructions
How and when to get rid of unused medicines
Disposal of unused medicines; Expired medicines; Unused medicines
Special Topics
How childhood cancers are different from adult cancers
Special Topics
How to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
COVID-19 - Prevention; 2019 Novel Coronavirus - Prevention; SARS CoV 2 - Prevention
Special Topics
How to save money on infant formula
Special Topics
How to tell your child that you have cancer
Self-Care Instructions
How to treat the common cold at home
Upper respiratory infection - home care; URI - home care
Self-Care Instructions
How to use a nebulizer
Nebulizer - how to use; Asthma - how to use a nebulizer; COPD - how to use a nebulizer; Wheezing - nebulizer; Reactive airway disease - nebulizer; COPD - nebulizer; Chronic bronchitis - nebulizer; Emphysema...
Self-Care Instructions
How to use an inhaler - no spacer
Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) administration - no spacer; Bronchial nebulizer; Wheezing - nebulizer; Reactive airway - nebulizer; COPD - nebulizer; Chronic bronchitis - nebulizer; Emphysema - nebulizer
Self-Care Instructions
How to use an inhaler - with spacer
Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) administration - with spacer; Asthma - inhaler with spacer; Reactive airway disease - inhaler with spacer; Bronchial asthma - inhaler with spacer
Self-Care Instructions
How to use your peak flow meter
Peak flow meter - how to use; Asthma - peak flow meter; Reactive airway disease - peak flow meter; Bronchial asthma - peak flow meter
Special Topics
Humidifiers and health
A home humidifier can increase the humidity (moisture) in your home. This helps eliminate the dry air that can irritate and inflame the airways in your nose and throat.
Diseases & Conditions
Hydrocephalus is a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to the brain pushing against the skull. Hydrocephalus means "water on the brain."
Diseases & Conditions
Hydrops fetalis
Hydrops fetalis is a serious condition. It occurs when abnormal amounts of fluid build up in two or more body areas of a fetus or newborn. It is a symptom of underlying problems.
Hyperactivity means having increased movement, impulsive actions, a shorter attention span, and being easily distracted.
Special Topics
Hyperactivity and children
Hyperactivity and sugar
Hyperactivity means an increase in movement, often accompanied by impulsive actions, being easily distracted, and shorter attention span. Some people believe that children are more likely to be hyperactive...
Diseases & Conditions
Hyperglycemia - infants
Hyperglycemia is abnormally high blood sugar. The medical term for blood sugar is blood glucose. This article discusses hyperglycemia in infants. Hyperglycemia can occur at any age.
Diseases & Conditions
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome is a rare, genetic disease. It causes problems with the skin, sinuses, lungs, bones, and teeth.
Hypermobile joints
Hypermobile joints are joints that move beyond the normal range with little effort. Joints most commonly affected are the elbows, wrists, fingers, and knees.
Hyperventilation is rapid and deep breathing. It is also called overbreathing, and it may leave you feeling breathless.
Diseases & Conditions
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Hypogonadism is a condition in which the male testes or the female ovaries produce little or no sex hormones. Hypogonadism testes Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) is a form of hypogonadism that is due...
Diseases & Conditions
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome occurs when parts of the left side of the heart (mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, and aorta) do not develop completely. The condition is present at birth (congenital...
Hypotonia means decreased muscle tone.
Special Topics
IQ testing
Intelligence quotient (IQ) testing is a series of exams used to determine your general intelligence in relation to other people of the same age.
Special Topics
IV treatment at home
Home intravenous antibiotic therapy; Central venous catheter - home; Peripheral venous catheter - home; Port - home; PICC line - home; Infusion therapy - home; Home health care - IV treatment
Self-Care Instructions
Ibuprofen dosing for children
Motrin; Advil
Self-Care Instructions
Ileostomy - caring for your stoma
Standard ileostomy - stoma care; Brooke ileostomy - stoma care; Continent ileostomy - stoma care; Abdominal pouch - stoma care; End ileostomy - stoma care; Ostomy - stoma care; Crohn's disease - stoma care...
Self-Care Instructions
Ileostomy - changing your pouch
Standard ileostomy - pouch change; Brooke ileostomy - pouch change; Continent ileostomy - changing; Abdominal pouch changing; End ileostomy - pouch change; Ostomy - pouch change; Inflammatory bowel disease...
Self-Care Instructions
Ileostomy and your child
Standard ileostomy and your child; Brooke ileostomy and your child; Continent ileostomy and your child; Abdominal pouch and your child; End ileostomy and your child; Ostomy and your child; Inflammatory...
Self-Care Instructions
Ileostomy and your diet
Standard ileostomy - diet; Brooke ileostomy - diet; Continent ileostomy - diet; Abdominal pouch - diet; End ileostomy - diet; Ostomy - diet; Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your diet; Crohn disease...
Special Topics
Immune response
The immune response is how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.
Diseases & Conditions
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. People with the disease have too few platelets...
In-depth Report
Immunizations - InDepth
Overview Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other germs (microbes) cause many human diseases. Vaccines can help protect against some of these diseases. Data released recently shows that many immunization...
Self-Care Instructions
Immunizations for people with diabetes
Immunoelectrophoresis – blood
Serum immunoelectrophoresis is a lab test that measures proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins that function as antibodies, which fight infection. There are many types...
Immunofixation blood test
The immunofixation blood test is used to identify proteins called immunoglobulins in blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins that function as antibodies, which fight infection. There are many types of immunoglobulins...
Diseases & Conditions
Imperforate anus
Imperforate anus is a defect in which the opening to the anus is missing or blocked. The anus is the opening to the rectum through which stools leave the body. This is present from birth (congenital).
Special Topics
Imperforate hymen
Diseases & Conditions
Impetigo is a common skin infection.
Inborn errors of metabolism
Inborn errors of metabolism are rare genetic (inherited) disorders in which the body cannot properly turn food into energy. The disorders are usually caused by defects in specific proteins (enzymes) that...
Special Topics
Incidence is the number of new cases of a condition, symptom, death, or injury that develop during a specific time period, such as a year. Incidence shows the likelihood that a person in a certain population...
Increased head circumference
Increased head circumference is when the measured distance around the widest part of the skull is larger than expected for the child's age and background. head circumference
Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a mild discomfort in the upper belly or abdomen. It often occurs during or right after eating. It may feel like: Heat, burning, or pain in the area between the navel and the lower...
Special Topics
Infant - newborn development
Special Topics
Infant Formula - buying, preparing, storing, and feeding
Diseases & Conditions
Infant botulism
Infant botulism is a potentially life-threatening disease caused by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. It grows inside a baby's gastrointestinal tract. Clostridium botulinum
Infant formulas
During the first 4 to 6 months of life, infants need only breast milk or formula to meet all their nutritional needs. Infant formulas include powders, concentrated liquids, and ready-to-use forms.
Special Topics
Infant of a substance-using mother
Maternal substance use may consist of any combination of drug, chemical, alcohol, and tobacco use during the pregnancy. While in the womb (uterus), a fetus grows and develops due to nourishment from the...
Diseases & Conditions
Infant of diabetic mother
A fetus (baby) of a mother with diabetes may be exposed to high blood sugar (glucose) levels throughout the pregnancy.
Infant reflexes
A reflex is a muscle reaction that happens automatically in response to stimulation. Certain sensations or movements produce specific muscle responses.
Special Topics
Infant test procedure preparation
Being prepared before your infant has a medical test can help you know what to expect during the test. It will also help reduce your anxiety so that you can help keep your infant as calm and comfortable...
Diseases & Conditions
Infectious myringitis
Infectious myringitis is an infection that causes painful blisters on the eardrum (tympanic membrane). blisters
Special Topics
Influenza (flu) vaccine (inactivated or recombinant) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flu. html.
Special Topics
Influenza (flu) vaccine (live, intranasal) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Influenza Live, Intranasal Flu Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flulive. html.
Diseases & Conditions
Ingrown toenail
An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the skin of the toe.
Special Topics
An insidious disease is any disease that comes on slowly and does not have obvious symptoms at first. The person is not aware of its development.
Special Topics
In medical terms, "inspection" means to look at the person or body part. It is the first step in a physical exam.
Special Topics
Insulin and syringes - storage and safety
Diabetes - insulin storage
Special Topics
Insulin pumps
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion; CSII; Diabetes - insulin pumps
Diseases & Conditions
Intellectual disability
Intellectual disability is a condition diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average intellectual function and a lack of skills necessary for daily living. In the past, the term mental retardation...
Intercostal retractions
Intercostal retractions occur when the muscles between the ribs pull inward. The movement is most often a sign that the person has a breathing problem. Intercostal retractions are a medical emergency.
Special Topics
Intravenous means "within a vein. " Most often it refers to giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube inserted into a vein. This allows the medicine or fluid to enter your bloodstream right away...
Diseases & Conditions
Intraventricular hemorrhage of the newborn
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) of the newborn is bleeding into the fluid-filled areas (ventricles) inside the brain. The condition occurs most often in babies that are born early (premature). born early...
Diseases & Conditions
Intussusception – children
Intussusception is the sliding of one part of the intestine into another. This article focuses on intussusception in children.
Special Topics
An invasive disease is one that spreads to surrounding tissues. An invasive procedure is one in which the body is "invaded", or entered by a needle, tube, device, or scope.
Iodine in diet
Iodine is a trace element and a nutrient found naturally in the body.
Diseases & Conditions
Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types and causes of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia occurs...
Iron in diet
Iron is a mineral found in every cell of the body. Iron is considered an essential mineral because it is needed to make hemoglobin, a part of blood cells. The body cannot make it, so it must be taken in...
Discharge Instructions
Irritable bowel syndrome - aftercare
IBS; Mucus colitis; IBS-D; IBS-C
Itching is a tingling or irritation of the skin that makes you want to scratch the area. Itching may occur all over the body or only in one location.
Diseases & Conditions
Jaundice and breastfeeding
Jaundice is a condition that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. There are two common problems that may occur in newborns receiving breast milk. If jaundice is seen after the first week...
Diseases & Conditions
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a term used to describe a group of disorders in children that includes arthritis. They are long-term (chronic) diseases that cause joint pain and swelling. The names...
Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells. This test can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease.
Special Topics
Keeping your medicines organized
Pill organizer; Pill dispenser
Ketones blood test
A ketone blood test measures the amount of ketones in the blood. Ketones can also be measured with a urine test. urine test
Special Topics
Kinins are proteins in the blood that cause inflammation and affect blood pressure (especially causing blood pressure to go down). They also: Increase blood flow throughout the bodyMake it easier for fluids...
Diseases & Conditions
Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome, also called 47,XXY, is a genetic condition that occurs in males when they have an extra X chromosome. This can cause problems with development and fertility. Some men have no symptoms...
Diseases & Conditions
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare condition that is typically present at birth. The syndrome often involves port wine stains, excess growth of bones and soft tissue, and varicose veins.
Knee pain
Knee pain is a common symptom in people of all ages. It may start suddenly, often after an injury or exercise. Knee pain also may begin as a mild discomfort, then slowly get worse.
Diseases & Conditions
Knock knees
Knock knees are condition in which the knees touch, but the ankles do not touch. The legs turn inward.
Diseases & Conditions
Krabbe disease
Krabbe disease is a rare genetic disorder of the nervous system. It is a type of brain disease called leukodystrophy.
Diseases & Conditions
Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet. malnutrition protein
LDH isoenzyme blood test
The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme test checks how much of the different types of LDH, called isoenzymes, are present in the blood. lactate dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase test
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a protein that helps produce energy in the body. An LDH test measures the amount of LDH in the blood.
Diseases & Conditions
Lactose intolerance
Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. An enzyme called lactase is needed by the body to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance develops when the small intestine does not make enough...
Diseases & Conditions
Language disorders in children
Language disorders in children are problems with the development of language skills. Children may have problems with one or both of the following: Getting their meaning or message across to others (expressive...
Diseases & Conditions
Laryngitis is swelling and irritation (inflammation) of the voice box (larynx). The problem is most often associated with hoarseness or loss of voice. hoarseness
Self-Care Instructions
Learn about gluten-free diets
Celiac and gluten
Leg lengthening and shortening
Leg lengthening and shortening are types of surgery to treat some people who have legs of unequal lengths. These procedures may: Lengthen an abnormally short legShorten an abnormally long legLimit growth...
Leg pain
Leg pain is a common problem. It can be due to a cramp, injury, or other cause.
Diseases & Conditions
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease occurs when the ball of the thigh bone in the hip does not get enough blood, causing the bone to die.
Diseases & Conditions
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a disorder that is passed down through families (inherited). It affects how the body builds and breaks down chemicals called purines. Purines are a normal part of human tissue that...
Self-Care Instructions
Lifting and bending the right way
Nonspecific back pain - lifting; Backache - lifting; Sciatica - lifting; Lumbar pain - lifting; Chronic back pain - lifting; Herniated disk - lifting; Slipped disk - lifting
Diseases & Conditions
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies include at least 33 different inherited diseases. These disorders first affect the muscles around the shoulder girdle and hips. These diseases get worse over time. Eventually...
Limited range of motion
Limited range of motion is a term meaning that a joint or body part cannot move through its normal range of motion.
Lipase test
Lipase is a protein (enzyme) released by the pancreas into the small intestine. It helps the body absorb fat. This test is used to measure the amount of lipase in the blood. enzyme
Special Topics
Liquid medication administration
Diseases & Conditions
Listeriosis is an infection that can occur when a person eats food that has been contaminated with bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes (L monocytogenes). Listeria monocytogenes L monocytogenes
Self-Care Instructions
Living with a chronic illness - dealing with feelings
Self-Care Instructions
Living with a chronic illness - reaching out to others
Self-Care Instructions
Living with your ileostomy
Standard ileostomy - living with; Brooke ileostomy - living with; Continent ileostomy - living with; Abdominal pouch - living with; End ileostomy - living with; Ostomy - living with; Crohn disease - living...
Self-Care Instructions
Long-term complications of diabetes
Diabetic complications - long term
Lordosis - lumbar
Lordosis is the inward curve of the lumbar spine (just above the buttocks). A small degree of lordosis is normal. Too much curving is called swayback.
Diseases & Conditions
Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. This means the heart, brain, and other parts of the body may not get enough blood. Normal blood pressure is mostly between 90/60 mmHg...
Diseases & Conditions
Low blood sugar
Low blood sugar is a condition that occurs when the body's blood sugar (glucose) decreases and is too low. Blood sugar below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) is considered low. Blood sugar at or below this level can...
Diseases & Conditions
Low blood sugar - newborns
A low blood sugar level in newborn babies is also called neonatal hypoglycemia. It refers to low blood sugar (glucose) in the first few days after birth.
Self-Care Instructions
Low blood sugar - self-care
Hypoglycemia - self care; Low blood glucose - self care
Diseases & Conditions
Low calcium level - infants
Calcium is a mineral in the body. It is needed for strong bones and teeth. Calcium also helps the heart, nerves, muscles, and other body systems work well. Calcium A low blood calcium level is called hypocalcemia...
Low nasal bridge
A low nasal bridge is the flattening of the top part of the nose.
Self-Care Instructions
Low-salt diet
Low-sodium diet; Salt restriction
Low-set ears and pinna abnormalities
Low-set ears and pinna abnormalities refer to an abnormal shape or position of the outer ear (pinna or auricle).
Special Topics
Lower-calorie choices for alcoholic drinks
Low-calorie spirits; Low-calorie mixed drinks; Low-calorie alcohol; Low-calorie alcoholic beverages; Weight loss - low-calorie cocktails; Obesity - low-calorie cocktails
Diseases & Conditions
Lyme disease
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of one of several types of ticks.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Lyme disease - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your provider about Lyme disease; Lyme borreliosis - questions; Bannwarth syndrome - questions
In-depth Report
Lyme disease and related tick-borne infections - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Lyme disease.
Lyme disease blood test
The Lyme disease blood test looks for antibodies in the blood to the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. The test is used to help diagnose Lyme disease. Lyme disease
Special Topics
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella) Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Diseases & Conditions
MSG symptom complex
MSG symptom complex is a set of symptoms associated with eating food with the additive monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is the sodium salt of a common amino acid, glutamic acid. MSG is found naturally in...
Special Topics
Macroglossia is a disorder in which the tongue is larger than normal.
Special Topics
A macrophage is a type of immune cell. It destroys foreign substances to protect the body from infection.
Special Topics
Macrosomia refers to a very large body size. It is often used to describe an oversized fetus.
Magnesium blood test
A serum magnesium test measures the level of magnesium in the blood.
Magnesium in diet
Magnesium is an essential mineral for human nutrition.
Self-Care Instructions
Make peak flow a habit
Asthma - make peak flow a habit; Reactive airway disease - peak flow; Bronchial asthma - peak flow
Malaise is a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being.
Diseases & Conditions
Malnutrition is the condition that occurs when your body does not get enough nutrients.
Diseases & Conditions
Malocclusion of teeth
Malocclusion means the teeth are not aligned properly.
Self-Care Instructions
Managing migraines at home
Headache - migraine - self-care; Vascular headache - self-care
Self-Care Instructions
Managing tension headaches at home
Tension-type headache - self-care; Muscle contraction headache - self-care; Headache - benign - self-care; Headache - tension- self-care; Chronic headaches - tension - self-care; Rebound headaches - tension...
Self-Care Instructions
Managing your blood sugar
Hyperglycemia - control; Hypoglycemia - control; Diabetes - blood sugar control; Blood glucose - managing
Diseases & Conditions
Maple syrup urine disease
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a disorder in which the body cannot break down certain parts of proteins. The urine of people with this condition can smell like maple syrup.
Diseases & Conditions
Mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid bone of the skull. The mastoid bone is located just behind the ear.
Diseases & Conditions
Mathematics disorder
Mathematics disorder is a condition in which a child's math ability is far below normal for their age, intelligence, and education.
Diseases & Conditions
McCune-Albright syndrome
McCune-Albright syndrome is a genetic disease that affects the bones, hormones, and color (pigmentation) of the skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by a virus.
Special Topics
Mechanical ventilator - infants
A mechanical ventilator is a machine that helps with breathing. This article discusses the use of mechanical ventilators in infants.
Diseases & Conditions
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) refers to breathing problems that a newborn baby may have when: There are no other known causes of symptomsThe baby has passed meconium (stool) into the amniotic fluid...
Special Topics
Medicine safety - Filling your prescription
Medical errors - medicine; Preventing medicine errors
Special Topics
Medicine safety and children
Medication safety; Poison control - medicine safety
Diseases & Conditions
Medicines for ADHD
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a problem that most often affects children. Adults may be affected as well. People with ADHD may have problems with: ADHD Being able to focusBeing over...
Diseases & Conditions
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges.
Diseases & Conditions
Meningitis - tuberculous
Tuberculous meningitis is an infection of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord (meninges).
Meningocele repair
Meningocele repair (also known as myelomeningocele repair) is surgery to repair birth defects of the spine and spinal membranes. Meningocele and myelomeningocele are types of spina bifida. spina bifida
Special Topics
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
Meningococcal B vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Diseases & Conditions
Meningococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. The meningococcal...
Diseases & Conditions
Menkes disease
Menkes disease is a genetic disorder in which the body has a problem absorbing and distributing copper to bodily organs. The disease affects development, both mental and physical.
Diseases & Conditions
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a genetic disorder that affects nerves, muscles, other organs, and behavior. It slowly gets worse over time.
Diseases & Conditions
Metatarsus adductus
Metatarsus adductus is a foot deformity that occurs in infants. The bones in the front half of the foot bend or turn in toward the side of the big toe.
Diseases & Conditions
Methemoglobinemia - acquired
Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder in which the body cannot reuse hemoglobin because it is damaged. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying molecule found in red blood cells. In some cases of methemoglobinemia...
Methylene blue test
The methylene blue test is a test to determine the type or to treat methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder. methemoglobinemia
Metopic ridge
A metopic ridge is an abnormal shape of the skull. The ridge can be seen on the forehead.
Microalbuminuria test
This test looks for a protein called albumin in a urine sample. Albumin can also be measured using a blood test or another urine test, called the urine protein test. blood test urine protein test
Microcephaly is a condition in which a person's head size is much smaller than that of others of the same age and sex. Head size is measured as the distance around the top of the head. A smaller than normal...
Micrognathia is a term for a lower jaw that is smaller than normal.
Special Topics
Midline venous catheters - infants
A midline venous catheter is a long (3 to 8 inches, or 7 to 20 centimeters) thin, soft plastic tube that is put into a small vein. This article addresses midline catheters in infants.
Diseases & Conditions
A migraine is a type of headache. It may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound. In most people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.
In-depth Report
Migraine headaches - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of migraine.
Discharge Instructions
Mild to moderate COVID-19 - discharge
Coronavirus - 2019 discharge; SARS-CoV-2 discharge; COVID-19 recovery; Coronavirus disease - recovery; Recovering from COVID-19
Diseases & Conditions
Milia are tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin. They are almost always seen in newborn babies.
Diseases & Conditions
Mononucleosis, or mono, is a viral infection that causes fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands, most often in the neck.
Moro reflex
A reflex is a type of involuntary (without trying) response to stimulation. The Moro reflex is one of many reflexes that are seen at birth. It normally goes away after 3 or 4 months. reflexes
Diseases & Conditions
Mosaicism is a condition in which cells within the same person have a different genetic makeup. This condition can affect any type of cell, including: Blood cellsEgg and sperm cells Skin cells Blood cells...
Mouth sores
There are different types of mouth sores. They can occur anywhere in the mouth including bottom of the mouth, inner cheeks, gums, lips, and tongue.
Diseases & Conditions
Mouth ulcers
Mouth ulcers are sores or open lesions in the mouth. ulcers
Special Topics
Mucopolysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules that are found throughout the body, often in mucus and in fluid around the joints. They are more commonly called glycosaminoglycans.
Diseases & Conditions
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of rare diseases in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
Diseases & Conditions
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules are...
Diseases & Conditions
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
Diseases & Conditions
Mucopolysaccharidosis type III
Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of certain enzymes needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
Diseases & Conditions
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV (MPS IV) is a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. These chains of molecules...
Diseases & Conditions
Mumps is a contagious disease that leads to painful swelling of the salivary glands. The salivary glands produce saliva, a liquid that moistens food and helps you chew and swallow. salivary glands
Diseases & Conditions
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the...
Muscle aches
Muscle aches and pains are common and can involve more than one muscle. Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Fascias are the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs...
Muscle atrophy
Muscle atrophy is the wasting (thinning) or loss of muscle tissue.
Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps are when a muscle gets tight (contracts) without you trying to tighten it, and it does not relax. Cramps may involve all or part of one or more muscles. The most commonly involved muscle groups...
Diseases & Conditions
Muscle disorder
A muscle disorder causes patterns of weakness, loss of muscle tissue, electromyogram (EMG) findings, or biopsy results that suggest a muscle problem. The muscle disorder can be inherited, such as muscular...
Muscle function loss
Muscle function loss is when a muscle does not work or move normally. The medical term for complete loss of muscle function is paralysis.
Special Topics
Muscle strain treatment
Question: How do you treat a muscle strain? muscle strain Answer: Rest the strained muscle and apply ice for the first few days after the injury. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen, naproxen...
Muscle twitching
Muscle twitches are fine movements of a small area of muscle.
Diseases & Conditions
Muscular dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of inherited disorders that cause muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue, which get worse over time. muscle weakness
Diseases & Conditions
Myelomeningocele is a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close fully before birth. The condition is a type of neural tube defect (NTD).
Diseases & Conditions
Myocarditis - pediatric
Pediatric myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle in an infant or young child.
Diseases & Conditions
Myotonia congenita
Myotonia congenita is an inherited condition that affects muscle relaxation. It is congenital, meaning that it is present from birth. It occurs more frequently in northern Scandinavia.
Special Topics
NICU consultants and support staff
The NICU is a special unit in the hospital for babies born preterm, very early, or who have some other serious medical condition. Most babies born very early will need special care after birth. This article...
Special Topics
NICU staff
This article discusses the main team of caregivers in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The staff often includes the following: ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL/ADVANCED PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL This health...
Special Topics
Nail care for newborns
Discharge Instructions
Nasal corticosteroid sprays
Steroid nasal sprays; Allergies - nasal corticosteroid sprays
Nasal flaring
Nasal flaring occurs when the nostrils widen while breathing. It is often a sign of trouble breathing. trouble breathing
Natal teeth
Natal teeth are teeth that are already present at birth. They are different from neonatal teeth, which grow in during the first 30 days after birth.
Nausea and vomiting – adults
Nausea is feeling an urge to vomit. It is often called "being sick to your stomach." Vomiting or throwing-up forces the contents of the stomach up through the food pipe (esophagus) and out of the mouth...
Diseases & Conditions
Nearsightedness is when light entering the eye is focused incorrectly. This makes distant objects appear blurred. Nearsightedness is a type of refractive error of the eye. If you are nearsighted, you have...
Neck lump
A neck lump is any lump, bump, or swelling in the neck.
Neck pain
Neck pain is discomfort in any of the structures in the neck. These include the muscles, nerves, bones (vertebrae), joints, and the discs between the bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum is an uncommon skin condition related to diabetes. It results in reddish brown areas of the skin, most commonly on the lower legs. diabetes
Diseases & Conditions
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the death of tissue in the intestine. It occurs most often in premature or sick babies.
Diseases & Conditions
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a group of problems that can happen when a baby is exposed to opioid drugs or medicine for a length of time while in their mother's womb (uterus).
Diseases & Conditions
Neonatal conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is swelling or infection of the membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis may occur in a newborn child.
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening is a blood test that screens newborns for cystic fibrosis (CF). cystic fibrosis
Diseases & Conditions
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a problem often seen in premature babies. The condition makes it hard for the baby to breathe.
Diseases & Conditions
Neonatal sepsis
Neonatal sepsis is a blood infection that occurs in an infant younger than 90 days old. Early-onset sepsis is seen in the first week of life. Late onset sepsis occurs after 1 week through 3 months of age...
Special Topics
Neonatal weight gain and nutrition
Premature babies need to receive good nutrition so they grow at a rate close to that of babies still inside the womb.
Special Topics
A neonate is a baby who is 4 weeks old or younger.
Diseases & Conditions
Neuroblastoma is a very rare type of cancerous tumor that develops from nerve tissue. It usually occurs in infants and children. tumor
Diseases & Conditions
Neurofibromatosis 2
Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a disorder in which tumors form on the nerves of the brain and spine (the central nervous system). It may be passed down (inherited) in families. Although it has a similar name...
Diseases & Conditions
Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1) is an inherited disorder in which nerve tissue tumors (neurofibromas) form in the: tumors Upper and lower layers of the skinNerves from the brain (cranial nerves) and spinal cord...
Diseases & Conditions
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL)
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) refers to a group of rare disorders of the nerve cells. NCL is passed down through families (inherited). These are the three main types of NCL: Adult (Kufs or Parry...
Diseases & Conditions
Neutropenia - infants
Neutropenia is an abnormally low number of white blood cells. These cells are called neutrophils. They help the body fight infection. This article discusses neutropenia in newborns. Neutropenia can occur...
Special Topics
Newborn head molding
Newborn head molding is an abnormal head shape that results from pressure on the baby's head during childbirth.
Diseases & Conditions
Newborn jaundice
Newborn jaundice occurs when a baby has a high level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that the body creates when it replaces old red blood cells. The liver helps break down the...
Discharge Instructions
Newborn jaundice - discharge
Jaundice of the newborn - discharge; Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia - discharge; Breastfeeding jaundice - discharge; Physiologic jaundice - discharge
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Newborn jaundice - what to ask your doctor
Jaundice - what to ask your doctor; What to ask your doctor about newborn jaundice
Newborn screening tests
Newborn screening tests look for developmental, genetic, and metabolic disorders in the newborn baby. This allows steps to be taken before symptoms develop. Most of these illnesses are very rare, but can...
Niacin is a type of B vitamin. It is a water-soluble vitamin. It is not stored in the body. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine. The...
Diseases & Conditions
Niemann-Pick disease
Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) is a group of diseases passed down through families (inherited) in which fatty substances called lipids collect in the cells of the spleen, liver, and brain. There are three common...
A nightmare is a bad dream that brings out strong feelings of fear, terror, distress, or anxiety. anxiety
Diseases & Conditions
Noma is a type of gangrene that destroys mucous membranes of the mouth and other tissues. It occurs in malnourished children in areas where sanitation and cleanliness are lacking. gangrene
Diseases & Conditions
Noonan syndrome
Noonan syndrome is a disease present from birth (congenital) that causes many parts of the body to develop abnormally. In about 50% of cases, it is passed down through families (inherited).
Normal growth and development
A child's growth and development can be divided into four periods: InfancyPreschool yearsMiddle childhood yearsAdolescence Infancy Preschool years Middle childhood years Adolescence Soon after birth, an...
A nosebleed is loss of blood from the tissue lining the nose. Bleeding most often occurs from one nostril only.
Special Topics
Nurse practitioner (NP)
A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse with a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing. This type of provider may also be referred to as an ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) or APRN (Advanced...
Diseases & Conditions
Nursemaid's elbow
Nursemaid's elbow is a dislocation of a bone in the elbow called the radius. Dislocation means the bone slips out of its normal position. dislocation The injury is also called radial head dislocation.
Diseases & Conditions
Nut allergies
A nut allergy is a type of immune response triggered by tree nuts and peanuts. Peanuts are legumes, not nuts, but many people who are allergic to peanuts are also allergic to nuts. Nut allergies are a type...
Diseases & Conditions
Obesity in children
Obesity in children means having a weight that is higher than what is healthy for a child’s height. Obesity is a serious, chronic disease. Over time, it can lead to other health problems, including diabetes...
Diseases & Conditions
An omphalocele is a birth defect in which an infant's intestine or other abdominal organs are outside of the body because of a hole in the belly button (navel) area. The intestines are covered only by a...
Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of the back part of the eye (fundus), which includes the retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels. retina choroid
Diseases & Conditions
Oppositional defiant disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder is a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures.
Diseases & Conditions
Oral mucous cyst
An oral mucous cyst is a painless, thin sac on the inner surface of the mouth. It contains clear fluid. cyst
Diseases & Conditions
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a painful swelling of the bump on the upper part of the shinbone, just below the knee. This bump is called the anterior tibial tubercle.
Diseases & Conditions
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a condition causing extremely fragile bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Osteopenia - premature infants
Osteopenia is a decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the bone. This can cause bones to be weak and brittle. It increases the risk for broken bones. calcium phosphorus
Diseases & Conditions
Osteosarcoma is a very rare type of cancerous bone tumor that usually develops in teenagers and young adults. It often occurs when a teen is growing rapidly. bone tumor
Diseases & Conditions
Otitis is a term for infection or inflammation of the ear.
Diseases & Conditions
Otitis media with effusion
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is thick or sticky fluid behind the eardrum in the middle ear. It occurs without an ear infection. ear infection
Special Topics
Over-the-counter medicines
You can buy many medicines for minor problems at the store without a prescription (over-the-counter). Important tips for using over-the-counter medicines: Always follow the printed directions and warnings...
Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Health experts agree that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both mom and baby. They recommend that babies feed only on breast milk for the first 6 months, and then continue to have breast milk...
Overweight and obesity mean having a weight than is higher than what is healthy for a given height. A person may be overweight from extra muscle, bone, or water, as well as too much fat. But both terms...
Special Topics
Oxygen therapy in infants
Babies with heart or lung problems may need to breathe increased amounts of oxygen to get normal levels of oxygen in their blood. Oxygen therapy provides babies with extra oxygen.
Special Topics
Palliative care - fear and anxiety
End of life care - fear and anxiety; Hospice care - fear and anxiety
Self-Care Instructions
Palliative care - fluid, food, and digestion
Constipation - palliative care; End of life - digestion; Hospice - digestion
Self-Care Instructions
Palliative care - managing pain
End of life - pain management; Hospice - pain management
Special Topics
Palliative care - shortness of breath
Dyspnea - end-of-life; Hospice care - shortness of breath
Special Topics
Palliative care - what the final days are like
End of life - final days; Hospice - final days
Palpebral slant - eye
The palpebral slant is the direction of the slant of a line that goes from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.
Diseases & Conditions
Pancreatitis - children
Pancreatitis in children, as in adults, occurs when the pancreas becomes swollen and inflamed.
Pantothenic acid and biotin
Pantothenic acid (B5) and biotin (B7) are types of B vitamins. They are water-soluble, which means that the body can't store them. If the body can't use the entire vitamin, the extra amount leaves the body...
Diseases & Conditions
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) is when a person who has one X and one Y chromosome (typically seen in males) but is resistant to hormones that produce a male appearance (called androgens...
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is a blood test that looks at how long it takes for blood to clot. It can help tell if you have a bleeding problem or if your blood does not clot properly. This test measures...
Diseases & Conditions
Patent ductus arteriosus
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in which the ductus arteriosus does not close. The word "patent" means open. The ductus arteriosus is a blood vessel that allows blood to go around the baby...
Diseases & Conditions
Patent foramen ovale
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a hole between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart. This hole exists in everyone before birth, but most often closes shortly after being born. PFO is what...
Pectus carinatum
Pectus carinatum is present when the chest protrudes over the sternum. It is often described as giving the person a bird-like appearance.
Pectus excavatum
Pectus excavatum is a medical term that describes an abnormal formation of the rib cage that gives the chest a caved-in or sunken appearance.
Discharge Instructions
Pectus excavatum - discharge
Diseases & Conditions
Pediatric sleep apnea
With pediatric sleep apnea, a child's breathing pauses during sleep because the airway has become narrowed or partly blocked.
Special Topics
Penis care (uncircumcised)
Special Topics
Percutaneously inserted central catheter - infants
A percutaneously inserted central catheter (PICC) is a long, very thin, soft flexible tube that is put into a small blood vessel and reaches deep into a larger blood vessel. This article addresses PICCs...
Diseases & Conditions
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis
Perianal streptococcal cellulitis is an infection of the area around the anus and rectum. The infection is caused by streptococcus bacteria.
Diseases & Conditions
Periorbital cellulitis
Periorbital cellulitis is an infection of the eyelid or skin around the eye.
Special Topics
Peripheral arterial line - infants
A peripheral arterial line (PAL) is a tiny, short, flexible catheter that is put through the skin into an artery of the arm or leg. Health care providers sometimes call it an "art line" or "a pal. " This...
Special Topics
Peripheral intravenous line - infants
A peripheral intravenous line (PIV) is a tiny, short, flexible tube, called a catheter. A health care provider puts the PIV through the skin into a vein in the scalp, hand, arm, or foot. The PIV can be...
Diseases & Conditions
Peritonsillar abscess
Peritonsillar abscess is a collection of infected material in the area around the tonsils.
Diseases & Conditions
Periventricular leukomalacia
Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is a type of brain injury that affects premature infants. The condition involves the death of small areas of brain tissue around fluid-filled areas called ventricles....
Diseases & Conditions
Persistent depressive disorder
Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is a chronic (ongoing) type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. chronic Persistent depressive disorder used to be called dysthymia.
Diseases & Conditions
Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the person tries to...
Special Topics
Pesticides on fruits and vegetables
Diseases & Conditions
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a rare disorder in which growths called polyps form in the intestines. A person with PJS has a high risk for developing certain cancers.
Pharmacogenetic testing
Pharmacogenetic testing provides information about your genes and how they control your response to certain medicines. Your genes can affect the desired result of a drug. Your provider can use the information...
Special Topics
Pharmacogenetics is the study of how genes affect the way medicines work in a person. Your health care provider can use the information from pharmacogenetic testing to prescribe medicines that will work...
Diseases & Conditions
Pharyngitis - sore throat
Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. It often makes it painful to swallow.
Diseases & Conditions
Pharyngitis - viral
Pharyngitis is swelling in the throat at and just below the tonsils that causes discomfort, pain, or scratchiness. It is often called a "sore throat". Pharyngitis
Diseases & Conditions
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare condition in which a baby is born without the ability to properly break down an amino acid called phenylalanine.
Diseases & Conditions
Phonological disorder
Phonological disorder is a type of speech sound disorder. Speech sound disorders are the inability to correctly form the sounds of words. Speech sound disorders also include articulation disorder, disfluency...
Phosphorus blood test
The phosphorus blood test measures the amount of phosphate in the blood.
Phosphorus in diet
Phosphorus is a mineral that makes up 1% of a person's total body weight. It is the second most abundant mineral in the body. It is present in every cell of the body. Most of the phosphorus in the body...
Special Topics
Physical exam frequency
Even if you feel fine, you should still see your health care provider for regular checkups. These visits can help you avoid problems in the future. For example, the only way to find out if you have high...
Special Topics
Physician Assistant profession (PA)
Diseases & Conditions
Pierre Robin sequence
Pierre Robin sequence is a condition in which an infant has a smaller than normal lower jaw, a tongue that falls back in the throat, and difficulty breathing. It is present at birth.
Pinworm test
A pinworm test is a method used to identify a pinworm infection. Pinworms are small, thin worms that commonly infect young children, although anyone can be infected. pinworm
Diseases & Conditions
Pinworms are small worms that infect the intestines.
Special Topics
Plaque and tartar on teeth
Plaque is a sticky film that coats teeth and contains bacteria. If plaque is not removed on a regular basis, it will harden and turn into tartar (calculus).
Plasma amino acids
Plasma amino acids is a screening test, usually done on infants that looks at the amounts of amino acids in the blood. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins in the body. amino acids
Platelet aggregation test
The platelet aggregation blood test checks how well platelets, a part of blood, clump together and cause blood to clot.
Platelet antibodies blood test
This blood test shows if you have antibodies against platelets in your blood. Platelets are particles in the blood that help the blood clot. Sometimes the body may produce antibodies that affect its own...
Platelet count
A platelet count is a lab test to measure how many platelets you have in your blood. Platelets are particles in the blood that help the blood clot. They are smaller than red or white blood cells.
Special Topics
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine - what you need to know
Content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Information Statement (VIS):
Diseases & Conditions
Pneumococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that can cause meningitis. The pneumococcal...
Special Topics
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): CDC review information for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide VIS:
Discharge Instructions
Pneumonia in children - discharge
Lung infection - children discharge; Bronchopneumonia - children discharge
Diseases & Conditions
Pneumothorax - infants
Pneumothorax is the collection of air or gas in the space inside the chest around the lungs. This leads to lung collapse. Pneumothorax This article discusses pneumothorax in infants.
Poison ivy - oak - sumac rash
Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are plants that commonly cause an allergic skin reaction. This is also called an allergic contact dermatitis. The result is most often an itchy, red rash with bumps or blisters...
Diseases & Conditions
Polio is a viral disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis. The medical name for polio is poliomyelitis. paralysis
Special Topics
Polio vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Polio Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Diseases & Conditions
Polycythemia - newborn
Polycythemia can occur when there are too many red blood cells (RBCs) in an infant's blood.
Polydactyly is a condition in which a person has more than 5 fingers per hand or 5 toes per foot.
Self-Care Instructions
Portion size
Obesity - portion size; Overweight - portion size; Weight-loss - portion size; Healthy diet - portion size
Self-Care Instructions
Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
Breastfeeding positions; Bonding with your baby
Self-Care Instructions
Postural drainage
Chest physical therapy; CPT; COPD - postural drainage; Cystic fibrosis - postural drainage; Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - postural drainage
Potassium test
This test measures the amount of potassium in the fluid portion (serum) of the blood. Potassium (K+) helps nerves and muscles communicate. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out...
Special Topics
Potbellies and toddlers
Diseases & Conditions
Potter syndrome
Potter syndrome and Potter phenotype refers to a group of findings associated with a lack of amniotic fluid and kidney failure in an unborn infant. amniotic fluid kidney failure
Diseases & Conditions
Prader-Willi syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome is a disease that is present from birth (congenital). It affects many parts of the body. People with this condition feel hungry all the time and become obese. They also have poor muscle...
Diseases & Conditions
Precocious puberty
Puberty is the time when a person's sexual and physical characteristics mature. Precocious puberty is when these body changes happen earlier than normal.
Self-Care Instructions
Impaired fasting glucose - prediabetes; Impaired glucose tolerance - prediabetes
Diseases & Conditions
Pregnancy and herpes
Newborn infants can become infected with herpes virus during pregnancy, during labor or delivery, or after birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Premature infant
A premature infant is a baby born before 37 full weeks of gestation (more than 3 weeks before the due date). gestation
Special Topics
Prenatal genetic counseling
Self-Care Instructions
Preparing children for pregnancy and a new baby
Siblings - new baby; Older children - new baby; Prenatal care - preparing children
Special Topics
Preschooler development
The normal social and physical development of children ages 3 to 6 years old includes many milestones.
Special Topics
Preschooler test or procedure preparation
Preparing properly for a test or procedure reduces your child's anxiety, encourages cooperation, and helps your child develop coping skills.
Special Topics
Preventing food poisoning
To prevent food poisoning, take the following steps when preparing food: food poisoning Carefully wash your hands often, and always before cooking or cleaning. Always wash them again after touching raw...
Self-Care Instructions
Preventing head injuries in children
Concussion - preventing in children; Traumatic brain injury - preventing in children; TBI - children; Safety - preventing head injury
Self-Care Instructions
Preventing hepatitis A
Self-Care Instructions
Preventing hepatitis B or C
Special Topics
Preventive health care
Diseases & Conditions
Progeria is a rare genetic condition that produces rapid aging in children.
Prognathism is an extension or bulging out (protrusion) of the lower jaw (mandible). It occurs when the teeth are not properly aligned due to the shape of the face bones.
Protein electrophoresis - serum
This lab test measures the types of protein in the fluid (serum) part of a blood sample. This fluid is called serum.
Prothrombin time (PT)
Prothrombin time (PT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes for the liquid portion (plasma) of your blood to clot. It measures the function of a part of the clotting system. A related blood test...
Diseases & Conditions
Prune belly syndrome
Prune belly syndrome is a group of rare birth defects that involves these three main problems: Poor development of the abdominal muscles, causing the skin of the belly area to wrinkle like a pruneUndescended...
Special Topics
Puberty in boys
Well child - puberty in boys; Development - puberty in boys
Special Topics
Puberty in girls
Well child - puberty in girls; Development - puberty in girls; Menstruation - puberty in girls; Breast development - puberty in girls
Diseases & Conditions
Pulmonary atresia
Pulmonary atresia is a form of heart disease in which the pulmonary valve does not form properly. It is present from birth (congenital heart disease). The pulmonary valve is an opening on the right side...
Diseases & Conditions
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a very rare disease. It leads to high blood pressure in the lung arteries (pulmonary hypertension). pulmonary hypertension
The pulse is the number of heartbeats per minute.
Diseases & Conditions
Pyloric stenosis in infants
Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine. This is called the pylorus. This article describes the condition in infants.
Diseases & Conditions
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Pyruvate kinase deficiency is an inherited lack of the enzyme pyruvate kinase, which is used by red blood cells. Without this enzyme, red blood cells break down too easily, resulting in a low level of these...
Diseases & Conditions
Q fever
Q fever is an infectious disease caused by bacteria spread by domestic and wild animals and ticks. ticks
Quantitative immunoglobulins
The quantitative immunoglobulins test measures the levels of proteins called gamma globulins in the fluid part of a blood sample. This fluid is called serum.
Quantitative nephelometry test
Quantitative nephelometry is a lab test to quickly and accurately measure levels of certain proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are antibodies that help fight infection. antibodies...
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Questions to ask your child's doctor about cancer
RBC count
An RBC count is a blood test that measures how many red blood cells (RBCs) you have. RBCs contain hemoglobin, a protein which carries oxygen. How much oxygen your body tissues get depends on how many RBCs...
RBC indices
Red blood cell (RBC) indices are part of the complete blood count (CBC) test. They are usually used to help diagnose the cause of anemia, a condition in which there are too few red blood cells. complete...
Radionuclide cisternogram
A radionuclide cisternogram is a nuclear scan test. It is used to diagnose problems with the flow of spinal fluid.
Rash - child under 2 years
A rash is a change in the color or texture of the skin. A skin rash can be: BumpyFlatRed, skin-colored, or slightly lighter or darker than skin colorScaly Bumpy Flat Red, skin-colored, or slightly lighter...
Rashes involve changes in the color, feeling or texture of your skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
Reactive attachment disorder is a problem in which a child is not able to easily form a normal or loving relationship with others. It is considered to be a result of not forming an attachment to any specific...
Diseases & Conditions
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a very common virus that leads to mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older healthy children. It can be more serious in young babies and older adults, especially...
Special Topics
Respiratory viruses and face masks
COVID-19 - face coverings; Coronavirus - face masks; Respiratory viruses - face coverings
Reticulocyte count
Reticulocytes are slightly immature red blood cells. A reticulocyte count is a blood test that measures the amount of these cells in the blood.
Diseases & Conditions
Retinoblastoma is a rare eye tumor that usually occurs in children. It is a malignant (cancerous) tumor of the part of the eye called the retina.
Diseases & Conditions
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is abnormal blood vessel development in the retina of the eye in infants that are born too early (premature). premature
Diseases & Conditions
Retropharyngeal abscess
Retropharyngeal abscess is a collection of pus in the tissues in the back of the throat. It can be a life-threatening medical condition.
Diseases & Conditions
Reye syndrome
Reye syndrome is characterized by sudden (acute) brain damage and liver function problems. This condition does not have a known cause. This syndrome has occurred in children who were given aspirin when...
Special Topics
Reye syndrome - resources
Diseases & Conditions
Rh incompatibility
Rh incompatibility is a condition that develops when a pregnant woman has Rh-negative blood and the baby in her womb has Rh-positive blood.
Diseases & Conditions
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever is a disease that may develop after an infection with group A streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever). It can cause severe illness in the heart, joints, skin, and...
Riboflavin is a type of B vitamin. It is water soluble, which means it is not stored in the body. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine...
Diseases & Conditions
Rickets is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It leads to softening and weakening of the bones.
Diseases & Conditions
Rickettsialpox is a disease spread by a mite. It causes a chickenpox-like rash on the body. rash
Diseases & Conditions
Ringworm of the scalp
Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. It is also called tinea capitis. Related ringworm infections may be found: In a man's beardIn the groin (jock itch)Between the toes (athlete...
Self-Care Instructions
Risks of underage drinking
Risky drinking - teen; Alcohol - underage drinking; Problem underage drinking; Underage drinking - risks
Diseases & Conditions
Roseola is a viral infection that commonly affects infants and young children. It involves a pinkish-red skin rash and high fever.
Rotavirus antigen test
The rotavirus antigen test detects rotavirus in the feces. This is the most common cause of infectious diarrhea in children. diarrhea
Special Topics
Rotavirus vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Rotavirus Vaccine Information Statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/rotavirus. html.
Diseases & Conditions
Rubella, also known as the German measles, is an infection in which there is a rash on the skin. Congenital rubella is when a pregnant woman with rubella passes it to the baby that is still in her womb...
Diseases & Conditions
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) is a genetic disease. It involves broad thumbs and toes, short stature, distinctive facial features, and varying degrees of intellectual disability.
Ruidos respiratorios
Los ruidos respiratorios son los producidos por las estructuras de los pulmones durante la respiración.
Diseases & Conditions
Russell-Silver syndrome
Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) is a disorder present at birth involving poor growth. One side of the body may also appear to be larger than the other.
Special Topics
SIDS - resources
Special Topics
Safe driving for teens
Learning to drive is an exciting time for teenagers and their parents. It opens up many options for a young person, but it also carries risks. Young people from ages 15 to 24 have the highest rate of auto...
Diseases & Conditions
Salmonella enterocolitis
Salmonella enterocolitis is a bacterial infection in the lining of the small intestine that is caused by Salmonella bacteria. It is a type of food poisoning.
Diseases & Conditions
Scabies is an easily-spread skin disease caused by a very small mite.
Diseases & Conditions
Scalded skin syndrome
Scalded skin syndrome (SSS) is a skin infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria in which the skin becomes damaged and sheds.
Diseases & Conditions
Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever is caused by an infection with bacteria called group A streptococcus. This is the same bacteria that cause strep throat. . strep throat
Schilling test
The Schilling test can determine whether the body absorbs vitamin B12 normally. It helps assess the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency. This test is rarely, if ever, done today. vitamin B12
Special Topics
School age test or procedure preparation
Preparing properly for a test or procedure may reduce your child's anxiety, encourage cooperation, and help your child develop coping skills.
Special Topics
School-age children development
School-age child development describes the expected physical, emotional, and mental abilities of children ages 6 to 12 years.
Diseases & Conditions
Scleredema diabeticorum
Scleredema diabeticorum is a skin condition that occurs in some people with diabetes. It causes skin to become thick and hard on the back of the neck, shoulders, arms, and upper back.
Diseases & Conditions
Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine. Your spine is your backbone. It runs straight down your back. Everyone's spine naturally curves a bit. But people with scoliosis have a spine that curves too...
In-depth Report
Scoliosis - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of scoliosis.
Special Topics
Scoliosis - resources
Self-Care Instructions
Screen time and children
A seizure is the physical changes in behavior that occurs during an episode of specific types of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The term "seizure" is often used interchangeably with "convulsion...
Diseases & Conditions
Selective deficiency of IgA
Selective deficiency of IgA is the most common immune deficiency disorder. People with this disorder have a low or absent level of a blood protein called immunoglobulin A. immune deficiency disorder
Special Topics
Selective mutism - resources
Selenium in diet
Selenium is an essential trace element. This means your body must get this mineral in the food you eat. Small amounts of selenium are good for your health.
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis determines the effectiveness of antibiotics against microorganisms (germs) such as bacteria that have been isolated from cultures. Sensitivity analysis may be done along with: Blood...
Sensorineural deafness
Sensorineural deafness is a type of hearing loss. It occurs from damage to the inner ear, the place of origin of the nerve that runs from the ear to the brain (auditory nerve), or damage to the brain itself...
Diseases & Conditions
Separation anxiety in children
Separation anxiety in children is a developmental stage in which the child is anxious when separated from their primary caregiver (usually the mother).
Diseases & Conditions
Septic shock
Septic shock is a serious condition that occurs when a body-wide infection leads to dangerously low blood pressure.
Serum iron test
A serum iron test measures how much iron is in your blood.
Serum phenylalanine screening
Serum phenylalanine screening is a blood test to look for signs of the disease phenylketonuria (PKU). The test detects abnormally high levels of an amino acid called phenylalanine. phenylketonuria
Diseases & Conditions
Serum sickness
Serum sickness is a reaction that is similar to an allergy. The immune system reacts to medicines that contain proteins used to treat immune conditions. It can also react to antiserum, the liquid part of...
Discharge Instructions
Severe COVID-19 - discharge
Severe coronavirus 2019 - discharge; Severe SARS-CoV-2 - discharge
Special Topics
Sex-linked dominant
Sex-linked dominant is a rare way that a genetic trait or disorder can be passed down through families. One abnormal gene on the X chromosome can cause a sex-linked dominant disease. Related terms and topics...
Special Topics
Sex-linked recessive
Sex-linked diseases are passed down through families through one of the X or Y chromosomes. X and Y are sex chromosomes. Dominant inheritance occurs when a variant gene from one parent causes disease, even...
Special Topics
Sexual abuse in children - what to know
Sexual abuse - children
Shaken baby syndrome
Shaken baby syndrome is a severe form of child abuse caused by violently shaking an infant or child.
Special Topics
Shared decision making
Patient-centered care; SDM
In-depth Report
Shingles and chickenpox (Varicella-zoster virus) - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of shingles and chickenpox.
Short philtrum
A short philtrum is a shorter than normal distance between the upper lip and the nose.
Short stature
A child who has short stature is much shorter than children who are the same age and sex. Your health care provider will go over your child's growth chart with you. A child with short stature's height is...
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is any pain in or around the shoulder joint.
Diseases & Conditions
Sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease is a disorder passed down through families. The red blood cells that are normally shaped like a disk take on a sickle or crescent shape. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body...
In-depth Report
Sickle cell disease - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of sickle cell disease.
Sickle cell test
The sickle cell test looks for the abnormal hemoglobin in the blood that causes the disorder sickle cell disease. hemoglobin sickle cell disease
Self-Care Instructions
Signs of an asthma attack
Asthma attack - signs; Reactive airway disease - asthma attack; Bronchial asthma - attack
Single palmar crease
A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. People most often have 3 creases in their palms. The crease is most often referred to as a single palmar crease. The older...
Diseases & Conditions
Sinusitis is present when the tissue lining the sinuses become swollen or inflamed. It occurs as the result of an inflammatory reaction or an infection from a virus, bacteria, or fungus.
In-depth Report
Sinusitis - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sinusitis.
Skeletal limb abnormalities
Skeletal limb abnormalities refers to a variety of bone structure problems in the arms or legs (limbs).
Special Topics
Skin findings in newborns
A newborn infant's skin goes through many changes both in appearance and texture.
Skin turgor
Skin turgor is the skin's elasticity. It is the ability of skin to change shape and then return to normal.
Diseases & Conditions
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders are problems with sleeping. These include trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, and abnormal behaviors during sleep.
Diseases & Conditions
Sleepwalking is a disorder that occurs when people walk or do other activity while they are still asleep.
Special Topics
Sleepwalking and children
Diseases & Conditions
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
A slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a separation of the ball of the hip joint from the thigh bone (femur) at the upper growing end (growth plate) of the bone.
Self-Care Instructions
Smoking and asthma
Self-Care Instructions
Snacking when you have diabetes
Healthy snacking - diabetes; Low blood sugar - snacking; Hypoglycemia - snacking
Self-Care Instructions
Snacks and sweetened drinks - children
Self-Care Instructions
Snacks for adults
Weight-loss - snacks; Healthy diet - snacks
A sneeze is a sudden, forceful, uncontrolled burst of air through the nose and mouth.
Sodium blood test
The sodium blood test measures the concentration of sodium in the blood. Sodium can also be measured using a urine test. urine test
Diseases & Conditions
Speech disorders - children
A speech disorder is a condition in which a person has problems creating or forming the speech sounds needed to communicate with others. This can make the person's speech difficult to understand. Common...
Speech impairment in adults
Speech and language impairment may be any of several problems that make it difficult to communicate.
Diseases & Conditions
Spinal muscular atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a group of disorders of the motor neurons (motor cells). These disorders are passed down through families (inherited) and can appear at any stage of life. The disorder leads...
Self-Care Instructions
Spitting up - self-care
Discharge Instructions
Spleen removal - child - discharge
Splenectomy - child - discharge; Spleen removal - child - discharge
Splinter hemorrhages
Splinter hemorrhages are small areas of bleeding (hemorrhage) under the fingernails or toenails.
Special Topics
Splinter removal
A splinter is a thin piece of material (such as wood, glass, or metal) that gets embedded just below the top layer of your skin.
Diseases & Conditions
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a bone (vertebra) in the spine moves forward out of the proper position onto the bone below it.
A sprain is an injury to the ligaments around a joint. Ligaments are strong, flexible fibers that hold bones together. When a ligament is stretched too far or tears, the area around the joint will become...
Diseases & Conditions
Staphylococcal meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. This covering is called the meninges. Meningitis Bacteria are one type of germ that may cause meningitis. The staphylococcal...
Self-Care Instructions
Stay away from asthma triggers
Asthma triggers - stay away from; Asthma triggers - avoiding; Reactive airway disease - triggers; Bronchial asthma - triggers
Special Topics
Stem cell research
A stem cell is a generic cell that can make exact copies of itself indefinitely. A stem cell has the ability to make specialized cells for various tissues in the body, such as heart muscle, brain tissue...
Diseases & Conditions
Stereotypic movement disorder
Stereotypic movement disorder is a condition in which a person makes repetitive, purposeless movements. These can be hand waving, body rocking, or head banging. The movements interfere with normal activity...
Self-Care Instructions
Storing your medicines
Medications - storing
Diseases & Conditions
Stork bite
A stork bite is a common type of birthmark seen in a newborn. It is most often temporary. The medical term for a stork bite is nevus simplex. A stork bite is also called a salmon patch.
Diseases & Conditions
Strabismus is a disorder in which both eyes do not line up in the same direction. Therefore, they do not look at the same object at the same time. The most common form of strabismus is known as "crossed...
A strain is when a muscle is stretched too much and part of it tears. It is also called a pulled muscle. A strain is a painful injury. It can be caused by an accident, overusing a muscle, or using a muscle...
Diseases & Conditions
Strep throat
Strep throat is a disease that causes a sore throat (pharyngitis). It is an infection with a bacteria called group A streptococcus.
Streptococcal screen
A streptococcal screen is a test to detect group A streptococcus. This type of bacteria is the most common cause of strep throat. strep throat
In-depth Report
Stress - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of stress.
Stress and your health
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In...
Special Topics
Stress in childhood
Childhood stress can be present in any setting that requires the child to adapt or change. Stress may be caused by positive changes, such as starting a new activity, but it is most commonly linked with...
Stridor is an abnormal, high-pitched, musical breathing sound. It is caused by a blockage in the throat or voice box (larynx). It is most often heard when taking in a breath.
Diseases & Conditions
Strongyloidiasis is an infection with the roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis (S stercoralis). Strongyloides stercoralis (S stercoralis).
Stuffy or runny nose - children
A stuffy or congested nose occurs when the tissues lining the nose become swollen. The swelling is due to inflamed blood vessels. The problem may also include nasal discharge or "runny nose. " If excess...
Stuffy or runny nose – adult
A stuffy or congested nose occurs when the tissues lining it become swollen. The swelling is due to inflamed blood vessels. The problem may also include nasal discharge or "runny nose. " If excess mucus...
Diseases & Conditions
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a rare disorder that is present at birth. A child with this condition will have a port-wine stain birthmark (usually on the face) and may have nervous system problems.
Diseases & Conditions
Stuttering is a speech disorder in which sounds, syllables, or words are repeated or last longer than normal. These problems cause a break in the flow of speech called disfluency. speech disorder
Diseases & Conditions
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red patch appearing in the white of the eye. This condition is one of several disorders called red eye.
Diseases & Conditions
Sudden infant death syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1. An autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death.
Supernumerary nipples
Supernumerary nipples are the presence of extra nipples.
Self-Care Instructions
Supporting your child with weight loss
Sutures - ridged
Ridged sutures refer to an overlap of the bony plates of the skull in an infant, with or without early closure.
Sutures - separated
Separated sutures are abnormally wide spaces in the bony joints of the skull in an infant.
Sweat electrolytes test
Sweat electrolytes is a test that measures the level of chloride in sweat. Sweat chloride test is the standard test used to diagnose cystic fibrosis (CF).
Self-Care Instructions
Sweetened beverages
Obesity - sweetened beverages; Overweight - sweetened beverages; Healthy diet - sweetened beverages; Weight loss - sweetened beverages
Sweeteners - sugar substitutes
Sugar substitutes are substances that are used in place of sweeteners with sugar (sucrose) or sugar alcohols. They may also be called artificial sweeteners, non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS), and noncaloric...
Swelling is the enlargement of organs, skin, or other body parts. It is caused by a buildup of fluid in the tissues. The extra fluid can lead to a rapid increase in weight over a short period of time (days...
Diseases & Conditions
Swimmer's ear
Swimmer's ear is inflammation, irritation, or infection of the outer ear and ear canal. The medical term for swimmer's ear is otitis externa. Swimmer's ear may be sudden and short-term (acute) or long-term...
Swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are present throughout your body. They are an important part of your immune system. Lymph nodes help your body recognize and fight germs, infections, and other foreign substances. The term ...
TORCH screen
The TORCH screen is a group of blood tests. These tests check for several different infections in a newborn. The full form of TORCH is toxoplasmosis, rubella cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and HIV. However...
Special Topics
Taking iron supplements
Eating iron rich foods is a key part of treating anemia caused by low iron levels. You may also need to take iron supplements as well to rebuild iron stores in your body.
Self-Care Instructions
Taking medicine at home - create a routine
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Taking medicines - what to ask your provider
Medications - taking
Special Topics
Taking multiple medicines safely
Special Topics
Talking to your child about smoking
Nicotine - talking to your child; Tobacco - talking to your children; Cigarettes - talking to your child
Self-Care Instructions
Talking to your teen about drinking
Alcohol use - teenager; Alcohol abuse - teenager; Problem drinking - teenager; Alcoholism - teenager; Underage drinking - teenager
Special Topics
Talking with a child about a parent's terminal illness
Diseases & Conditions
Tapeworm infection - beef or pork
Beef or pork tapeworm infection is an infection with the tapeworm parasite found in beef or pork.
Special Topics
Tay-Sachs - resources
Diseases & Conditions
Tay-Sachs disease
Tay-Sachs disease is a life-threatening disease of the nervous system passed down through families.
Special Topics
Td (tetanus, diphtheria) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Td vaccine information statement (VIS) --
Special Topics
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Tdap Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Special Topics
Teenagers and drugs
As a parent, it is natural to worry about your teenager. And, like many parents, you may be afraid that your teen may try drugs, or worse, become dependent on drugs. While you cannot control everything...
Special Topics
Teenagers and sleep
Special Topics
Teething is the growth of teeth through the gums in the mouth of infants and young children.
Special Topics
Telehealth; Telemedicine; Mobile health (mHealth); Remote patient monitoring; E-health
Special Topics
Temper tantrums
Temper tantrums are unpleasant and disruptive behaviors or emotional outbursts in children. They often occur in response to unmet needs or desires. Tantrums are more likely to occur in toddlers and preschool...
Diseases & Conditions
Tenosynovitis is inflammation of the lining of the sheath that surrounds a tendon (the cord that joins muscle to bone).
A testosterone test measures the amount of the male hormone, testosterone, in the blood. Both men and women produce this hormone. The test described in this article measures the total amount of testosterone...
Diseases & Conditions
Tetanus is an infection of the nervous system with a type of bacteria that is potentially deadly, called Clostridium tetani (C tetani). Clostridium tetani (C tetani)
Diseases & Conditions
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot is a type of congenital heart defect. Congenital means that it is present at birth.
Self-Care Instructions
The day of surgery for your child
Same-day surgery - child; Ambulatory surgery - child; Surgical procedure - child
Self-Care Instructions
The night before your surgery - children
Surgery - child; Preoperative - night before
Thiamin is one of the B vitamins. The B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins that are part of many of the chemical reactions in the body.
Thirst - absent
Absence of thirst is a lack of the urge to drink fluids, even when the body is low on water or has too much salt.
Thirst - excessive
Excessive thirst is an abnormal feeling of always needing to drink fluids.
Throat swab culture
A throat swab culture is a laboratory test that is done to identify germs that may cause infection in the throat. It is most often used to diagnose strep throat. strep throat
Diseases & Conditions
Thrombocytopenia means there is an abnormally low amount of platelets. Platelets are parts of the blood that help blood to clot. This condition is sometimes associated with abnormal bleeding.
Diseases & Conditions
Thrombophlebitis is swelling (inflammation) of a vein. A blood clot (thrombus) in the vein is the most common cause of this swelling. blood clot
Diseases & Conditions
Thrush - children and adults
Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and lining of the mouth.
Diseases & Conditions
Thrush in newborns
Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and mouth. This common infection can be passed between a mother and baby during breastfeeding.
Special Topics
Thumb sucking
Diseases & Conditions
Tick paralysis
Tick paralysis is a loss of muscle function that results from a tick bite. tick bite
Tick removal
Ticks are small, insect-like creatures that live in woods and fields. They attach to you as you brush past bushes, plants, and grass. Once on you, ticks often move to a warm, moist location. They are often...
Special Topics
Time out
"Time out" is a technique some parents and teachers use when a child misbehaves. It involves the child leaving the environment and activities where the inappropriate behavior occurred, and going to a specific...
Self-Care Instructions
Time outs
Tinnitus is the medical term for "hearing" noises in your ears. It occurs when there is no outside source of the sounds. Tinnitus is often called "ringing in the ears. " It may also sound like blowing,...
Special Topics
Toddler development
Toddlers are children ages 1 to 3 years. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES Cognitive (thought) development skills typical for toddlers include: Early use of instruments or toolsFollowing visual (then later, invisible...
Special Topics
Toddler test or procedure preparation
Helping your young child prepare for a medical test or procedure can reduce anxiety, increase cooperation, and help your child develop coping skills.
Special Topics
Toilet training tips
Potty training
Diseases & Conditions
Tongue tie
Tongue tie is when the bottom of the tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth. This may make it hard for the tip of the tongue to move freely.
Discharge Instructions
Tonsil and adenoid removal - discharge
Adenoidectomy - discharge; Removal of adenoid glands - discharge; Tonsillectomy - discharge
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Tonsil removal - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your doctor about tonsil removal; Tonsillectomy - what to ask your doctor
Diseases & Conditions
Tonsillitis is inflammation (swelling) of the tonsils.
Tooth - abnormal colors
Abnormal tooth color is any color other than white to yellowish-white.
Tooth - abnormal shape
An abnormally shaped tooth is any tooth that deviates from its regular shape.
Self-Care Instructions
Tooth decay - early childhood
Bottle mouth; Bottle carries; Baby bottle tooth decay; Early childhood caries (ECC); Dental caries; Baby bottle tooth decay; Nursing bottle caries
Tooth formation - delayed or absent
When a person's teeth grow in, they may be delayed or not occur at all.
Diseases & Conditions
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) is a heart disease in which the 4 veins that take blood from the lungs to the heart do not attach normally to the left atrium (left upper chamber of the heart...
Total iron binding capacity
Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) is a blood test to see if you have too much or too little iron in your blood. Iron moves through the blood attached to a protein called transferrin. This test helps your...
Special Topics
Total parenteral nutrition - infants
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. Fluids are given into a vein to provide most of the nutrients the body needs. The method is used when a...
Total protein
The total protein test measures the total amount of two classes of proteins found in the fluid portion of your blood. These are albumin and globulin. Proteins are important parts of all cells and tissues...
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheitis is a bacterial infection of the windpipe (trachea).
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair
Tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair is surgery to repair two birth defects in the esophagus and trachea. The defects usually occur together.
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheomalacia - acquired
Acquired tracheomalacia is a weakness and floppiness of the walls of the windpipe (trachea, or airway). It develops after birth. Congenital tracheomalacia is a related topic. Congenital tracheomalacia
Diseases & Conditions
Tracheomalacia - congenital
Congenital tracheomalacia is weakness and floppiness of the walls of the windpipe (trachea). Congenital means it is present at birth. Acquired tracheomalacia is a related topic. Acquired tracheomalacia
Diseases & Conditions
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia
Transient familial hyperbilirubinemia is a metabolic disorder that is passed down through families. Babies with this disorder are born with severe jaundice. jaundice
Diseases & Conditions
Transient tachypnea - newborn
Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is a breathing disorder seen shortly after delivery, most often in early term or late preterm babies. Transient means it is short-lived (most often less than 48...
Transillumination is the shining of a light through a body area or organ to check for abnormalities.
Diseases & Conditions
Transposition of the great arteries
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a heart defect that occurs from birth (congenital). The two major arteries that carry blood away from the heart -- the aorta and the pulmonary artery -- are...
Self-Care Instructions
Traumatic events and children
Stress - traumatic events in children
Traveler's diarrhea diet
Traveler's diarrhea causes loose, watery stools. People can get traveler's diarrhea when they visit places where the water is not clean or the food is not handled safely. This can include developing countries...
Traveling with children
Traveling with children presents special challenges. It disrupts familiar routines and imposes new demands. Planning ahead, and involving children in the planning, may lessen the stress of travel.
Diseases & Conditions
Treacher Collins syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic condition that leads to problems with the structure of the face. Most cases are not passed down through families.
Special Topics
Treatment for childhood cancer - long-term risks
Childhood cancer - late effects
Diseases & Conditions
Trench mouth
Trench mouth is an infection that causes swelling (inflammation) and ulcers in the gums (gingivae). The term trench mouth comes from World War I, when this infection was common among soldiers "in the trenches...
Diseases & Conditions
Trichinosis is an infection with the roundworm Trichinella spiralis. Trichinella spiralis
Diseases & Conditions
Tricuspid atresia
Tricuspid atresia is a type of heart disease that is present at birth (congenital heart disease), in which the tricuspid heart valve is missing or abnormally developed. The defect blocks blood flow from...
Diseases & Conditions
Tricuspid regurgitation
Blood that flows between different chambers of your heart must pass through a heart valve. These valves open up enough so that blood can flow through. They then close, keeping blood from flowing backward...
Diseases & Conditions
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 13 (also called Patau syndrome) is a genetic disorder in which a person has 3 copies of genetic material from chromosome 13, instead of the usual 2 copies. Rarely, the extra material may be attached...
Diseases & Conditions
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 18 is a genetic disorder in which a person has a third copy of material from chromosome 18, instead of the usual 2 copies. Rarely, the extra material may be attached to another chromosome (translocation...
Diseases & Conditions
Truncus arteriosus
Truncus arteriosus is a rare type of heart disease in which a single blood vessel (truncus arteriosus) comes out of the right and left ventricles, instead of the normal 2 vessels (pulmonary artery and aorta...
Diseases & Conditions
Tuberous sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disorder that affects the skin, brain/nervous system, kidneys, heart, and lungs. The condition can also cause tumors to grow in the brain. These tumors have a tuber or root...
Diseases & Conditions
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome is a rare genetic condition in which a female does not have the usual pair of X chromosomes.
Diseases & Conditions
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is a rare condition that occurs only in identical twins while they are in the womb.
Tympanometry is a test used to detect problems in the ear drum and middle ear.
Diseases & Conditions
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. chronic
Self-Care Instructions
Type 1 diabetes - self-care
Type 1 diabetes - managing
Diseases & Conditions
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. chronic
Self-Care Instructions
Type 2 diabetes - self-care
Type 2 diabetes - managing
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Type 2 diabetes - what to ask your doctor
What to ask your provider about diabetes - type 2
Diseases & Conditions
Type V glycogen storage disease
Type V (five) glycogen storage disease (GSD V) is a rare inherited condition in which the body is not able to break down glycogen. Glycogen is an important source of energy that is stored in all tissues...
Special Topics
Types of health care providers
This article describes health care providers involved in primary care, nursing care, and specialty care.
Self-Care Instructions
Types of ileostomy
Ileostomy - types; Standard ileostomy; Brooke ileostomy; Continent ileostomy; Abdominal pouch; End ileostomy; Ostomy; Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your ileostomy type; Crohn disease - ileostomy...
Diseases & Conditions
Typhus is a bacterial disease spread by lice or fleas.
Discharge Instructions
Ulcerative Colitis - children - discharge
UC - children; Inflammatory bowel disease in children - UC; Ulcerative proctitis - children; Colitis in children - UC
Diseases & Conditions
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a condition in which the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum become inflamed. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn disease is another form of IBD. Crohn...
In-depth Report
Ulcerative colitis - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ulcerative colitis.
An ulcer is a crater-like sore on the skin or mucous membrane. Ulcers form when the top layers of skin or tissue have been removed. They can occur in the mouth, stomach, and other parts of the body. mucous...
Special Topics
Umbilical catheters
The placenta is the link between mother and baby during pregnancy. Two arteries and one vein in the umbilical cord carry blood back and forth. If the newborn baby is ill right after birth, a catheter may...
Special Topics
Umbilical cord care in newborns
Diseases & Conditions
Umbilical hernia
An umbilical hernia is an outward bulge in the area around the belly button. It occurs when internal organs or the abdominal lining bulges through the muscles near the belly button.
Special Topics
Understanding Medicare
Undescended testicle repair
Undescended testicle repair is surgery to correct testicles that have not dropped down into the correct position in the scrotum. Undescended testicle
Ureteral reimplantation surgery - children
The ureters are the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Ureteral reimplantation is surgery to change the position of these tubes where they enter the bladder wall.
Special Topics
Urinary catheter - infants
A urinary catheter is a small, soft tube placed in the bladder. This article addresses urinary catheters in babies. A catheter may be inserted and removed right away, or it may be left in place.
In-depth Report
Urinary tract infection - InDepth
An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of urinary tract infections.
Diseases & Conditions
Urinary tract infection - children
A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. This article discusses urinary tract infections in children. The infection can affect different parts of the urinary tract, including...
Self-Care Instructions
Urinary tract infection in girls - aftercare
Urine - bloody
Blood in your urine is called hematuria. The amount may be very small and only detected with urine tests or under a microscope. In other cases, the blood is visible. It often turns the toilet water red...
Urine collection - infants
It is sometimes necessary to get a urine sample from a baby to do testing. Most of the time, urine is collected in the health care provider's office. A sample can also be collected at home. urine sample
Special Topics
Using over-the-counter medicines safely
OTC - using safely
Special Topics
Vacation health care
Vacation health care means taking care of your health and medical needs while you travel on a vacation or holidays. This article provides you tips you can use before and while traveling.
Special Topics
Vaccines - immunizations
Vaccines are used to boost your immune system and prevent the risk of infection and the severity of infections, including those that cause serious, life-threatening diseases.
Vaginal itching and discharge - child
Itching, redness, and swelling of the skin of the vagina and the surrounding area (vulva) is a common problem in girls before the age of puberty. Vaginal discharge may also be present. The color, smell...
Diseases & Conditions
Vaginal yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infection is an infection of the vagina. It is most often due to the fungus Candida albicans. Candida albicans
Special Topics
Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the CDC Chickenpox Vaccine Information Statement (VIS):
Diseases & Conditions
Vascular ring
Vascular ring is an abnormal formation of the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It is a congenital problem, which means it is present at birth.
Venipuncture is the collection of blood from a vein. It is most often done for laboratory testing.
Diseases & Conditions
Ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect is a hole in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart. Ventricular septal defect is one of the most common congenital (present from birth) heart defects...
Special Topics
Virilization is a condition in which a female develops characteristics associated with male hormones (androgens), or when a newborn has characteristics of male hormone exposure at birth.
Diseases & Conditions
Visceral larva migrans
Visceral larva migrans (VLM) is a human infection with certain parasites found in the intestines of dogs and cats.
Special Topics
Visiting your baby in the NICU
NICU - visiting baby; Neonatal intensive care - visiting
Visual acuity test
The visual acuity test is used to determine the smallest letters you can read on a standardized chart (Snellen chart) or a card held 20 feet (6 meters) away. Special charts are used when testing at distances...
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver. There are two types of vitamin A that are found in the diet. Preformed vitamin A is found in animal products such as meat, fish, poultry,...
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. After the body uses what it needs of these vitamins, leftover amounts leave the body through the urine. The body stores...
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water so the body cannot store them. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine. Although the body maintains...
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is needed for normal growth and development. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine. Although...
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue and liver.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. Your body stores vitamin E in fatty tissue and the liver.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Your body stores vitamin K in the liver and other body tissues, including the brain, heart, pancreas, and bone.
Diseases & Conditions
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding of the newborn
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) of the newborn is a bleeding disorder in babies. It most often develops in the first days and weeks of life. Vitamin K
Vitamins are a group of substances that are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development. There are 13 essential vitamins. This means that these vitamins are required for the body to work properly...
In-depth Report
Vitamins and Phytonutrients - InDepth
An in-depth report on the dietary importance of vitamins and other nutrients.
Diseases & Conditions
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which there is a loss of color (pigment) from areas of skin. This results in uneven white patches that have no pigment, but the skin feels normal. patches
Diseases & Conditions
Vulvovaginitis or vaginitis is swelling or infection of the vulva and vagina. Vaginitis is a common problem that can affect women and girls of all ages.
WBC count
A WBC count is a blood test to measure the number of white blood cells (WBCs) in the blood. It is a part of a complete blood count (CBC). WBCs are also called leukocytes. They help fight infections. There...
Diseases & Conditions
Waardenburg syndrome
Waardenburg syndrome is a group of conditions passed down through families. The syndrome involves deafness and pale skin, hair, and eye color. deafness
Walking abnormalities
Walking abnormalities can be caused by many different types of problems. Problems with the joints, (such as arthritis), bones (such as deformities), circulation (such as peripheral vascular disease), or...
Diseases & Conditions
Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin. Most of the time, they are harmless. They are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 150 types of HPV viruses. Some...
Self-Care Instructions
Water safety and drowning
Watery eyes
Watery eyes means you have too many tears in and draining from the eyes. Tears help keep the surface of the eye moist. They wash away particles and foreign objects in the eye.
Special Topics
Ways to burn more calories every day
Weight loss - burning calories; Overweight - burning calories; Obesity - burning calories; Physical activity - burning calories; Staying active - burning calories
Weakness is reduced strength in one or more muscles.
Webbing of the fingers or toes
Webbing of the fingers or toes is called syndactyly. It refers to the connection of 2 or more fingers or toes. Most of the time, the areas are connected only by skin. In rare cases, the bones may fuse together...
Self-Care Instructions
Weight gain after quitting smoking: What to do
Cigarettes - weight gain; Smoking cessation - weight gain; Smokeless tobacco - weight gain; Tobacco cessation - weight gain; Nicotine cessation - weight gain; Weight loss - quitting smoking
Weight gain – unintentional
Unintentional weight gain is when you gain weight without trying to do so and you are not eating or drinking more.
Weight loss - unintentional
Unexplained weight loss is a decrease in body weight, when you did not try to lose the weight on your own. Many people gain and lose weight. Unintentional weight loss is loss of 10 pounds (4. 5 kilograms...
Special Topics
Weight loss and alcohol
Weight loss - alcohol; Overweight - alcohol; Obesity - alcohol; Diet - alcohol
Self-Care Instructions
Weight-loss medicines
Prescription weight loss drugs; Diabetes - weight loss drugs; Obesity - weight loss drugs; Overweight - weight loss drugs
Self-Care Instructions
Weight-loss surgery and children
Special Topics
Well-child visits
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change. Children have more well-child visits when they are younger. This is because development is faster during these years. Each visit includes a complete physical...
Special Topics
What is palliative care?
Comfort care; End of life - palliative care; Hospice - palliative care
Self-Care Instructions
What to do after exposure to COVID-19
COVID-19 exposure; COVID-19 exposure - what to do
Special Topics
When to use the emergency room - child
Emergency room - child; Emergency department - child; Urgent care - child; ER - when to use
Special Topics
When you feel like changing your medicine
Medication - non-compliance; Medication - nonadherence
Self-Care Instructions
When you have diarrhea
Diarrhea - self-care; Diarrhea - gastroenteritis
Self-Care Instructions
When you have nausea and vomiting
Nausea - self-care; Vomiting - self-care
Self-Care Instructions
When your baby or infant has a fever
Fever - infant; Fever - baby
Self-Care Instructions
When your child has diarrhea
Special Topics
When your child's cancer treatment stops working
End of life care - children; Palliative care - children; Advance care planning - children
Diseases & Conditions
Whipworm infection
Whipworm infection is an infection of the large intestine with a type of roundworm.
Widely spaced teeth
Widely spaced teeth can be a temporary condition related to normal growth and development of adult teeth. Wide spacing can also occur as a result of several diseases or continued growth of the jawbone.
Diseases & Conditions
Williams syndrome
Williams syndrome is a rare disorder that can lead to problems with development.
Diseases & Conditions
Wilson disease
Wilson disease is an inherited disorder in which there is too much copper in the body's tissues. The excess copper damages the liver and nervous system.
Wrist pain
Wrist pain is any pain or discomfort in the wrist.
Self-Care Instructions
Wrist sprain - aftercare
Scapholunate ligament sprain - aftercare
Yawning - excessive
Yawning is involuntarily opening the mouth and taking a long, deep breath of air. This is most often done when you are tired or sleepy. Excessive yawning that happens more often than expected, even if drowsiness...
Special Topics
Your baby and the flu
The flu is an easily-spread disease. Children under age 2 have a higher risk of developing complications if they get the flu. flu The information in this article has been put together to help you protect...
Special Topics
Your child and the flu
The flu is a serious illness. The virus is easily spread, and children are very susceptible to the illness. Knowing the facts about the flu, its symptoms, and when to get vaccinated are all important in...
Special Topics
Your child's first vaccines - what you need to know
All content below is taken in its entirety from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Your Child's First Vaccines: What You Need to Know vaccine information statement (VIS): www. cdc. gov...
Zinc in diet
Zinc is an important trace element that people need to stay healthy. Of the trace elements, this element is second only to iron in its concentration in the body. iron
Diseases & Conditions
von Gierke disease
Von Gierke disease is a condition in which the body cannot break down glycogen. Glycogen is a form of sugar (glucose) that is stored in the liver and muscles. It is normally broken down into glucose to...